He knows Pokémon better than me

No. 1889 Extremely Giant Lair


Such a joint attack made Shenzhu King feel threatened for the first time, and his heart trembled.

There is no saying that the beating was done in vain. Seeing this, the Shenzhu King also raised his arms, and an orange energy light ball quickly condensed on the front door.

Finally, suddenly bombarded out...

Destroy the dead light! !

The Divine Pillar King itself is a general attribute, and for him to destroy the death light, he can undoubtedly exert the most powerful power.

The extremely thick and powerful destructive death ray, even far surpassed the double destructive death ray of the Ice God Pillar and the Rock God Pillar.

Boom boom boom! !

Finally, it collided with the four-in-one laser beams, making an unusually violent blasting sound.

The energy surge spread, and the ground beneath his feet cracked.

Even the ceiling, which was originally extremely stable, is constantly falling gravel at this moment, as if it will collapse in the next second.

In the middle of the collision of the moves, the palpitating power seems to tear apart the space, which makes people's hearts jump.

"It's completely an ancient god-level move colliding..."

In Xiaoguang's body, Platina said leisurely, she has been watching the battle simultaneously.

The four-in-one move of the Four Divine Pillars, in terms of strength alone, is not inferior to a full-scale attack of a first-level god.

Of course, 80% of the power comes from the power of the Lightning God Pillar and the Dragon God Pillar, and the other two are somewhat bastards.

The strength and characteristics of these two weird pillar giants are too outrageous, and they have completely brought out their own attribute moves to the extreme.

Even Plantina, who was well-informed in her previous life, was quite shocked when she saw it.

"Hold it with all your strength! Electric God Pillar, Dragon God Pillar!"

Xiaozhi stared closely at the battlefield and shouted loudly, his expression was also unprecedentedly focused.

I originally thought that today I just came in to study the ancient temple, but I didn't expect to be able to fight against such a legendary pillar giant... This is undoubtedly the most exciting thing that the Age of Gods has ever done.

Boom boom boom! !

The moves continued to collide for a while, and finally burst completely, forming a thick smoke.

Xiaozhi rolled his eyes. Although he didn't know what the situation was, the opponent had used the destructive death light after all, and he would fall into a period of stagnation... At that moment, the Lightning God Pillar and the Dragon God Pillar had to fight again. Attack with all your might!


It's just that Xiao Zhi just had this idea, but suddenly saw two giant hands stretched out from the black smoke.

Bearing the injury on his body, the Divine Pillar King popped out his palm, and actually grabbed the Ice Divine Pillar and the Rock Divine Pillar standing in the front, and lifted them high.

The sacred pillar, which was nearly two meters high, is now like a toy in the hands of a child, quite helpless.

As an ancient god, the Divine Pillar King completely ignored the negative effect of destroying the dead light's stiffness!

"Reggiece, Lightning strikes Locke!"

Jindai's face became anxious, his two divine pillars had just finished using the destructive death light, and now they are about to enter a period of rigidity, unable to do anything at all.

"Save them, do it again, the full power of the electromagnetic gun and the power of the dragon!!"

Xiaozhi quickly opened his mouth and said.

But before the two moves were launched, the Shenzhu King exerted force with his arm, constantly tightening the target in his hand.

Click! Click!

Then there were two bursts of bones cracking!


It is the exclusive move of the Divine Pillar King!

Bingshenzhu and Yanshenzhu, who were still struggling between their palms, gradually became silent after eating the crushing move.


Then it was thrown down by the Divine Pillar King and crashed to the ground.

Lying motionless on the ground, it was obvious that both of them had lost the ability to fight.

Boom boom boom! !

The next moment, the moves of Electric God Pillar and Dragon God Pillar also greeted them, causing a violent explosion on Shenzhu King's body again!

After being hit hard one after another, even being as strong as the ancient gods is somewhat unbearable.


The body backed up again and again, and finally after making a low sound, he sat down on the ground.

And the entire body of the Divine Pillar King was also covered by the pink-purple light beam that he saw at the beginning...

"What happened?!"

Several people gathered together to take a closer look, but in the next moment, the five-meter-high body of Shenzhu King suddenly disappeared out of thin air.


The battle of Xuefeng Temple seemed to have come to an end, and the Shidong Square became much calmer.

"Thank you for your hard work, Reggie Locke, Lightning Ace."

With a wry smile, Jindai took back the other two defeated giants.

Compared with Xiaozhi's two, his three pillars still have no advantage at all.

"Good job! Lightning God Pillar, Dragon God Pillar!"

Xiaozhi stepped forward and hugged his Pokémon one by one.

Defeating the existence of what seemed to be his ancient boss made these two guys look particularly excited.

In this team battle test, they still have two Pokémon alive on the field... it should be considered a pass, right?

"Well, Mr. Kojiro and Mr. Xiaozhi, you have passed the test."

As the maiden of the Xuefeng Temple, Miqin, who had been watching the show from behind, finally realized that it was time for her to appear on the stage, she quickly tensed her face, and walked up.

It is estimated that this test was originally aimed at the Three Divine Pillars...

With the strength of these three, it is estimated that another group will not be enough to fight the Shenzhu King alone.

Who would have thought that two unexpected monsters were suddenly inserted.

Everyone quickly looked in the direction of the previous three stone pillars.

But I saw that the three stone pillars before had completely disappeared, and the large round bead on the stone platform in the middle had disappeared.

It's just that at this moment, the stone platform has become very strange. It looks like a petal-like rock platform, but a hollow is formed in the center.


A pink-purple energy beam rose from it and shot all the way to the high rock wall.

"Is this... a giant lair?"

The Age of God was a little hesitant and did not dare to confirm.

It looks very similar to some special Pokémon lairs in the Galar region.

In some wilderness areas in the Galar region, you can see similar stone platforms, and the center also shoots out energy beams. If you get close, the trainer can even fight wild extremely giant Pokémon.

"It seems that this Xuefeng Temple has the same energy source as the Galar region."

Kamito couldn't help sighing.

When everyone looked closely, the color of the beam of light seemed very shallow.

Although the familiar aura of Regichkas could be felt inside, it was obvious that this slow-starting Pillar King would not appear for a while.

"Is it estimated that it will take a while to charge?"

The Age of God then analyzed.

After experiencing the process completely, he probably also knows the operating mechanism of this temple.

The priestess of the temple guards the gate, selects the trainer who carries the giant of the pillar as the challenger, and then comes to this extremely giant lair.

Awaken the Pillar King and complete the trial battle.

It seems that they are the first trainers to come in to challenge, which is slightly different...The next step should be the same process as the extremely large group battle in the wild in the Galar area.

"So this is the reward, right?"

Xiaozhi's gaze lit up, and he landed on the objects placed on the stone platform of the extremely huge lair.


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