He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1932 Mountaineering

The next day, early morning.

The town is close to the entrance of Tianguan Mountain. Xiaozhi and Xiaogang are ready to climb Tianguan Mountain officially.

Both of them are people who have been traveling all year round. It is not the first time that they have spent the night in the mountains. They do not need to prepare too much for equipment and food.

"Good morning, both of you."

According to the agreed time, Wang Luo also came in front of the two of them.

Although he was going to climb a mountain, the shape of the latter remained the same. He still looked like a businessman along the way, with a huge backpack and sleeping bag on his back.

The weight of such heavy luggage has already caught up with the equipment of ordinary mountain men, and the physique hidden under the heavy clothes should be quite strong.


Not only that, but today, on Wang Luo's shoulder, there is a blue and white electric squirrel - Patch Liz.

After returning yesterday, he caught a local Patchlitz, wondering if modern electric mice have evolved to the level of mythical beasts.


Just an ordinary electric mouse.

"Do you need a specific field electric mouse?"

Wang Luo even raised the idea of ​​the Kanto region ahead of the scene.

However, he didn't directly abandon the Pachiris, he simply carried it on his shoulder and brought it with him.

"Both of you, our journey is expected to take two days. Before night falls on the first day, we will probably be able to reach 2/3 of the height of Tianguan Mountain, and we will reach the peak on the second day."

Wang Luo was like a familiar local tour guide, introducing them to the two.

Tonight is to spend the night in the mountains.

Xiaozhi and the two had been prepared for a long time, so they naturally nodded in agreement.

"It's up to you, Sharptooth Shark!"

Xiaozhi also released his sharp-tooth land shark, and walked in front to lead the three of them, maybe he could meet one or two relatives.


Enter Tianguan Mountain.

The first section of the mountain road, and the artificially built stone steps, are quite easy to climb.

They are not the only small group climbing around, and many tourists are also climbing upwards.

However, most people will probably only reach the end of the artificial steps and stop climbing.

Generally, only experienced mountaineering men will continue to climb upwards.

"Mr. Wang Luo, I don't know yet, where are you from?"

The first journey was an ordinary mountain road with steps, and there was nothing worth noting, so Xiaozhi and the two focused on Wang Luo.

"Ah... a local from Sinnoh."

Wang Luo thought for a while and replied.

He originally wanted to answer "the Sinnohs with the purest and most ancient bloodlines", but he found this sentence somewhat strange.

"Are there any relatives in that family?"

"What kind of organization is the Ginkgo Chamber of Commerce...how come I have never heard of it?"

"Where did you meet this special Katy and Wind Speed?"

"Do you know the Sinnoh champion, Miss Zhulan?"

Seeing that the other party was willing to answer, Xiao Zhi and Xiao Gang simply threw out a series of questions.

This person is too mysterious... I'd better torture him along the way.

And Wang Luo's appearance and temperament, shouldn't it have something to do with Miss Zhulan?

Wang Luo: "..."

Seeing how the two seemed to be prepared, he couldn't help but think of Pikachu's berserk electric shock yesterday.

"The Ginkgo Chamber of Commerce is a small chamber of commerce that specializes in collecting and trading weird and rare props. It's normal if you haven't heard the name."

"Katie Dog and Wind Speed ​​Dog met by chance on the side of the road."

"Champion of Sinnoh, Ms. Zhulan...I heard that she is a powerful trainer, but I don't know her."

Wang Luo's answers are like flow, half-truths and half-false, making people unable to find any flaws.

As for Miss Zhulan...he had really heard of the former.

Not only that, but his appearance is very similar to his own, and he even checked out Zhulan's ace team, which is also the same as his team in Xicui area.

There are many coincidental connections between the ancient world and the modern world.

After climbing for about 3 hours, the three of them came to the end of the artificial steps.

Further up, there is a pure mountain slope, and there are no protective fence chains on both sides, and it is possible to fall and fall at any time.

Even Tianguan Mountain is inhabited by many wild Pokémon, some of which are fierce and powerful. Climbers may encounter crisis at any time.

"Fangtooth land shark, watch your surroundings carefully."

Xiaozhi opened his mouth to remind.

For ordinary climbers, this is the end point, and now they are all on the mountain platform in this circle, overlooking the distant scene.

"Go on~!"

Xiaozhi was full of confidence, and waved his hand to signal the two to follow.

Walking behind, Wang Luo looked at the two people in front with a slightly surprised expression.

According to his understanding, the physical strength of modern people should be extremely bad... Didn't expect that they walked for three hours, but the two teenagers in front of them didn't see any fatigue?

However, Wang Luo stopped for a while, looking at the distant scenery.

At this height, it is already possible to completely browse the previous small town, and even see further places.

Wang Luo focused his eyes and murmured:

"Speaking of the Galaxy team, are you guys about to start?"



at the same time.

A huge aircraft that is completely invisible in the air is also heading towards the southernmost area of ​​the Sinnoh area.

The goal is Lizhi Lake!

At this moment, Hunter J was sitting in the main cab, his eyes fell on the screen in front of him, and he could see that the lakeside resort below had a lot of people and frequent noises.

It will soon be the day for a large-scale and gorgeous celebration. At this moment, this position is also constantly building momentum, and tourists and contestants are pouring into this small town in an endless stream.

If the bomb is detonated in the adjacent lake, it is estimated that there will be a huge panic...

But this is none of my business.


After answering the phone, Hunter J's indifferent eyes fell back on the instrument in his hand.

But he saw a middle-aged man with a skinny face, short blue spiked hair, and a gloomy and stern expression.

It is the leader of Team Galaxy, Chiri!

"Didn't you just bomb any lake... If it's the Lake of Wisdom, I've dropped the bomb now."

Hunter J frowned, and said with a bit of displeasure.

After the last city celebration event, she decisively followed up with Team Galaxy's high reward commission.

Carrying a bomb specially made by the Galaxy team and detonating it in the three major lakes, a legendary Pokémon will appear... Her mission is to capture it accurately.

At the beginning, all three major lakes could be targets.

Because the three legendary Pokémon are connected by heart, once you attack and capture one of them, the other two will naturally appear, so it doesn't matter which lake it is.

She was already on standby near the Lake of Wisdom, but she suddenly received an instruction that the bomb had to be dropped at Lake Lizhi, and she could only take a long detour.


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