He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1849 The Fire-breathing Dragon in Hometown

"By the way, it's a Pokémon ring!"

Seeing the flying Pokémon passing by in the air, flexibly tossing the rings in their mouths, Xiaozhi finally remembered.

This is a special competition that belongs to flying Pokémon, and wins by throwing a ring to a designated position to score points.

"Let me see... this town is called Qiangfeng Town, and the Pokémon Ring Tournament is held every year."

Xiao Gang read the travel guide in his hand.

Generally, the Pokémon ring is not only a race between Pokémon, but also the surrounding environment... The place with strong natural airflow is the most suitable place for this kind of competition.

Qiangfeng Town is surrounded by mountains, and the intricate terrain of peaks and canyons makes the air flow here appear very strong and chaotic, without rules, making it a perfect venue for the event.

Checked the time, it is also a coincidence.

The time for Qiangfeng Town to be held this year happens to be tomorrow.

"Interesting, I want to participate!"

Xiaozhi immediately became interested. He had participated in it once or twice before and won the championship.

"I want to take part too!"

Xiaoguang also raised his palm enthusiastically, this kind of competition seems very interesting.

Xiao Gang is not too active about this, although his Bronze Mirror Monster can barely participate...

But in this kind of competition, he prefers to sit in the audience and watch the big sister trainer commanding from above.

With a low viewing angle, you may be able to see some better pictures.

After entering the town and setting up their luggage, they came to an empty practice field.

There is no tree cover here, the open sky can fly freely, and there are some long pole hooks inserted around it, which is exactly the same device as tomorrow's game.

"Gentleman Moth, unleash a violent storm!"

"Mikehawk, accelerate with a flash of lightning!"

But when the three of Xiaozhi came to this special practice field, there were already many trainers who were practicing.

In the air are dazzling flying Pokémon, displaying a variety of flexible flying movements, very chic and elegant.

Most of them are local housebirds or houseworms.

Of course, there are also a few outrageous Pokémon among them.

"Wow, that Pokémon is so handsome! It also breathes fire!"

Xiaoguang looked at the flame flying dragon flying past her head with a surprised expression.

Huge body, wide wings behind it, the head on the slender neck looks very mighty, and there are two fleshy dragon horns on the top of the head.

"That's a fire-breathing dragon. I didn't expect to see a fire-breathing dragon here."

Xiaozhi looked at the sky, and his expression was a little more nostalgic.

Seeing the Yusanjia in my hometown in other places will produce a feeling of nostalgia.

It's just that you put a fire-breathing dragon on a Pokémon ring, isn't it a bit outrageous? !

Xiaozhi secretly remembered the trainer who commanded the fire-breathing dragon, who seemed to be a very capable male trainer,

He has short green hair, is tall and slender, and is dressed professionally in the professional attire of an elite trainer.


On the other side, Xiaoguang has sent her Pokémon——Queen Bee.

This is the only Pokémon she can complete the flight, but the insect attribute seems to be somewhat disadvantaged in this flying competition.

"Xiaozhi, which one do you want to send?"

Xiaoguang cast his eyes curiously.

This made Xiaozhi a little tangled, holding two poke balls in his hand to measure.

Now, whether it is Muke Bird or Scorpio King, they are very suitable for this competition.

After thinking for a while, Xiaozhi still threw a poke ball.


The red light flickered, and the Muke Bird appeared on the stage. After a loud cry, it flew around Xiaozhi, and finally landed slowly on his shoulder.

"Muk Bird, I'll leave it to you for this competition!"

Xiaozhi stroked the smooth wings of the Muke bird, and said.

Well, Pokémon Ring or something, I still have to come to the house!

And it seems that he has never done anything with Rang Muke Bird, and he has no role in it, so it's time to show it.


The Muke bird chirped loudly and excitedly.

Is it finally my home this time? !


"Hey, isn't this Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang?! You also want to participate?"

They were training, when suddenly a familiar figure came from behind the two of them.

Turning his head, he found that it was a boy with yellow curly hair, with a fanatical and excited expression.

"A Xun? Do you want to participate in the competition too?"

Xiaozhi was surprised, he didn't expect to see people he knew in this remote town.

Then his eyes shifted, and he noticed the Pokémon beside Ah Xun. Although it was suspended in mid-air, it was not a flying bird.

It is a Pokémon in the shape of a hot air balloon. The facial features can be seen on the surface of the inflated purple balloon body, and four slender tentacles hang down from below.

"How about it, this is my wind ball~! Can you already see that there is a champion~!"

Ah Xun is a full natural familiarity, he patted his own wind ball, and said confidently.

Letting a ghost balloon participate in the ring competition is not much different from the fire-breathing dragon trainer.

"Really, it seems that we have a good opponent! Muke Bird!"

Xiaozhi also showed a smile and said without showing weakness.


The Muke flew directly into the air, waved its wings rapidly, and made a series of air slashes outward, showing its strength.

"Not bad house bird...but tomorrow I will make you unable to fly haha."

After saying provocative words, Ah Xun hurriedly left here with the wind ball.

I can't expose my fighting style with the wind ball.

Originally, it was the best strategy to keep hiding but not coming, and to suddenly show up tomorrow to attack... But A Xun is impatient, so uuReading Book www.uukanshu.com couldn't help but come over to say hello.

Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang looked at each other, and continued to practice.

It is not difficult for one person to complete the competition process and put the ring into the designated position.

The difficulty of Pokémon Ring lies in the surrounding air currents and interference from other Pokémon.

"Queen Bee, use the Missile Needle!"

"Mook Bird, use Lightning Flash!"

Soon, the two became imaginary enemies and practiced attacking each other.

Whoosh whoosh!

The queen bee raised her claws, and the spikes of white light shot out from the ends, like a flaming cannonball.

As for the Muke bird, holding the ring in its mouth, its body turned into a streak of white light, walking through the spikes, dodging quickly, and its movements were extremely extreme.


Finally, with an elegant roundabout action, the ring is thrown squarely onto the iron hook to securely score points.

"Hey, it's almost...Queen Bee, let's aim a little more next time!"

"Keep it up, Mukebird~! Do it again."

The two continued to practice this special competitive game.


1 second to remember the net:.

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