He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1880 vs Ice God Pillar, Regis! (Down)

He understands Pokémon Chapter 1880 vs Ice Pillar better than I do, Regis! (Down)

"Duck-billed beast, use big characters to explode!


Apparently, Shinji didn't expect the sudden violent attack of Jindai, and the command's tone became hasty.

The platypus quickly raised its arms on the spot, and the two flamethrower arms leaned together, and the terrifying flames in the barrel kept rolling.


The flames that spewed out finally turned into a big character of flames in front of him, and rushed forward.

On the other side, the yellow-green lightning laser has also arrived!

The power of the electromagnetic cannon is extremely strong, and the locking has avoided its only weak point that is difficult to hit, and blasted out brazenly!

Boom boom boom!

The collision of the two big moves once again sparked an exaggerated explosion.

But with the last move, the center of the explosion was closer to the duck-billed beast, and the terrible impact force crazily hit the duck-billed beast's chest, forcing it back continuously.

Immediately, the strong wind of energy raged and dispersed, and in an instant, the surrounding white water mist was completely blown away.


After being hit hard, the platypus's chest rose, its breathing was a little short, and the flames on its shoulders were also fluttering.

"This man...can't be careless."

Shinji whispered, although at a disadvantage, Mr. Jindai still found an opportunity to counterattack strongly.

The man in front of him is not just relying on three legendary Pokémon to show off his prestige...

The command and judgment of the trainer itself is also terrifyingly strong.

"Damn, that guy, how did he defeat Mr. Kojiro head-on!?"

This made Shinji couldn't help cursing in a low voice, and glanced at Xiaozhi who was watching with relish in the stands next to him.

According to my brother, this guy is even a 3v3 head-to-head Mr. Jindai, not a 6v3 like today.

Shinji has always placed his opponents on people who are older than himself, and has never disdained peers.

But now, there is a person who is the same age as him and whose strength is far stronger than him?

"Young man, your heart is disturbed."

Jindai noticed Shinji's wild thoughts, and finally had a chance to speak.

But in this match, it was extremely rare for this young man to show his psychological flaws until now.

"Duckbill, use jet flame!"

But Shinji quickly calmed down and put the target in front of his eyes... The advantage of the platypus is still there, and he can win this battle!


Due to the flames ejected from the double barrels of the platypus, it even formed a pseudo-parent-child love effect, and ejected two jet flames at once.

"Reggiece, use your primal power!


However, several huge rocks condensed from the Ice God Pillar completely blocked the flames directly in front of them.


However, with the hook of the platypus beast's arm, the originally straight flame suddenly turned and formed a winding vortex, surrounding the ice god pillar.

Flame vortex!

After controlling the opponent's movements, Shinji waved his hand:

"It's now, use big characters to explode!


The corner of the duckbill's mouth grinned, showing a terrible smile, and the two flamethrowers in its hands leaned together.

Boom boom boom!

The next moment, a huge flame character had already condensed into shape and flew towards the center of the flame vortex.

Seeing that it seemed impossible to resist, Jindai put his hands on his chest and didn't seem to intend to resist or dodge.


As the big character explosion rushed into the flame vortex, the terrifying flames burst open, forming a huge explosion!

The effect is outstanding!

Among them, the figure of the Ice God Pillar was standing there, obviously completely taking the blow.


Shinji frowned, he thought it was Shendai who was calling him and pouring water for him.

Even the legendary Pokémon couldn't possibly be able to eat this powerful move.

"No, that action!?"

Xiaozhi in the stands had sharp eyes and was the first to react.

As the flames dissipated, I saw the Ice God Pillar standing on the spot in a slightly forward posture.

Although there were scorched black marks all over Icicle's body, the injury was serious.

But there is also a strange healing green light glowing on his body, quickly healing all these injuries... This healing speed far exceeds the effects of similar moves such as healing waves and life drops.

"Damn it, is it a sleeping move?!"

Shinji also quickly realized that only sleep moves can have such an exaggerated recovery power.

To eat a dangerous move completely, and then go to sleep directly... What a bold idea!

Bingshenzhu has no facial features and eyes, and only dots on the face, making it difficult to distinguish between sleeping and waking states.

"It's not that simple, let's do it again, use big characters to explode!


Shinji hurriedly attacked, intending to decide the winner at once while the opponent is still awake.

However, the flames of the platypus had just spewed out, and the Ice God Pillar had already shaken its body and stood upright again.

Ice God Pillar, wake up!

"Lucky, did you just sleep for a round...?"

Jindai narrowed his eyes slightly. Of course, it was not just luck. The Ice God Pillar was already using the sleep move the moment the flame vortex rose, and the timing was just right.

"Use the railgun!


The next moment, the Ice God Pillar raised its arm, and a terrifying beam of lightning also blasted out.

Boom boom boom!

The move collided head-on with the Big Character Explosion Flame, turning into a terrifying explosion again.

The ensuing explosion impact also swept across the Ice God Pillar and the Platypus Beast on both sides at the same time, forming a thick black mist that rose up.


After a while, everything on the field returned to calm.

As the smoke dissipated, the icicle body of the Ice God Pillar was covered with scorched black marks, but it still stood upright on the field.


But the platypus fluttered, and uu reading www.uukanshu.com finally loosened its eyes, its plump body leaned forward, and fell down suddenly.

Shinji's expression darkened, and he winked at Shendou from a distance, as if he didn't intend to send out the last Pokémon and continue to fight.

"The platypus loses its ability to fight, and Regis wins!"

"So this challenge is won by Mr. Jindai!


Only then did Shendou run back to the arena and pronounced the verdict loudly, marking the end of the match.

Turtle, this match was outrageous!


Even the few spectators in the stands opened their mouths slightly, their expressions were a little dull, and they hadn't fully come out of the previous fierce battle.

"Will my next opponent be this person...?"

Xiaoguang's face turned dark, not only Shinji at the alliance meeting, but also the monster trainer who brought the Nightmare God and pushed him all the way...

This year's Shenao Conference suddenly gave her an ominous thought!

"It's okay little light."

Xiaozhi, who has rich experience in conferences, sensed the nervousness of the latter, so he patted the latter on the shoulder and comforted him:

"When I participated in the conference for the first time, I had a friend who met the winner in the first game and was eliminated at the speed of light... I remember that she set a new record for the fastest elimination."

"Maybe you can break some interesting records too!"

Xiaoguang: "..."

You don't seem to be consoling!



(I haven't decided what to write later, I can only use fighting to ease (water) it, mine.)

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