He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1824 Subdue! The second female iron ant!

After confirming that the mountain collapse was completely over, Yaxuan and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

It was originally a bare mountain high slope and the terrain of the tunnel cave below, but now it has completely turned into a small hill made of rubble and ruins.

"Come out, Iron Ant!!"

Yaxuan threw the advanced ball, a red light flashed, and the previous female iron ant reappeared.

Although it regained some consciousness slightly, it was hit hard one after another, and the female iron ant was still lying on the ground a little weakly.

Yaxuan hurried forward and handed over the wound medicine for treatment.

As the only owner of the island, he patrols and manages everywhere... Yaxuan naturally carries medicine with him, and he is quite skilled in the treatment methods.

"Iron Ant, let's live in harmony from now on...!"

While treating, Yaxuan rubbed the head of the female iron ant and said softly.

Feeling the recovery of his physical strength bit by bit, he opened his eyes and saw a gentle and handsome man in front of him.

Soft words, but also a familiar smell of steel...

This is not the sense of smell of the nasal cavity, but a special perception ability of the iron ant group.


The iron head of this female iron ant suddenly became red and hot as if it was overloaded.

Facing Yaxuan's treatment, his body couldn't help leaning forward, constantly rubbing against Yaxuan's arm.

"Huh? Is this iron ant going to use a brute force trick again? Er, why are you so intimate all of a sudden?"

Xiaozhi next to him looked confused.


However, Latias in the air also re-transformed into the appearance of a humanoid maid, and threw herself into Xiaozhi's arms with a red face, rubbing against Xiaozhi's arm like an iron ant.


The matter seemed to have come to an end, and then the iron ants continued to crawl out of the gravel ruins.

This kind of mountain collapse does not pose much threat to them who are already good at digging holes.

Soon, more than a hundred iron ant soldiers surrounded the hill of rubble ruins.


Just as the shy female iron ant groaned and pointed at Yaxuan with her front limbs, hundreds of iron ant soldiers lowered their heads one after another, swearing allegiance.

Yaxuan: "..."

If he guessed correctly, the female iron ant just said that he is their new king now, right?

It's kind of weird to be the king of a group of ants...?

In short, being able to control this group of iron ants is enough!

Yaxuan rubbed his chin, looked back at the female iron ants, and was about to discuss the fate of this army of iron ants.

According to his estimation, Iron Island can only accommodate 60 iron ants at most, and they will not be able to continue to multiply and expand the number of ants in the next few years.

And there are a total of 123 iron ant soldiers...


Understanding what her lover meant, the female iron ant immediately neighed, ready to let sixty iron ants jump into the sea to fend for themselves.

"Wait a minute, it's not that exaggerated...!"

Yaxuan quickly stopped this ridiculous decision.

After all, the iron ants have become part of the ecology here, so if you squeeze them... you should be able to barely get by.

At that time, if every trainer who landed on the island can give priority to taking in one iron ant, the number can also return to a normal level.

"Or I can be in charge of 50 iron ants!"

At this time, Xiaozhi couldn't help but speak.

Seeing Yaxuan's curious look, Xiaozhi nodded in confirmation.

Anyway, Dr. Oki sent 59 kentaeros...and another 50 iron ants, it's not a big problem.

The back mountain of Zhenxin Town is no smaller than this one, and it should be more than enough to accommodate 50 iron ants.

"Really, that's great Xiaozhi, you've been a great help!"

Yaxuan looked happy. If 50 of them could be disposed of smoothly, Iron Island would almost return to normal ecology!

And if the target is Xiao Zhi, there is no need to worry about the safety of those 50 iron ants.

"But... they don't seem to follow my orders."

Xiaozhi rubbed his head and looked at the group of steel ants with red eyes around him.

It seems that the only thing they identify with is their king and queen.

For outsiders...is it possible to defeat and subdue them one by one?


But at this time, the female iron ant suddenly let out a low cry.

Its IQ is far higher than that of ordinary iron ants, and it even understands Xiaozhi's concerns.

The next moment, I saw an iron ant slowly walking out of the dense crowd of iron ant soldiers around.

This iron ant is slightly smaller in size, like a baby, but its abdomen is obviously fatter than other iron ants.

"This iron ant...?"

Xiaozhi and Yaxuan looked at each other and guessed the answer.

This is the second female iron ant!

Yes, although the sex ratio is very different, after giving birth to 100+ iron ants, it doesn't seem strange to have a female iron ant again?


This made Yaxuan quite fortunate and heaved a sigh of relief.

It seems that this little female iron ant is just born, not yet fully developed.

If we wait half a year and a few months to deal with this steel island... by then, two hatching mother ants will work one by one, maybe the whole steel island will be eaten clean!


And the female iron ant raised her head and neighed, with an imposing manner that could not be refused.


The next moment, the iron head of this small iron ant suddenly became red and hot. It raised its head to look at Xiao Zhi, but lowered its head shyly, not daring to look directly.

This scene has a sense of sight of being betrothed out of the palace by the mother's queen.

"Wood drink!!"

Xiaozhi didn't know what was going on, but Latias understood what was going on, and immediately changed into a dragon's posture, baring his teeth and uttering a dragon's roar at the little iron ant.

The terrifying aura immediately scared the little iron ant into a small iron ball, trembling.

"Don't do this, Latias!"

Xiaozhi quickly stood in front of Latias, comforting the trembling little iron ant.

Feilong's sense of racial oppression towards ants is really too strong.

The angry Latias has a strong sense of oppression towards the iron ants.


This forced Latias to return to the appearance of a maid, standing behind Xiaozhi with an angry face, but still staring at the little iron ant with red eyes.

It seems that what needs to be watched next is not the black guy, but this little ant!

As for the meaning of the female iron ants, Xiaozhi also fully understood.

Let him subdue this little female iron ant.

After all, the gender is there, and it can completely drive the 50 separated iron ant soldiers.


Even because of the "marriage" of the female iron ant, this little iron ant didn't break free and resist at all, and was easily subdued by Xiaozhi with a poke ball.

It feels a bit like a political marriage, it's all transactions, no emotion.

Next, Xiaozhi also picked 50 strong iron ants around, and prepared to pack them and send them back to the Damu Research Institute.

It just so happens that the hotel at the entrance of the island has an elf teleportation device, so today I can give Dr. Oki a big surprise!


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