He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1731 The king of heaven is not something you can touch

However, the shore on the shore of Lizhi Lake now looks more like being on the edge of a cliff.

Standing was a man in a wine-red suit, with purple curly long hair hanging down, and sunglasses on his face.

It looks quite literary and artistic, and beside it is a tiger that is rarely seen in the Sinnoh area.

"Wusong, why are you here?! It's a great help!"

Melissa recognized the latter and greeted him from a distance.

The two have also been together for many years.

It seems that it was the Hu Di who used teleportation to instantly teleport the bronze clock to his eyes?

"Wusong? The Four Heavenly Kings?"

Hearing Melissa's address, Hunter J, who was far away in the air, frowned.

Four Heavenly Kings, how could they suddenly appear here by such a coincidence?

The four heavenly kings of the Sinnoh Alliance, except for the worm-type king, seem to be hard to mess with.


Hunter J turned his head quickly, locked the target on Aknom below, and fired crystal rays.

It is now necessary to focus on the target prey.

Her black technology ray can completely crystallize the target into a statue at the moment of contact, reducing it to a lifeless commodity that can be freely carried and traded.


Yaknom was very vigilant, although he was disturbed by a crowd of big-mouthed bats around him, he still turned his head, barely avoiding the dangerous rays.


Even with a flash of stature, he had to use teleportation to escape from the battlefield.

Just the next moment, Yaknom suddenly appeared, appearing at the same height as Hunter J.


Yaknom looked at his little hand in great doubt. He should be able to move several kilometers in an instant, right?

Why does it seem that 100 meters is already my limit now?

Hunter J sneered, he had already expected it in his heart.

The group of big-mouthed bats below used the "black eyes" move early on to forcibly lock their prey.

The black eyes of a big-mouthed bat may have no effect on the legendary Pokémon

But a hundred black eyes were aimed at the same time, and the little Aknom could not escape.

It happened to be teleported in front of his eyes, and Hunter J immediately said:

"Violent Dragon, use Crunch!!"

The tyrannosaurus under him understood, and quickly opened his bloody mouth, the sharp teeth were about to crush the little one in front of him in one bite!

Buzz buzz! !

Yaknom made a move with his small hand, and the gem light on his forehead flickered again, and the released supernatural power impact completely covered the Tyrannosaurus once again.

The powerful mental power completely freezes the Violent Dragon in place.

click bang!

The supernatural power also hit Hunter J, who became dizzy for a while, and the detector glasses on his face burst.

The world was spinning in his mind, but Hunter J still gritted his teeth and shouted:

"Now, the ancient giant fly, use bug bite.!"

I saw the ancient dragonfly that had been hiding under the belly of the tyrannosaurus, suddenly flashed, and came to the back of Yaknom with the movement of the dragonfly.

This is Hunter J's secret method.

Using the tyrannosaur's wide abdominal floor as a cover, an extremely fast and tricky ancient giant fly is hidden in it, waiting for an opportunity to move.

Since the supernatural power is completely one-way, this surprised Yaknom, and subconsciously wanted to turn his head and blast the dragonfly.

Insect bites on myself, but the effect is outstanding.

However, this action fell right into Hunter J's arms.


Just when the latter turned his head, and wanted to knock the ancient giant fly away, Hunter J also raised his arm, activating the special ray device on his arm.

There is only a distance of three or four meters, and there is no need to aim at all.

Nourish! !

The next moment, the black technology beam hit Yak Nome head-on!


The latter was still panicking in place, and the crystalline state spread rapidly from the bottom upwards, completely freezing Yaknom into a golden life-size statue almost instantly.

"Capture complete.!"

Hunter J took off the broken detector casually, and threw the ball at high altitude casually. His indifferent eyes didn't seem to feel that there was any big disturbance.

As for why the other two didn't come forward to rescue

The group of big-mouthed bats that lost their target before turned around and completely surrounded Sui Fengqiu and Melissa.

"Damn it, follow the wind ball, use the electric shock wave!!"

The wind ball can only continuously release current beams. Although each blow can kill several big-mouthed bats, it is difficult to escape from this big-mouthed bat prison in a short time.

And Wusong, the Four Heavenly Kings below, was about to rush over with Hu Di to get closer to the rescue because the positions were still some distance away.

"Poisonous skeleton frog, use the wave of evil!!"

Behind him, there was a sudden cold low voice.

Instead, a man with blue pointed horns and short hair suddenly fell from the tree trunk on the bank, wearing the signature silver and black tight-fitting uniform of the Galaxy team, and accompanied by a poisonous marsh frog with a fierce and gloomy expression.

It was Zhen Xing and his ace Poison Skeleton Frog.

Although detonating the galaxy bomb, they outsourced it to Hunter J

But this doesn't mean that their Galaxy team is completely out of business.

Zhenxing had ambushed near Lizhi Lake early in the morning. If anyone wanted to hinder Hunter J's hunting action, he would help.

"I didn't expect to be able to wait for a heavenly king! Let me try the strength of the alliance's heavenly king today!!"

Zhen Xing laughed wildly and launched an attack directly.

At the same time, the poisonous skeleton frog jumped and pushed forward with both hands, and a dangerous shock wave composed of countless black light circles flew out brazenly.

"Is there any support here?"

Wu Song's eyes under the sunglasses pressed down, and he could only deal with the opponent in front of him first.

"Hu Di, teleport!"


Hu Di beside him disappeared in place instantly, and the ferocious wave of evil moves completely failed.

In the next moment, Hu Di's golden body appeared behind the poisonous skeleton frog, and the two spoons in his hand were shaking in a strange and slow trajectory.

"Playing tricks, use poison attack!!"

Zhen Xing immediately shouted and attacked.

"Hu Di, use mental shock!"

However, as Wu Song's voice fell, Hu Di's spoon waved lightly, instantly condensing countless white balls of thought power.

Facing the poisonous and sharp spiked arm of the poisonous skeleton frog, the mental shock turned around, bypassing the only poisonous blow, and then bombarded all parts of the poisonous skeleton frog's body first.

Boom boom boom! !

Terrible spiritual energy erupted one after another, completely blowing the poisonous skeleton frog out, and fell heavily to the ground.

When Zhen Xing turned his head to look at his beloved pet, the poisonous skeleton frog had fainted and fell to the ground.

With an easy one-shot kill, Wu Song had already stood beside Hu Di again, and said slowly in a deep and magnetic voice:

"Young man, the king of heaven is not something you can touch porcelain at will."

These words made Zhen Xing's face turn red and sullen.

Damn, is the king of the alliance so strong? His poisonous skeleton frog didn't even survive three rounds!

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