He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1855 100,000-year beak

He knows more about Pokémon than I do Chapter 1855: A 100,000-year beak

"Hurry up and catch up!"

The sudden change made Kojiro turn pale with shock.

What the hell, didn't this little devil always attack frontally before, why did he suddenly run away?

Relying on the three-stage acceleration of the ancient giant fly... even entering the fourth stage soon, even if the opponent is a flying bird, it can be easily manipulated in the palm of your hand.


The ancient giant fly vibrated its wings immediately, and quickly chased after it.

Its speed was extremely fast, and it struck backwards almost in the blink of an eye, catching up with the Muke Eagle.


It's just that the ancient giant flies into trouble next time. After all, the opponent's whole body is now wrapped in a dark blue energy coat, and everywhere is filled with fierce flying attribute power.

Even after catching up, it is difficult to get close and unstoppable.

The brave bird's onslaught at this moment directly turned Mukehawk's whole body into a sharp spear, making it impossible to get close to!

Seeing that it was less than 20 meters away from the hanging pole area of ​​the finish line, Kojiro could only grit his teeth:

"Ancient giant flies, use ultrasonic waves!"

The ancient giant fly immediately had a backbone, and flapped its wings to reach a high place.

Buzz buzz!

While flying at the same speed as the Mukhawk, the mouthparts opened, releasing a burst of high-frequency sound waves downward, covering the target.

The messy ultrasonic waves really penetrated the brave bird's onslaught and acted on Mukehawk.


The latter's body trembled, and the flames on the edge of the brave bird's onslaught began to flutter, and even one of them failed to bite firmly, and the ring in the bird's beak accidentally fell out.

"Great opportunity hahaha! Ancient Giant Fly, grab it!"

Seeing this, Kojiro showed the villain's maniacal laugh, and now he is less than ten meters away from the finish line. As long as the ancient giant fly wins the ring, Mukehawk will definitely not be able to make a comeback!


The ancient giant fly flapped its wings and turned into an afterimage. It was about to stagger away from the figure of the Mukhawk and go around to bite the ring.

The body was also affected by the ultrasonic wave, which slowed down Mukehawk's movements, making it difficult to regain the ring.

"Win, win!


"That guy Kojiro is finally going to win against that brat, meow!


Looking at the competition seats below, Musashi and Xiao Miaomiao's eyeballs were bloodshot, they were about to fall off, and they looked up at the sky tightly.

Miao Miao even took out a bottle of champagne, and popped the cork with a bang.

And in the air, Xiaozhi didn't always let the opponent play.

Seeing this speed, Mukehawk is determined not to be able to regain the ring.

"In that case, Mukhawk, use your wings to flap!


The next moment, Xiaozhi suddenly shouted loudly.

Nuo Da's voice also made Muke Eagle's child's hole instantly clear, and its wings were condensed and covered with white light, but it did not attack the ancient giant fly.

Bang bang!

There was only a burst of loud bangs and slaps, and the Mukehawk took a step faster than the ancient giant fly, and slammed it hard on the ring!

Just the movement of the wings is obviously much easier than the distance movement of the whole body.

After receiving a critical blow, this ring also shot out from the air, almost grazing the edge, missing from the edge of the mouth of the ancient giant fly.


Kojiro's eyes widened, and he froze in place for a while, staring blankly at the ring flying out.

He seemed to have experienced this scene before? !

No matter how fast the ancient giant fly is, it can't match the speed of a bullet.

The Pokémon and trainers on both sides of the high sky, and even the countless spectators below, all focused on the rapidly passing ring.


Then there was a crisp sound, which woke everyone up like a dream.

I saw that the competition ring was slapped very precisely by Mu Keying and hung on the hook at the finish line!

"On target!

Appeared, and the winners are Xiaozhi and Muke from Zhenxin Town!

! "

The referee was stunned for a while, and then suddenly shouted loudly,

Fall final sentence.

In the last ten seconds, there were too many changes. Even he, an old referee who was used to many ring competitions, had his heart pounding.

He even forgot that it was no longer a Muke bird flying in the sky at this moment, but a Muke eagle!

"Success, Mookhawk!


Xiaozhi breathed a sigh of relief, then narrowed his eyes, and cheered loudly.



The Muke Hawk also let out an excited cry, and flicked its head upwards, shaking its newly grown red hair, full of style.

Although there are twists and turns, it is finally its bright spot!


On the other side, Kojiro, who was defeated at the last moment, lowered his head somewhat disappointed.

This kind of competition is different from the usual battle with Xiaozhi.

Feeling the loss of losing once is equal to the cumulative sum of losing 100 times in normal times!


Next to it, the ancient giant fly also slowly flew to the side of Kojiro's hot air balloon, its body shrugged and whimpered, as if apologizing for not winning the championship.

This made Kojiro quickly put away his disappointed expression, raised his smiling face, and patted the head of the ancient giant flying as if he didn't care at all.

"Don't worry about it, you've already performed very well~ Let's treat it as if we're here to play~!"

A stumble at the door also made the expressions of the two relatives and friends in the audience darken.

"Damn Kojiro, uureading books www.uukanshu.com is almost there, get rid of that brat!


Musashi gritted his teeth a little.

Miaomiao put the cork back into the mouth of the champagne bottle in annoyance...Damn it, why can't I drink it every time!

Reading at midnight



Afterwards, the Ring Assembly came to the awards ceremony.

As the winners, Xiaozhi and Mukeying, under the attention of the surrounding audience, both wore ribbon medals on their chests.

If the Ring Conference is like a gorgeous contest, there is a higher-level conference... This medal is the proof that they have won the championship.

"And this, this is the winning prize!"

Not only that, the organizer also handed Xiaozhi a brocade box.

When I opened it, I saw a pair of golden yellow, long and sharp beaks displayed inside.

"Is this a sharp beak?"

Xiaozhi blinked, he knew this prop.

The sharp beak, if carried by Pokémon, can increase the power of some flying attribute moves.

"It's not that simple. The hardness of the bird's beak is the battle honor of every bird. It rarely falls off naturally, and a bird's beak that has been fighting for many years is a treasure that can't be found!"

The host, the old man, said in a dazed voice:

"Well, this sharp beak is 100,000 years old... Keke, it's the beak that fell off from a bird Pokémon more than ten years old, but it can bring a lot of strength improvements."

Seeing many pairs of eyes staring at the same time, the host's exaggerated description of 100,000 years was temporarily changed to ten years.

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