He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1829 Have you dreamed of Kodak Duck?

Come to this port house.

After knocking for a long time, no one responded, so Xiao Zhi simply opened the door and went in.

No one was seen in the hall, but hurried footsteps could be heard in the room.

Taking a closer look, Xiaozhi discovered that the three members of Uncle Bomu's family were all gathered in this bedroom at the moment.

Bo Mu was pacing back and forth nervously, with an extremely dignified and ugly expression.

Beside the bed was a middle-aged woman with a worried expression, who seemed to be Bomu's wife.


There is also a golden Pokémon floating in the room, with a pair of squinting fox faces, using the power of thought to float in mid-air.

This is a Casey, who seems to be the Pokémon that the Pomu family lives in.

And everyone's focus was on a child lying on the bed.

About six or seven years old, his eyes are closed tightly at this moment, and his body is wrapped in a quilt.

"Xiaozhi?! Why are you here?!"

It wasn't until everyone walked into the room that Bomu realized that someone from the house had entered.

Wait a minute, they just spoke 15 minutes ago, and the other party is still on Steel Island, right?

Why did you suddenly come home now?

"Mr. Ebomu, I'm here to visit...Maybe I can help you."

Xiaozhi quickly pointed to the little boy on the bed, indicating that this is the point.



Pikachu and Latias also got closer, looking at the human child curiously.

I saw him lying on the bed at the moment, but it didn't look like he had a fever or something.

His face was pale, his eyelids were constantly twitching, and his body shivered under the sheets.

This movement...like a nightmare?

"Mr. Bomu, what's going on here?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help asking, the appearance was too weird, it really didn't look like a normal disease.


Bo Mu sighed, looked at his son struggling with his eyes closed on the bed, with a solemn expression, and said slowly:

"My son's name is Portaro. I went to sea with you three days ago. When I returned to the voyage in the afternoon, I found him lying unconscious in front of an abandoned hotel..."

"Abandoned hotel?"

Xiaozhi blinked, it sounds like this hotel is a bit weird.

"Well, it seems to be a pier hotel a long time ago, but it has been abandoned for many years, and the gate is tightly closed. I have never heard of anyone entering it."

Bomu continued.

When he found his fainted son, he was naturally sent to the hospital for examination immediately.

After the doctor's examination, he said that there was nothing wrong with his body.

It looks a bit like being hypnotized...?

Maybe it has something to do with the moves of Pokémon such as hypnotic powder, mushroom spores, and hypnotism?

It's just that these moves have corresponding detection methods in the hospital.

Portaro's deep sleep state, at least not within the range of hypnosis techniques known to the public.

"Is it a Pokémon move...?"

Xiaozhi blinked, and it looked like he had been hypnotized.

And there is also a "nightmare" move, which can cause terrible mental damage to the target in the sleeping state, causing a very similar nightmare torture effect.

Xiaozhi looked at Hataro on the bed, it really looked like a Pokémon after being hit by "Nightmare".

"But the doctor finally said that it shouldn't be some sleeping trick..."

Bomu shook his head.

After all, no matter how special the moves are, the sleeping state is there.

Use abnormal medicines, or use moves such as the healing bell to hit it, and it's over, and you can always wake up.

After only a long time of treatment, he fainted from the two lucky eggs who kept using the healing bell, but Portaro was still obsessed.

In the end, there was no other way, and Bomu had no choice but to take his son back home first.

The culprit must be the nearby Pier Hotel...

If it didn't improve after another hour, Bomu was going to pick up the ax and forcefully split the door of the hotel to see what was weird inside.

"Let me try it!"

Xiaozhi temporarily comforted Mr. Bomu, walked slowly to the head of the bed, and casually looked at Latias beside him.

"Please, use the healing wave!"


Ladias nodded, closed his eyes lightly, and let out a melodious cry.

The next moment, a pink-purple halo spread out, turning into healing green light and falling on Hataro.

"?" "?"

Seeing a human being suddenly use a Pokémon move, Bomu and his wife were startled and rubbed their eyes vigorously.

But then the expression softened a little, and even fell into surprise.

The boy in front of him and this red-haired maid are absolutely extraordinary, maybe his son will be saved today!

It's just that the healing wave is constantly spreading, turning into life energy and flowing into Hataro's body.

However, Hataro's appearance on the bed did not change much, his eyes were still closed and his body was trembling.

"Uh, uh..."

Even the skin of his mouth moved and whispered in his sleep.

"It doesn't work?"

This made Xiaozhi frown. He didn't expect Latias' healing wave to have any effect.

Looking around, there is no computer device here, otherwise Yandi can be replaced and burn a sacred flame at Hataro.

If it really has a hypnotic effect, the sacred flame can burn it clean, and it can also help Portaro cut his hair and wash his marrow.

However, after a few minutes of healing fluctuations, Hataro's dream talk became clearer, and he was talking intermittently.

Xiaozhi quickly lowered his head and listened carefully.

"Da...Dark...it's looking at me...don't come here..."

Hataro was talking in his sleep in horror.

Lifting his head, Xiaozhi looked at Bomu suspiciously.

"Dak? It sounds like a foreign name, and Portaro doesn't know a child named Dak..."

Bomu quickly replied.

But the tone of the dream talk was a bit strange, Xiaozhi touched his chin, thinking secretly.

"Dark... sounds a bit like duck? Could it be that you dreamed of a Kodak duck?"

A Kodak appeared in the nightmare?

Xiaozhi tried to imagine this scene, but it couldn't be connected with the nightmare at all!

Moreover, Portaro looked painful and frightened, as if a darker and crueler existence was approaching him...

"Could it be dark?"

Xiaozhi exhausted all he had learned all his life, and finally a second English word popped into his mind.

Dark means darkness, and the pronunciation is similar to duck's duck. It is really difficult to distinguish between whispers.

Dark, which represents darkness, is more appropriate... But what exactly is this dark?


What is the name of the Pokémon that this dark started?

Xiaozhi was in a daze. If he could figure out which Pokémon was in the nightmare, he might be able to solve the nightmare specifically.

"Wait a minute, Xiaozhi, look quickly, it seems that Hataro looks better!"

At this time, Bomu suddenly said in surprise.


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