He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 163 I want to be 001, but I don't want to be 002


The overlord Miaowahua looked at Xiaozhi. An elder like him can understand human speech.

Seeing the high-spirited face of this peaked cap boy and the resolute expression of the strange frog seed beside him, the overlord's thick eyes changed unconsciously and were infected by it.

Then it nodded towards one person and one clam in the storm.

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, and said:

"Okay! Get ready to act, Bulgaria Seed, and act according to the plan I told you earlier."


Xiaozhi looked around at this huge suction storm, after all, as long as the top source is destroyed, this incident can be resolved.

But the hot air balloon is at a high altitude, and the power is sufficient, so at this moment, it must be taken by surprise, and the winner will be determined by one move!

Thinking of this, and looking at his Frog Seed, Xiao Zhi already had a comprehensive plan in his mind, and he was confident.

"Overlord Miao Frog Flower, do you know Luoying's colorful trick?"

he asked suddenly.

He had seen Li Jia use this trick when he was fighting Yuhong gymnasium. It could create a large number of petals and green leaves around his body, which he needed now.


Miao Frog Flower nodded.

Although it doesn't understand the meaning of using Fallen Flowers in this situation, it prefers Ash to interfere with the Rockets outside. It stores the sun and flames in place, and then bombards the Rockets with a single shot.

It's just that it's early in the morning and late at night, when the yin energy is at its heaviest, and it's very difficult to live in the sun room.

"It's okay, just follow my command!"

Xiaozhi said confidently.

The rocket team on the hot air balloon didn't know what was going on, but they didn't dare to be careless, so they increased the power of the engine again. At this moment, the ground grasped by Miaowahua's limbs had begun to break layer by layer, and it was estimated that it would not last for half a minute.

However, to everyone's surprise, Xiaozhi suddenly carried his wonderful frog seed on his shoulders.

Holding its stomach with one hand and its thigh with the other, it looked like it was about to throw it out.

"It really made Meow laugh."

"Want to throw Pokémon up again?"

"Can you do something new?"

The three Rockets sneered coldly.

The last time Xiaozhi used the unicorn arm to throw the armored chrysalis high into the sky and hit them directly. Now that they are prepared, this move is of course useless.

However, Xiaozhi raised the corner of his mouth, his arm muscles bulged, and he took a big stride out. With a sudden force, he threw the Miao Frog Seed back into the suction storm, and threw it straight at the overlord Miao Frog Flower.

This move stunned himself first.

"While Miao Frog Flower is now, use Luoying Brilliant to the sky!!" Xiao Zhi quickly instructed.

This operation startled the overlord Miaowahua. Although it didn't know what was going on, it was an elder who had seen the world anyway. It quickly calmed down and let out an angry roar. The green leaves and petals continued to sweep towards the sky because of the terrifying suction.

"Keep using it, don't stop!!" Xiao Zhi reminded again.

Miaowahua nodded, and kept hitting green leaves and petals around her body.

In the process of throwing the frog seeds that entered the range of the suction storm again to the frog flower, because of the suction, the direction is also changing from being parallel to the ground at the beginning to being perpendicular to the ground.

When it was about three meters away from the overlord Miaowahua, its head was completely vertical to the ground.

But at this moment, the limbs and soles of the frog seeds are not air, but countless green leaves and petals.

5 days ago, he copied a grass attribute new skill from Yuhong gymnasium. The trigger condition is to step on the green leaves of the grass, then the speed will skyrocket...

Xiaozhi's eyes brightened, he raised his arms above his head, and roared loudly:

"Now, use the grass slide!!"

Although the previous Miao Frog Seeds could not perfectly master the grass slide, but at this moment, the arrow is on the string, and under the crisis, it is the perfect moment to master the skills! !

Extreme combat is the best training for outbreaks!


Frogseed's eyes are clear, and at this moment, he is no longer violent and disordered, and has restored the introverted and steady that was unique to grass-type Pokémon at the beginning.

The soles of the feet are covered with green leaves and petals. Although it is not a completely green grass field, it is enough, and the emerald green light begins to shine on its body...


The green light flickered to the extreme, and even completely covered the figure of the frog seed. Now the frog seed is not so much a green light, it is better to say that it is transformed into a green energy shock wave, and it rushes towards the sky with a "whoosh" go.

The speed is even higher than Pikachu's lightning flash.

Grass slide! !


The green shock wave hit the suction port in the next blink of an eye, and with the help of the green leaf petals under its feet, the powerful impact force knocked a gap in the suction port device on the spot, breaking the current sparks.

"Beep. Frog Seed has mastered a new skill: Grass Slide."

The illustrated book on Xiaozhi's waist made a beep, giving himself a sense of presence.


The powerful engine above was still running, and suddenly the whole hot air balloon began to tremble.

"It seems something is wrong, meow..."

"Can this be lost? I vomited..."

The trio hadn't complained more than three words before the engine exploded with a "boom", and the big net on the back of the hot air balloon burst open, and countless frog grass fell from the sky.

The seasoned overlord Frog Flower instantly set up a large net of cane whips on the spot, and caught all the Frog Grass steadily.





Surprisingly, the seeds of the Miao Frog also fell on the cane whip net.

However, the hot air balloon in the sky couldn't support it any longer, and exploded suddenly. The terrifying explosion flames did not leave the slightest scar on the bodies of the bodybuilder Rocket team, but the powerful air wave was about to blast them high into the sky fly away.

"Overlord Miao Frog Flower, help me catch that meowing monster." Xiaozhi said suddenly.


Miaowahua subconsciously pulled out a rattan whip, and pulled off Meow Miao in the trio with great precision, while the remaining Musashi and Kojiro turned into stars in the sky in the next second, and disappeared soon .


Meow meow:"?"

Falling back to the ground, Miaomiao, who was surrounded by everyone, scratched her head with a dazed look on her face.


It quickly licked its paws, pretending to be a harmless pet cat.

Xiaozhi scratched Meow Meow's paw ball, then put the Frog Seed in front of it, smiling like a sunny and decent trainer, and said:

"Meow, I don't have any other malicious intentions, I just want to ask you to help me translate the true thoughts of Miao Frog Seed."

That's right, in the end he still didn't know what the Frog Seed thought. If that's the case, then just find a translator cat!

"So that's it, meow."

Seeing that she had something to ask for, Miaomiao became more courageous again, crossing her legs, and her attitude was a bit arrogant.

But looking at the overlord Frog Flower covetously next to it and a group of "scratches" screaming Frog Grass endlessly, it silently put down its Erlang legs.

"Seed seeds..."

The Miao Frog Seed stepped forward and slowly explained its reason.

"Oh, that's right."

Miaomiao nodded and began to translate in real time.

"The Brilliant Frog Seed said that its illustration number is the most noble No. 001 in the entire Pokémon world. Once it evolves, it will become No. 002, losing its noble status, and 002 sounds like a fool."

Xiaozhi: "?"

"Seed seeds..." Brilliant Frog Seed continued to explain, and glanced at Pikachu next to him by the way.

So Meow Miao translated again:

"For example, the electric mouse next to it is number 025, which sounds like 250, even more stupid."

Pikachu: "?"

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