He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1925 Monster Slate

After a lot of picking and picking, the products on the white cloth were basically sold out soon.

Even those lumps of mud...according to Wang Luo, this is not just mud that was picked up by the side of the road.

This is a special ball of mud, which is thrown at the target and has a blinding effect on wild Pokémon. Whether it is capturing or escaping, it has a good purpose.

But in the end, there were still some items left on the white cloth... It was the old home appliances that Xiaozhi had seen before.

It is completely in the posture of collecting waste products, and even giving them to others for free, no one is willing to accept them.


At this time, Wang Luo suddenly sniffed at Xiao Zhi's position, and then opened his eyes.

"Young man, these home appliances may be useful to you~"

"Does it work for me?"

Xiaozhi blinked, and grabbed a discarded microwave oven. Obviously, it was completely useless, and the lid of the opening was gone.

It's a good microwave oven, so you don't need to do housework, right?

At this time, Wang Luo rolled his eyes and said casually:

"If I'm right, you should have a Rotom?"

Xiaozhi was startled, how did this person know?

But after Wang Luo's reminder, Xiao Zhi took out a poke ball.


The poke ball bounced off, and the red light turned into an orange-yellow electric ghost, moving flexibly in the air like energy lightning.

Rotom is considered a very rare Pokémon even in his hometown of Sinnoh, but it has attracted the attention of many people around him.

"It's Electro Ghost Rotom!"

"This trainer also has a sharp-toothed land shark... so lucky."

Soon, someone noticed that the sharp-tooth land shark that was still following Xiaozhi was a rare Pokémon.

It's just that the electric mouse on the shoulder is a little bit broken, it is said that it is the existence of a bad street in other places.

Rotom, who appeared on the stage, was moving back and forth in the air, very lively and mischievous.


Especially after seeing a few discarded home appliances on the white cloth, his eyes lit up and turned into a streak of light and flew away.

With the figure completely integrated into a too old electric fan.


The electric fan, which was missing two pages, made a faint sound of electric current, and its shape continued to swell and change color, and finally turned into a complete and brand-new orange-yellow fan.

From the position of the fan platform, you can still see the small expression on Rotom's mouth.

Spin Rotom!

Without waiting for Xiaozhi's command, the rotating Rotom was already suspended in mid-air, and the rapidly stirring fan blades turned into afterimages.

Boom boom! !

The next moment, a powerful hurricane blasted out from the fan blades, slamming into the air, releasing a whirlwind shock wave like a huge flying rush...

storm! !

The fierce storm made many spectators around have disheveled clothes and hair, with surprised expressions on their faces.

This is the first time they have seen Rotom have such a change.


Xiaozhi also remembered that when Rotom first joined the team, he seemed to be integrated with the appliances in the Mori Mansion, changing attributes and using new moves.

It's just that he completely forgot about this ability...

In other words, he rarely sent Rotom to fight at all.

Looking at the other discarded household appliances in the white cloth, microwave ovens, front-loading washing machines, herbicides, refrigerators...the types are all very familiar.

The next Rotom is also having fun, and it is rare to be able to enter the adapted home appliances as you like, and release your various abilities.

Boom! !

It changed into the appearance of a microwave oven, the door opened, and a beam of golden-red flame blasted out.

Fire attribute big move, overheating! !

In terms of power, it even faintly caught up with the jet flames used by the flame monkey when it used fierce fire!

Next is the blizzard cast by Frozen Rotom, the water cannon used by Clean Rotom, and the flying leaf storm used by Cut Rotom... The power of each big move is extremely powerful.

"It seems that next, I will also let Rotom participate in the battle."

Seeing this, Xiao Zhi thought to himself.

Being able to switch forms and change attributes at will also means that Rotom has a variety of fighting styles and can deal with a variety of opponents.

I used to be like the fighting power of Xiaoqiao Rotom.

And Wang Luo also seemed to see through Xiaozhi's expression, and asked with a smile again:

"How about it, are you satisfied with these appliances?"

"Satisfied, Mr. Wang Luo, I want all these things!"

With a wave of his hand, Xiaozhi collected all these discarded household appliances.

Although it is completely a waste product to others, it is of great use to oneself.

Speaking of which, Wang Luo, can he really see through the needs of other people, and so accurately put these discarded household appliances to him?


In less than half an hour, all the products on the original white cloth were sold out and became empty.

The surrounding crowd also dispersed, ready to wait for the next appearance of Wang Luo, to see if they could buy any good things.

But just as Wang Luo bent down to put away the white cloth, Xiao Zhi suddenly stepped forward and squatted down.

The palm touched the only thing left on the white cloth, which was a black-purple slate.

At first Xiaozhi thought it was just a roadside stone for pressing white cloth, and most of the customers thought so too.

But if he's not mistaken, this should be...

Stretching out his hand to touch it, Xiaozhi felt a strong ghost attribute, which was creepy.

"Ghost Slate?!"

Xiaozhi couldn't help blurting out.

When I met Ah Jin a while ago, he also recommended the latter to look for the ghost slate. Maybe with this ancient slate, the fire rock mouse can evolve into a ghost fiery beast...

Didn't expect to meet her in this unknown town so soon?

"Oh~ you have vision...but the real name of this slate should be the monster slate~!"

Wang Luo said with a smile, allowing Xiaozhi to hold the monster slate, while he folded the white cloth in an orderly manner and put it back into the backpack.

"The monster slate...Mr. Wang Luo, I want this slate too! You can offer it at any price!"

So Xiaozhi said carelessly.

Traveling as a trainer for so many years, he has challenged and won countless trainers, and he has accumulated a lot of trophies and pocket money, so he is full of confidence.

"Hehe, if you need it, I can give it to you for free... But I have a request."

Wang Luo seemed to have known that Xiaozhi would stare at this monster slab, and said with a smile.


Xiaozhi blinked his eyes and met Xiaogang's eyes.

The blond man in front of him was too strange, he was obviously just a businessman passing by, but his eyes seemed to be able to see through everything.

There is even a faint aura of a strong person who is as fierce and proud as Miss Zhulan?

"Are you going to climb Tianguan Mountain next?"

Wang Luo glanced at Xiao Gang next to him, and continued:

"If possible, please let me climb the mountain with you, then I can give you this monster tablet for free."


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