He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1887 Slow start, crush!

"I used to think that the power of the Three Divine Pillars was already unparalleled..."

During the interval of watching the battle, Xiao Wang couldn't help complaining.

Now looking at the three god pillars who are constantly being beaten, Xiaozhi's other two god pillar giants have become the main firepower output.

It can only be said that there is no most outrageous, only more outrageous.

The violent impact of the electromagnetic cannon and the meteor swarm made Shenzhu King's body lean back.

"Right now, Reggie Locke, Regice, Registeel, use the Arm Punch to attack its lower leg!!"

Jindai said suddenly, as if he had caught some attacking opportunity.

The next moment, the Three Divine Pillars condensed their fists of white light again and rushed towards the target.

At this moment, Shenzhu King's upper body and torso were under the impact, so he could only prop up his lower limbs on the ground to prevent himself from leaning backwards and falling.

However, the three god pillars all aimed at the lower limbs of the god pillar king, and swung them up fiercely with the arm punching move.

Bang bang! !

The effect is outstanding!

Three huge forces suddenly came from the bottom, which also completely destroyed the center of gravity of Shenzhu King's body. Nuo Da's gigantic body suddenly fell back and sat down.


With such a terrible weight, Shenzhu King just dropped his big buttocks and squatted, and the entire Xuefeng Temple cave was shaking violently. Sand, dust and rubble filled the air, as if the ceiling would completely collapse in the next second.

The joint attack of the Five Divine Pillars successfully knocked down the Divine Pillar King!

It even had a kicking effect.

Cooperating with the opponent's terrifying weight, it caused a huge amount of damage all at once!

Not only that, but with the thick smoke around, the extremely exaggerated 20-meter figure of Shenzhu King suddenly shrank and became smaller!

The shrinkage trajectory is not yet perfectly linear, but has three discrete jumps.

thump! thump!

It was reduced in proportion three times in a row, and when everyone came back to their senses, they saw that the original height of 20 meters was now only about 4 or 5 meters.

"It's... Dynamite coming back, right?"

Xiaozhi guessed blankly, it should be similar to the state when mega evolved and recovered.

"Well, it looks like it's not in the same place, but the Gigamax here can't last for multiple rounds."

Shinyo breathed a sigh of relief and replied.

However, his expression is not completely relaxed, the next Shenzhu King, maybe it will be the real difficult time...?

"Well, looking at it this way, Gigamax doesn't seem to be that strong."

Xiaozhi couldn't help muttering in his heart.

Although the size looks bluffing, the power is strong enough, the moves have additional effects, and the physical strength has also been improved...

But this state didn't last long, it was difficult to control, and it also made himself an immovable target, and it was useless for the opponent to hit.

Moves such as electromagnetic guns that are difficult to aim can be fired without thinking.

In comparison, he felt that a mechanism such as mega evolution was more flexible and changeable.



Soon, the Divine Pillar King stood up again.

Although he had lost his extremely gigantic state, he was still standing fully five meters tall, with an exaggerated body shape like a little giant.

Xiaozhi doesn't know what the outcome of this test is, is he going to completely defeat him?

After that is over, can you subdue...?

Without an answer, he could only bite the bullet and continue to focus on fighting.

However, after the opponent's body shape returned to normal, the pressure was much lighter than before.


However, at the next moment, the whole body of Shenzhu King suddenly flashed several red lights that boosted his ability!

"What the hell?!"

Xiaozhi looked shocked, the other party obviously didn't do anything, right?

But the arm and torso in the shape of a stone pillar bulge faintly, and its momentum suddenly rises. It is obviously similar to using a sword dance move, and its attack power has been greatly improved!

And the movements have become more flexible, and the huge body is a little less bulky and dull than before...

Obviously, the speed has also been greatly improved!

"it is as expected."

Shendai's complexion turned dark. With his in-depth understanding of the Three Divine Pillars, he also obtained part of the information about the Divine Pillar King.

According to the records in ancient books, the characteristic of Shenzhu King can be named "slow start".

As the name says, the battle of the Shenzhu King is extremely slow, and it takes a while to warm up... So at the beginning of the battle, the strength and speed of the Shenzhu King will be greatly reduced.

This is a negative characteristic.

But at this moment, it is obvious that the activation has been completed, and the strength and speed of the Shenzhu King have returned to a perfect state!


The next moment, the Divine Pillar King suddenly trampled on the ground again and again, rushing towards the crowd.

Although the speed is not as exaggerated as the Dian Shenzhu, it is not slow at all. With a height of nearly five meters, it is very powerful!

The two raised arms were clenched into fists, and a fiery flame was ignited in them.

Boom! ! Boom! !

Before he could react in time, the Divine Pillar King's flame fists hit the torsos of the Steel Divine Pillar and the Ice Divine Pillar respectively.

The effect is outstanding!

With astonishing power, the two divine pillar giants were directly thrown into the air and embedded in the nearby rock wall!

To know the current size difference, Wushenzhu has only changed from the size of a "bug" to the level of a "dwarf", and the king of Shenzhu still has unlimited size advantages.

Even before the action was over, the divine pillar king immediately changed the attribute light on his fist. This time, one side was covered with snow and frost, and the other side was covered with dazzling white light.

Bang bang! !

With an open and closed attack, the Frozen Fist smashed head-on on the front door of the Dragon God Pillar next to it, sending it flying far away!

Bang bang! !

On the other side, the arm pounding move slammed the steel body of the Steel God Pillar, as if even the metal was cracked, it flew backwards and fell quickly!

The effect is outstanding!

This Divine Pillar King can even use two types of moves to attack with its waving arms, making it hard to defend against.


Seeing that there was only one strangely shaped Electric God Pillar left, the God Pillar King let go of his fingers and stretched out his palm this time.

Those who are condescending must grasp it in the palm of their hand and completely crush it...


This is the exclusive skill of the Divine Pillar King, a move of general attributes, which completely crushes the opponent with terrifying power.

Especially when the target's stamina is more abundant, the damage will be more exaggerated...

The current Dian Shen Pillar is in a full state, crushing moves, it is entirely possible to kill in one hit!

Whoosh! !

But faced with the big hand, the Dian Shenzhu just turned into an elegant lightning, and disappeared in the palm of the Shenzhu King in an instant, extremely flexible.

Although the speed of Shenzhu King has been improved, but in front of Dian Shenzhu, this speed is far from enough!


The move failed, causing the Divine Pillar King to groan, especially looking at this bouncing Dian Shenzhu, he felt a burst of irritability in his heart.

Why did I pinch such a small thing before? !


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