He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1922 Relatives, almost got it

"Hey, don't forget me!"

Xiaozhi rubbed his nose, and commanded triumphantly:

"Latias, use mental force to grab all his things!!"

At this moment, Latias still maintains the form of mega evolution, and his mental power is extremely powerful. With such a strong mental power, hunter g can't even move his fingers.


With a thought in his mind, Latias burst the clothes and boots on Hunter G's body, leaving only a pair of floral underwear on his body.

The elf balls he carried flew into Xiaozhi's hands one after another, and even the hidden props were scattered around, completely unusable.


Seeing that the opponent didn't give him any chance at all, Hunter G's expression darkened.

I'm afraid I'm going to be planted here today.

"J, you woman!!"

Hunter G could only be impotent and furious in his heart, cursing Hunter J, while the last voice heard by his ears was Xiao Zhi's command.

"Latias, use hypnotism!"

As the sleep fluctuations covered, Hunter G's consciousness gradually slackened. In the end, even though Latias had untied the control of his mental obsession, he still knelt down on the ground and fell into a deep sleep.


Ah Jin also gave Xiaozhi a thumbs up.

Sure enough, if Xiaozhi was his partner, he could sit back and relax completely, and there was nothing to worry about.


After successfully solving Hunter G, Ajin naturally set his sights on Suicune who was caught by the big net.

"Fire Rock Rat, use the Shadow Claw!"

The Huoyan rat nodded, this was the only ghost attribute move it had mastered.

Leaping out, the raised claws of the forelimbs were already covered with energy claws composed of pitch-black shadows.


The shadow claws slashed across, tearing the big net apart very easily.

As Hunter G said, this big net is extremely difficult to destroy from the inside...but if it is from the outside, it is very easy.

A Jin even rolled up the broken net into a rope, and tied Hunter G tightly.

"By the way, Suicune, are you alright...?"

But looking at Suicune who was untied but still lying on the lawn, Ah Jin asked with some concern.

Looking at the latter's appearance, his eyes are closed tightly, and his expression is painful...

In such a short period of time, could it be that Suicune suffered some inhuman abuse, and fell into a coma?

"Leave it to me."

At this time, Xiaozhi came up, but his expression was a little strange.

Relying on the detection and induction of the power of the waveguide, Xiao Zhi can naturally have a complete panoramic view of everything that happened in the Hunter J spacecraft before.

The legendary Pokémon, the proud messenger of the north wind... was caught in a big net, and then kicked in the stomach by humans continuously, lying on the ground and whining like a puppy.

If this scene was released, Suicune might be deleted on the spot.

Too much!

Well, Xiaozhi decided to temporarily suppress this secret and keep it in his heart.

No matter how Suicune is considered half of his relatives, he still has to give face.

"Suicune must have suffered serious internal injuries... Latias, use the healing wave!"

So Xiaozhi could only explain in this way, and directed the way.

Although in fact, how can the simple feet of humans be harmful, the blood skin of the legendary Pokémon is as thick as an old cow.

But this humiliating action must have deeply hurt Suicune's self-esteem, and he was directly kicked into autism.


Unaware of the severity, Latias let out a cheerful cry, a wave of green light flickered all over his body, and slowly landed on Suicune's body.

"Latias, what a perfect partner..."

Ah Jin stared blankly at the side, with a bit of envy in his expression.

A super-high-speed flying partner, as well as a powerful mental power, the destructive power of the previous dragon wave is also very strong... Now it can even be a nanny.

Apart from not being able to directly transform into a human companion, Latias is undoubtedly the best companion.

But under the shroud of healing fluctuations, Suicune has not woken up for a long time.


Xiaozhi coughed in embarrassment, walked up quickly, lowered his figure as if checking, but whispered in Suicune's ear:

"My relative, it's almost over. I won't tell others about the way you were caught and kicked in the stomach by humans..."


Hearing whispers in his ear, Suicune suddenly opened his eyes, as if waking up from a nightmare.

The relatives at the beginning confused it for a while, but after realizing it was Xiaozhi, they reacted.

Xiaozhi conquered Emperor Yan, and Emperor Yan and his brothers...

So he and Xiaozhi can barely be regarded as half relatives.

But Xiaozhi directly read out the shameful behavior before, and Suicune's face froze.

But now that everyone is staring at him, Suicune can no longer lie on the ground in isolation.


With a low growl, Suicune stood up again as if he had recovered his strength after being healed by Latias.

"Haha, it's all right now!"

Xiaozhi quickly patted the latter on the head, smiled and laughed.


However, Suicune lowered his head in embarrassment. After the secret was known to Xiao Zhi, it was somewhat difficult to maintain the aloof image of the North Wind Messenger in front of the latter.

"As expected of Xiaozhi, he helped a lot this time!"

Ah Jin said pleasantly, if it wasn't for Xiaozhi this time, maybe Suicune was really taken away by this group of villains.

It seems that the next time we can't procrastinate like this, let's ambush a few more of our own Pokémon around the venue.

"Let's go, Teacher Gang and the others are probably in a hurry."


after an hour.

Return to the venue of the Johto Festival.

Although the celebration was destroyed by Hunter G, fortunately, the content of the celebration was basically fully displayed, and it can be regarded as a successful conclusion.

With the help of Chris and Xiaogang, there were basically no major casualties at the scene.

"Then leave this guy to us!"

Several Miss Junsha handcuffed the sober Hunter G, threw him into the police car, and walked away slowly.

After cleaning up the mess, Xiaozhi and Xiaogang were also preparing to leave.

"You're going to challenge the Sinnoh Alliance next, right? Chris and I will go to the scene to cheer for you~!"

Ah Jin smiled and shook hands with Xiaozhi to say goodbye.

In the next two months, he and Chris will take Suicune and continue to travel around various cities in the Sinnoh area, holding city celebrations and promoting their hometown.

Although he didn't quite understand, with Xiaozhi's current strength, why did he still go to the alliance meeting...

Even Ah Jin himself lost interest in this conference.

But at this time, I can look for the "ghost slate" mentioned by Xiaozhi before.

"Really, then I look forward to seeing your ghost fire beast next time."

Xiaozhi also said with a smile, saying goodbye.


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