He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1877 vs Steel God Pillar, Regis Chill! (superior)

He knows more about Pokémon Chapter 1877 vs Steel God Pillar than I do, Regis Chill! (superior)

"Come out, Registeel!


The second Pokémon from the Age of Gods is still a huge Pillar Giant.

This time, the whole body of the Steel God Pillar is made of silver-black steel, with slender black arms on both sides, which looks extremely hard and thick.

It seems that the Age of God is planning to send all three of them on the stage today.


Shinji's expression didn't change, he took a step behind and also sent out his third Pokémon.


The red light fell, and the electric shock beast with a golden body and a black thunder pattern appeared on the stage.

As soon as he came out, he shook his arms quite excitedly, and the conductive antennae of his head were bursting with electricity, ready to go.

The electric attribute resists the steel attribute, and the electric shock beast is barely standing on the advantage of the attribute.

"Electric Beast, use the electric shock wave!


"Reggis Chill, use the cannon!


Fighting Yin Shi, the two chose long-range moves at the same time to test.

Hugh boom!

However, the silver-white laser shot by Registeel was even more powerful, directly dissipating the electric shock wave, and bombarding directly towards the position of the electric shock beast in the rear!

"Use the light wall!"

Shinji's expression was highly focused, and his command became brief.

The Electric Shock Beast immediately dissipated the current from its body, raised its arms, and propped up a transparent light wall in front of it.


When the cannon landed on the light wall, it was already canceled out by the electric shock wave a lot. After being weakened by the light wall again, its power was no longer there, and it was easily split by the electric shock beast.

"Electric Beast, use high-speed movement!"

Putting away the palms, this time the electric shock beast started to spread its legs, running and jumping on the field again and again, its figure was as hard as lightning to catch.

Because of the big movement of the crazy plants in the last game, a lot of rock pillars were created in this arena, which gave the electric shock beast a good cover and pedal.


Dazzling movements, even the Steel God Pillar couldn't lock the target for a while, and the dot matrix imprint on his face flickered mysteriously.

"Use Flame Fist!"

I saw the electric shock beast came to a blind spot, and immediately stomped out, and a burst of hot flames exploded on the raised fist instantly!

Obviously, in order to target the Age of Gods who are going to fight today, Shinji specially changed the moves for Electroshock Beast.

"Reggis Chill, use the Iron Wall!


However, following the angry low voice in the Age of Gods, I saw the Steel God Pillar embracing in place, and the surface of the steel body was once again covered with a layer of metallic silver light.

Bang bang!

The flame fist hit Steel God Pillar head-on, causing a blunt and heavy explosion.

However, the next moment, the indestructible Steel God Pillar obviously didn't make any movement. Instead, the Electroshock Beast was thrown out by the rebound momentum of its own fist, and its soles rubbed against the ground, barely stopping.

"electric shock..."

Sweat dripped from the Electric Shock Beast's forehead, and his extremely effective move just left a black mark on the opponent's face, while his own arm ached from the shock.

"Reggis Chill, use Heavy Charge!


The Age of Gods continued to attack without stopping.

Gang Shenzhu let go of his arms, and his whole body suddenly rushed towards the electric shock beast like a missile. The surface was covered with a layer of silver-white energy coat, with a very powerful force!

"Electric Beast, replace it with Volt!"

At this time, Shinji suddenly spoke.

The Electric Shock Beast understood, and his whole body rushed out instantly, and his whole body was also covered with a burst of energy coat like electric sparks.

The speed of the Electric Shock Beast at high speed must exceed that of the Steel God Pillar, when the latter's heavy impact has not yet reached the peak of its power.

Zi bang!

Volt took the first step and slammed into the head of Steel God Pillar, causing the latter to tremble.

With the help of the reaction force, the electric shock beast instantly turned into a red light, and returned to Shinji's elf ball on its own initiative.

boom boom...!!

without a goal,

The heavy impact created an exaggerated river gap on the ground, causing land to fall and ground to crack.


"This guy..."

Xiaozhi frowned, he always felt that there was something weird about Shinji's battle today, and now he can see it completely.

It was a 6v3 battle, and Shinji simplified it further, turning it into three 2v1 battles.

Defeating three Legendary Pokémon is difficult... but it is undoubtedly much easier to defeat one Legendary Pokémon 2v1.

The first Pokémon is used as the "cannon fodder" to investigate the opponent's combat intelligence, and the second Pokémon is the main force to defeat the opponent.

As expected of Shinji, it's really his style.

"Attack with all your strength, boy!"

Komyo crossed his arms and shouted loudly, obviously he had also noticed the latter's tactics.

He is really small and clever Shinji, the young man in front of him is far more powerful than Leisi back then.

"Get ready to fight! Circle Bear!


With a serious expression on his face, Shinji threw the next Poké Ball backhand.

"Bear Roar!


When the red light fell, the rather violent circle bear appeared on the stage, waving its thick bear paws and making a violent roar.

"The circle bear... has some disadvantages in terms of attributes, right?"

Xiaoguang couldn't help but commented that the bear claws with normal attributes couldn't tear apart the legendary Pokémon's Iron Drive.


Before everyone could say anything more, the circle bear on the field suddenly ignited a burst of flames all over its body, covering itself, looking quite tragic.

"What happened?"

Xiaoguang's expression was suffocated, uu read a book

Is this some kind of flame move of the circle bear... Flame car?

"It's a flame orb."

Xiaozhi reacted immediately and blurted out.

If you bring a flame orb to Pokémon, it will put itself into a burn state as soon as it appears on the stage. In most cases, this is a prop with negative effects.

But if it's this circle bear...

"Bear Roar!


The next moment, I saw this circle bear waving its sharp claws, and suddenly scattered the flames around it.

At this moment, the veins all over his body are bulging, the muscles in his arms are thicker and more exaggerated than before, and the already ferocious bear face is even more ferocious!

Perseverance characteristic, activate!

Relying on this feature, the circle bear can not only completely ignore the negative effects of burns, but even the burn feature will greatly increase the attack power of the circle bear itself.

"It looks like they plan to use the sharp claws of the circle bear to tear apart Regis Chill's steel body from the front..."

Xiao Wang swallowed, and said slowly.

The strength of the trainer below seems to have far exceeded my expectations.


Kamito snorted coldly, and launched an attack on his own initiative.

"Reggis Chill, use the cannon!



Facing the silver laser that flew again, Shinji chose to deal with it head-on this time.

"Split directly!


The circle bear raised its paw, its sharp claws gleamed coldly, and slammed at the incoming laser.

The unusually sharp claws tore the cannon light cannon apart abruptly, and the scene was extremely violent!

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