He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1865 Xuefeng City

He Knows Pokémon Better Than I Do Chapter 1865 Xuefeng City

Xuefeng City is located at the northernmost tip of the Sinnoh Continent.

After the raging blizzard last night, the air has become more refreshing today.

"Is Xuefeng City ahead...?"

Walking through Route 217 and standing on a high slope, Xiaozhi and his party can already have a panoramic view of the entire Xuefeng City in the distance.

It is still a city covered in snow, and the buildings are densely built together, forming a medium-sized town.

On both sides are open spaces and sparse jungles, and further away, you can see the snow-capped mountains in the distance.

This is already the end of the Sinnoh area, the northern area of ​​Xuefeng City, and even the outer sea can be seen.

From a distance, you can still see cruise ships entering from time to time... It seems that there is also a pier port leading to the outside world.

"Xiaoguang~! This side!


Before the three of Xiaozhi could fully walk into the city, there was a burst of joyful and high-spirited shouts from afar.

Following the sound, I saw a young boy in fashionable clothes, wearing a thin and slim coat.

She has short red hair and a pair of sunglasses on her forehead, but she can barely recognize a girl on her delicate face.

"Xiao Wang!"

Seeing his friend, Xiaoguang naturally quickened his pace and ran over, and the two who hadn't seen each other for a long time hugged each other.

Xuefeng City is Xiaowang's hometown...Knowing that Xiaoguang and others are coming, she naturally chose a time to come back as a tour guide for the host.

"Xiaoguang, is this the new Pokémon you have tamed? Or did you tame two snow boys at the same time...?"

After exchanging pleasantries, Xiao Wang also noticed the two Pokémon next to Xiao Barefoot.

Conquering two or even more Pokémon of the same type at the same time... This kind of behavior is generally pursued by individual Pokémon, and it is only done by very demanding and serious trainers, right?

Xiaoguang quickly shook his head and explained:

"No, one is mine, and the other Snow Boy was tamed by Xiaozhi."


Hearing this, Xiaowang showed a meaningful smile, and looked at Xiaozhi and Xiaozhi who were walking behind them.

The behavior of two people in this kind of team taming the same Pokémon has a special meaning among trainers...

But she quickly shook her head, the two logs in front of her eyes didn't seem to have the slightest meaning in this regard.

"Long time no see, Xiaozhi, Xiaogang~!"

So Xiaowang greeted the two people behind with a smile, then looked at Xiaoguang, and took out his own ribbon box.


The box was opened, and five badges of various colors were neatly arranged inside.

"You have a hand, Xiaowang!"

"I have already qualified to participate in the super-level gorgeous competition."

Xiaozhi and the two did not hesitate to praise.

After all, Xiaowang's level is right there, so it's not too strange to collect all five ribbons.

"How about Xiaoguang, how about you?"

Noticing Xiao Guang's envious expression, Xiao Wang asked.

"Eh...I only have three at the moment."

Xiaoguang took out her ribbon box somewhat dejectedly, and there were only three ribbons on it.

Due to temporary changes in the competition system, she has missed the championship several times in a row... The opponents of the same generation can say that each of the older coordinators has real skills.

"Then you have to work harder, I regard you as a strong enemy... Don't even be unable to enter the Super Gorgeous Contest."

Xiaowang put his hands on Xiaoguang's shoulders and said solemnly.

She knows that the latter is now a double cultivation of the gorgeous competition and the gymnasium...but don't lose sight of the other.

"I know... I will work harder next time!"

Xiaoguang also nodded seriously.

There is still some time before the super competition at the lakeside of Lizhi, and she must go all out for the next two gorgeous competitions.


Soon, under the leadership of Xiao Wang, everyone had already packed their luggage at the Spirit Center in Xuefeng City.

The snow on the streets is cleared regularly, and it doesn't hinder traffic much.

As a special snow-covered city in the Sinnoh area, Xuefeng City even undertakes the function of the pier for external transportation. The city has a lot of people, so it doesn't look so desolate.

However, when several people were going to strike while the iron was hot, they went directly to the local Xuefeng gymnasium to complete the challenge.


The gate of the elf center opened from both sides, and a figure walking inside made several people stunned.

I saw a young man in a blue-purple down jacket walking in, with short lavender hair and a rather mature face with an expression of ice and snow indifference...

"Shinji, why are you here?!"

Xiaozhi couldn't help but blurted out in surprise.

Hearing the familiar voice, Shinji raised his head slightly, and looked at the few people with a little surprise.

"Oh, it's you."

Shinji replied casually, taking it as a greeting.

With his hands in his pockets, he made a gesture to continue walking towards the front desk of the Elf Center.

"Hey Xiaoguang, who is this guy?"

It was the first time for Xiaowang to see Shinji, and he couldn't help asking Xiaoguang quietly, he seemed to be a guy with no manners.

"Oh, he's Shinji, a ruthless trainer who is Ash's rival...?"

As Xiaoguang answered, his tone gradually became more questionable.

After all, she is also going to participate in the Alliance Conference... Rounding off, uu reading

Shinji will also be his own rival, right?

"Really...it does look quite strong."

Xiaowang replied casually, but the alliance conference had nothing to do with her, and soon lost interest in Shinji.

"Shinji, you came to Xuefeng City to challenge the Gym, right? Do you want to come together, we are going to Xuefeng Gym~?"

But Xiaozhi extended the invitation carelessly.

Just subduing Xuetongzi made Xiaozhi feel quite happy today.

Hearing these words, Shinji suddenly paused and turned his head.

But there is a bit of sarcasm in the expression:

"Xuefeng gymnasium...I've already played that kind of gymnasium, and my level is average."

"Remind the owner of the gymnasium, he only knows how to play house, so it's better to improve his own strength."

After speaking, Shinji turned his head and continued to walk towards the front desk.

"Play house...?"

Xiaozhi was stunned, what is this saying.

"Hey, you bastard, hurry up and apologize to Xiao Siong and Xuefeng Gymnasium!


But this time, Xiao Wang felt a rare anger, and suddenly yelled loudly.

She has a very good relationship with the owner of the Xuefeng gymnasium, and she loves her as a sister. Xiao Wang does not allow outsiders to belittle Xiao Song.

Even speaking, Xiaowang was about to go over, grabbed Shinji's collar and punched him.

Shinji didn't recognize the latter as a girl for a while, and just glanced indifferently before ignoring her, which made Xiao Wang even more angry.

"Don't bother with him, Shinji is that character..."

Xiaoguang quickly grabbed the latter, fearing that it would directly cause a fight.

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