He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1846 Shame from Senior Fish Fried

"What a terrifying power...?!"

It was a terrible blow, and Xiaoguang's face turned blue immediately.

Originally, her healthy character's blood bar value was almost at the end... The delaying tactic I thought about before was simply impossible!


Ye Yibu struggled to stand up, but it was obvious that he had entered the state of being in the wind.

After mega evolution, Elledo's power is too powerful.

And the time on the screen is less than a minute, but it seems very long...

"Yeb, use Sword Dance!"

Gritting his teeth, Xiaoguang could only call out this command. Delaying the game time would not work at all, and now he can only defeat the opponent head-on.

The strength of the sword dance, combined with the chlorophyll property that is still in effect, is the only way for Yeeb to win.

"Do you want to burn the boat..."

Seeing Ye Yibo in front of him turn around on the spot, the fierce aura continued to condense with the rising of the red light.

"It's useless, Elle Duo, use the sun blade!!"

However, before this move was completely over, Elle Duo had already rushed over.

The mega evolution not only endowed it with powerful power, but also its speed was greatly enhanced.

The high-raised sickle arm stretched out instantly under the sunlight above, turning into a golden-white daylight blade!

As Elle Duo raised the knife and dropped it, the Sunlight Blade slashed heavily at the target.

Boom boom boom! !

In the middle of the stage, there was a thunderous sound in an instant.

The huge lightsaber slashed down, splitting the stage into pieces of sawdust and dust everywhere.

The blazing solar energy burst, sparking a burst of intense flame explosions that covered everything.



Soon, the time on the screen came to an end, announcing the end of the game.

But the blood bars of the characters on the screen are not important anymore.

As the smoke dissipated, Mega Elledo was still in a heroic figure, shaking his cloak and swinging his sword-like arms.

call out...!

The body is wrapped in light, exiting the state of mega evolution.

The opposite stage was already reduced to a pile of wooden ruins.


Ye Yibu rolled his eyes, lying there with his whole body scorched black, unable to fight.

"I lost..."

Xiaoguang let out a long sigh of relief, his feet were a little weak, and he couldn't help but kneel and sit on the ground.


Obviously she got acquainted with Xiaozhi and the others, and with Platina's help, her current strength should grow faster.

But it seems that the version of the surrounding environment is gradually becoming outrageous as she becomes stronger...?

"Yebu, thank you for your hard work, take a good rest."

In the end, Xiaoguang showed a wry smile, stepped forward and gently hugged Ye Yibu, and could only watch Miss Joy win the championship as a loser.



Elf Center.

While waiting for Ye Yibu's treatment alone, Xiaoguang met the head nurse Joey again.

She has changed back into her normal Miss Joy nurse uniform.

The latter also seemed to walk over with a somewhat embarrassed expression, and his expression was much softer than the heroic appearance on the stage before.

"Well, what a wonderful battle, Xiaoguang from Futaba Town."

The head nurse spoke, with a pause in her tone.

After all, in terms of age and seniority, she has a great advantage...but the two are competing on the same stage.

Shame from the predecessors of fried fish!

"Well, Senior's Elle Duo is really amazing..."

Although Xiaoguang felt a little sad in his heart, he still said sincerely.

Fried fish belongs to fried fish... But in the final analysis, if she wants to continue on the road of the gorgeous conference, these are the opponents she must face.

One day earlier and one day later.

"What an outstanding little girl... If we were to fight a few months later, maybe today's outcome would be hard to say."

Although this Head Nurse Joey has retired from the position of coordinator long ago, she has been paying attention to the magnificent competition in the Sinnoh area.

Especially this year's twin stars -- Xiao Guang from Shuangye Town and Xiao Wang from Xuefeng City.

According to her estimation, without Mikri's sudden reform of the competition system, this year's top coordinator would most likely be in the hands of the two.

You must know that they are all newcomers who have traveled for less than a year... The talents of the current newcomers are really terrifying!

But now... the next super-level gorgeous competition, it is estimated that there will be a group of demons dancing wildly.

Even she is not sure that she can win the championship.

"Miss Joy! In short, I will also participate in the next super gorgeous competition... I will definitely not lose to you again then!"

Xiaoguang also stood up at this time, and firmly declared war on the opponent.

Defeating in this unpopular Mutong Town was another step away from her qualification for five badges.

It's not a big problem, although the next journey will be a little more tense and hasty.

"Xiaoguang, I'm looking forward to the next fight with you... By the way."

The head nurse blinked suddenly, thinking of something.

Immediately afterwards, she took out a small ball from the skirt pants and handed it to Xiao Guang.

A translucent glass sphere with a curved surface in the middle that presents color.

"I've been following your games all the time. I know you still have a jackrabbit on you... This is the mega stone of the jackrabbit. I'll give it to you."

Well, my behavior of frying fish made the head nurse somewhat ashamed, so I had to give something.

"This kind of treasure is not suitable for me..."

This move made Xiaoguang a little panicked.

After all, the rules are there, and frying fish is not a foul, so how can there be any reason to give yourself compensation?

Although this compensation gift made Xiaoguang a little short of breath...

"Just accept it. My trump cards are Elledo and Xanadu. I don't intend to cultivate long-eared rabbits. It's useless to keep them."

Head nurse Joey quite directly pushed the mega stone into Xiaoguang's hands.

"After all, I also need a strong opponent...Maybe next time we meet again, you can show me a powerful mega long-eared rabbit."

Unable to refuse, after stuffing the gift, the head nurse waved her hand, turned and left.

"Then let's see each other by the lake in 2 months~!"

Before leaving, she didn't forget to remind her.

This year's Super Gorgeous Contest was held at the resort by Lizhi Lake.

"Eh... ah!"

By the time Xiaoguang reacted, the head nurse had already disappeared.

This made Xiaoguang stare blankly at the mega stone in his hand, subconsciously imagining himself as a jack-eared rabbit, like Elledo, completing the gorgeous mega evolution on the stage.

"It doesn't matter... just accept it!"

In the end, Xiao Guang accepted the compensation gift with great fragrance.

After taking back Ye Yibu who had recovered her physical strength, she ran out of the elf center again, looking for Xiao Zhi's figure.

Now that there are mega stones, it seems that mega evolution still needs something called a keystone... first ask Ash to see where you can find the keystone!


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