He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1842 Prince Bo vs Biting Land Shark!

"Please, Prince Bo!!"

Soon, Xiaoguang also sent his ace, Prince Bo, to fight.

Even if it is stunted, it is the most famous and powerful quasi-god in the Sinnoh area...Be careful, Prince Bo's ice-type moves can achieve good results.


With the three-minute countdown beating on the screen, the game officially begins!

"Bite the land shark and use the tornado!!"

At the beginning of the battle, the tall biting land shark swung its claw arm, and instantly created a tornado in front of it.

Whoosh! !

The tornado with powerful control ability enveloped Prince Bo, making it difficult to dodge.

Xiaoguang's expression was meticulous, and he commanded:

"Prince Bo, use Tide Spin!"

However, Prince Bo didn't dodge at all, he just stood there and raised his head.

Whoa whoa whoa...!

The water tumbling out of his mouth turned into a huge vortex in the air, constantly rotating.

It even completely absorbed the rotational energy of the surrounding tornado.

Hush! !

This instantly raised the power of Prince Bo's tidal whirl to a new level, and directly destroyed and eliminated the tornado.


The gorgeous response, on the contrary, the blood bar of the characters on Ulala's side began to deduct blood.

Not only that, with a wave of Prince Bo's wings, Nuoda's vortex of water smashed towards the biting land shark like a boulder!

"Don't underestimate us, use the dragon claws to split directly!!"

Ulala immediately said loudly.

The biting land shark let out a low growl, swung its arm upside down, and instantly extended two phantoms of blue dragon claws at the end.

With a kick, he rushed towards the oncoming water vortex, and the dragon claw swung vigorously, about to split it completely.

Puff puff bang...! !

The idea is very good, but the power of this biting land shark is weaker. The dragon claw only split half of the water vortex, and there are still a lot of water impacting on it.


As the vortex completely burst, Lie Bite Lu Shark couldn't help but take a few steps back, the surface of the shark's skin dripped into the water messily, a little embarrassed.

"Well, your biting land shark has evolved before it has accumulated enough power."

Xiaoguang couldn't help but speak.

"My Pokémon doesn't need outsiders to point fingers!"

However, Ulala's expression was a bit arrogant, and she wanted to defeat the girl in front of her.

"Bite the land shark, use the wave of the dragon!!"

Biting Lu Shark's dragon mouth fiercely, the gushing purple light turned into a dragon-shaped shock wave, attacking it brazenly.

Xiao Guang frowned at the other party's attitude.

I didn't see Fiona, so Xiaoguang was upset...Damn it, just hit it!

The next moment, Xiaoguang's expression froze. Since the other party took the initiative to provoke her, she also had to vent her anger.

"Prince Bo, use the water cannon trick!!"

Without the slightest dodge, Prince Bo took a deep breath and opened his beak.

Boom boom whoosh! !

A bunch of thick water gun columns bombarded out, and even a sharp sound of breaking through the air could be heard, full of power.

Now Prince Bo is still carrying a water flow slab on his body, and the power of this water cannon is extremely high.

When the two moves collided in the air, before the stalemate lasted a second, the water cannon broke through the wave of the dragon with the advantage of crushing, and then continued to bombard.

Boom boom boom! !

In the end, the water cannon slammed into Lie Bite Lu Shark's body, and the terrifying force of the water directly blasted the latter away, washing all the way to the edge of the stage.

"Bite the land shark!!"

This surprised Ulala, why is the power of this penguin so outrageous? !

In order to wash away the shame of being defeated by Xiaoguang last time, she even urged her sharp-toothed land shark to evolve ahead of time...

But why, the power seems to be even more disparate? !


The water cannon moves fell, and at one end of the stage, the embarrassing figure of Biting Lu Shark was revealed.


It was panting heavily, half kneeling on the ground, and water kept falling from its body.

This appearance... obviously has come to the state of the dying candle in the wind.

Similarly, on the character panel, there is only the last bar left on Ulala's side.

On the other side, Xiaoguang's blood bar is almost full.

"A battle without suspense..."

"Bitting Lu Shark for nothing but useless... It's a bit embarrassing."

Ulala seemed to be able to hear the rumble of discussions from below the stage, which made her face turn red.

"Damn it, don't lose to her! Bite the land shark, fly up, and use the dragon's dive move!!"

Ulala could only grit her teeth and launched the final attack.


The action of biting the land shark was meticulous, and immediately propped up its body after hearing the command.

Stomping on the ground, he folded his wings together, and leaped several meters into the air in an instant.

Then the body was covered with blue dragon energy, as if turning into a huge blue dragon, with a fierce dive posture, it rushed towards the target below!

Facing the oppressive dragon's dive, Xiaoguang's expression remained calm.

"Prince Bo, we don't want to lose... use the iron head move!"


Prince Bo nodded, but did not choose to dodge.

After all, in the current situation, as long as it dodges casually, the next round of the biting land shark will naturally lose...

But proud of it, as long as the opponent launches a formal challenge, Prince Bo will never avoid the battle by dodging.


As soon as the wings scratched his head, the Tianling Gai on the top of Prince Bo's head was instantly covered with a layer of metallic silver light.

It has not yet evolved into a "golden iron head"...

This requires that when it evolves next time, it will bring the extremely rare "gold film" props to dye all its steel attribute moves.


Prince Bo let out a loud cry, lowered his body's center of gravity, and took a stride on the spot.

The next moment, in the air, the huge blue dragon Ying swooped down, and in the energy of the huge dragon energy, the biting land shark slammed down hard!

Boom boom boom! !

The collision of the moves caused a huge metal explosion in an instant, echoing in the air of the venue.

It has to be said that the opponent is still a quasi-god in the Sinnoh area, and the power that erupts under the limit is very strong, giving people a feeling that they can crush some.

However, Prince Bo's iron head is like an iron wall with impregnable defense.

No matter how powerful the dragon's dive was, it was firmly resisted.


Next, Prince Bo, whose lower limbs had already been trampled into the cracks in the ground, had bright eyes.

Remember that the iron head move is not for defense...it's an offensive move!

The next moment, Prince Bo raised his head, and the steel head bumped out.

But after exerting all its strength, the biting land shark in mid-air had no strength left at all, so it could dodge or resist.

Bang bang! !

The iron head hit Lie Bite Lu Shark's chest, as if it had been hit by a giant hammer, Lie Bite Lu Shark's figure flew upside down and hit the wall at the edge of the stage hard, with smoke and dust lingering ...


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