He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1734 Fire King, Daye!

Located in the southwest of the Sinnoh area, Xiaoguang's hometown, Futaba Town.

Or near Shuangye Town, Xinqi Lake, one of the three major lakes of Sinnoh.

This lake is not as hot as Lizhi Lake. There is a constant stream of traffic around the lake, and even a resort can be built.

The surrounding area of ​​Xinqi Lake is full of barren weeds, no one cares about it, and it is almost reduced to a wild lake.

Back then, it was rumored that there was a red tyrannosaurus living in Xinqi Lake, which caused a lot of heat for a while, but now, probably only some children from the neighboring Shuangye Town occasionally come to the shore to play.

At this moment, on a thick wooden post on the shore of Xinqi Lake, a red-haired woman was lying on her back.

With a delicate face and the natural cunning of a girl, she is wearing the signature silver and black tight skirt of Team Galaxy.

While looking at the Xinqi Lake in front of him, while chewing gum, he looked like he was rotten with salted fish.

It is one of the core cadres of the Galaxy team - the partner star.

The Galaxy team not only arranged for Zhenxing to ambush the other two lakes in Lizhi Lake, but also arranged for manpower at the same time.

However, the gods in the three lakes have the same mind, so there is no need to blow up the three lakes in a row. Now Huo Xing only needs to wait and finish.

And just thousands of miles away, a moment after the Galaxy bomb detonated, the spatial vibration also spread to the vicinity of Xinqi Lake at an extremely fast speed.


Notice the sudden inexplicable ripples on the surface of the lake, Huo Xing stood up and completely blew the gum bubbles around his mouth.

She rolled her eyes and approached the lake shore briskly.

"Here we come~!"

Sure enough, after a while, a bright light flickered out of thin air at a certain position on the surface of Xinqi Lake.

Immediately afterwards, a gorgeous space cave appeared, similar to Lizhi Lake.

The hole opened upwards, and a pink goblin Pokémon flew out of the water.

The channel of the different space makes it look like it was drilled out of the water, but it is not wet at all.

With a small body, there are two slender forked tails behind it, and its head is pink, with four long bars hanging down to the sides, and a magical red gemstone is also inlaid on its forehead.

"Come out~ come out, the gods of the lake who represent emotions, Emridor!"

Huo Xing's eyes were bright, and he clasped his hands and made a sound of admiration, as if he was obsessed with Emrido's cute appearance.

"But now, I can only take you away!"

However, at the next moment, Huo Xing's gaze changed instantly, and his cunning and weird temperament became somewhat indifferent.

And as this Emrido completely drilled out of the water, the originally calm lake surface suddenly began to shake and roll.


Emrido was taken aback, and quickly lowered his head to look at the water surface, only to see that there were numerous small round boards on the water surface.

Under the sunlight, it is almost the same color as the water flow, making it difficult to distinguish.

It's just that on the surface of these small round plates, pairs of eyes suddenly appeared.

Immediately, they staggered away from the water surface and slowly floated up, completely surrounding Emrido.

This is a group of bronze mirror monsters!

There are nearly a hundred of them, and the movements are scary.

Apparently, it was the existence of the gangsters who were ambushing here early in the morning. At this moment, the copper mirror monsters all showed aggressive eyes, aiming the bronze mirror at Emrido in the center.

"Be obedient and just grab it, I won't hurt you~!"

Huo Xing chuckled on the shore, and then commanded loudly without mercy:

"Use metallic sound!!"

After the words fell, the body of the bronze mirror monster trembled faintly, releasing a burst of gray-white sound waves.

Metal sounds from all directions struck at the same time, Emrido had no time to dodge and was hit completely.


The harsh and chaotic voice made Emrido hold his head in his small hands, with a painful expression on his face.

This also made Emrido finally look angry, and the ruby ​​on his forehead flickered.

Buzz! !

The power exploded, and the released pale golden energy vortex impacted, directly bombarding the row of bronze mirror monsters in the front and fell into the water, unable to fight any more.

Magical powers!

"Hey, the strength is not bad~"

There was a smile in the corner of Huo Xing's eyes, but he didn't panic in the slightest.

Emrido blasted out a vacuum channel in an instant, and was about to escape.

call out.!

However, a large number of bronze mirror monsters quickly filled the gap, and once again surrounded Emrido in the middle, making it difficult to escape.

"Use the strange light~!"

Partner took advantage of the situation to attack, intending to use restrained ghost-attribute moves to completely disrupt Emrido's mind.

Strange and gloomy black light clusters were thrown out by the bronze mirror monster, Qiqi flung them towards Emrido's position.


This made Emrido dodge very reluctantly. It was not a combat-type Legendary Pokémon. It hadn't been in battle for a long time, and even its moving movements seemed a little stiff.

Seeing that Emrido will soon be completely defeated.

At this time, a high-pitched command voice suddenly came from the direction behind Huo Xing.

"I came just in time, Fire Eevee, use the flame vortex!!"

Before Huoxing turned his head, a thick beam of flame light passed by his side.

Boom chi chi! !

When the flame fell on the lake, it suddenly began to spin and twist, and the grand fire turned into a huge flame tornado, which spread and hit more than ten bronze mirror monsters in an instant.

The effect is outstanding!

With just one blow, many bronze mirror monsters "plopped" into the water, losing their fighting ability.

The scorching high temperature made the other bronze mirror monsters also show timid expressions, and there was an extra blank protective space in the encirclement.

Only then did the partner have the strength to turn his head.

But he saw a red-haired man standing on a high slope behind him.

He has a fiery red afro head, a white face with an excited and fiery expression, and is dressed in yellow trousers with tight short sleeves and loose trouser legs.

He even wore a pair of flip-flops casually under his feet, put his hands in his pockets, lowered his figure, and approached him with steps that no relatives would recognize.

This look is like a hip-hop gangster on the street.

"Four Heavenly Kings, Daye. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~!"

Huo Xing took a step back, vigilant in his heart, but still showed a surprised expression on the surface and smiled.

The king of the fire attribute of the Sinnoh Alliance, his fighting style is as fierce and fiery as the attribute he is good at, and he is definitely a very dangerous character.

"Are you from the Galaxy team? It seems that I came just in time."

With a confident smile, Daye walked a few steps closer with his hands in his pockets, looking down at his partner from above.

"I see you also have red hair. Hehe, but even with the same aesthetics, I won't let you go!"

Daye's eyes are already bright, although he has received a mission to protect the legendary Pokémon in the three major lakes.

But being able to fight against a powerful opponent is what he values ​​most!

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