He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1740 Pokémon Tamer

As the time approached dusk, Xiaozhi's climbing team finally stopped, ready to find a place to rest for the night.

Now that it has been determined that the top of Tianguan Mountain is the destination of the Galaxy team, then there may be a big battle on the mountain next.

After climbing the steep mountain road all day, even Xiaozhi's physique made his legs feel a little limp.

Take a night off tonight.

"Just here, this cave is not bad~!"

Xiao Gang quickly found a cave on the edge of a cliff. In front of him was an endless view of towering mountains. The cave was sunken inwards, forming a natural shelter.

Probe into it for a while, the area is not big, the rock wall on the ground is still dry, it doesn't seem to be the lair of some wild Pokémon.

"The temperature has also started to drop"

Entering the cave, Wang Luo unwrapped the package, and collected firewood and grass leaves with Xiao Zhi.

At this height, some thin frosty ice can already be seen on the ground, and even some fine hailstones occasionally fall from the sky.

If you continue to go up, you will officially enter the scope of the snow mountain.

Even looking from this height into the distance, there are mountains and rivers with snow caps all around.


This temperature made Fangtooth Shark quite uncomfortable, so Xiao Zhi simply took it back.

Don't look at its hometown is Tianguan Mountain

But the sharp-toothed sharks basically live in caves at the bottom of Tianguan Mountain, or in some hot and humid underground bunkers, and rarely run to such icy mountain top areas.


Xiaogang has rich outdoor experience, and soon he lit firewood in the cave and set up a big pot, in which the delicious thick soup was already bubbling.

As night fell, the surrounding temperature also began to drop rapidly, and hail mixed with snow could be faintly seen outside the cave.

"It's up to you!"

Xiaozhi released the flame monkey with his backhand.

The latter's fiery and excited body made a warm-up punch as soon as he came out, which made the cave much warmer.

"You come out too."

Wang Luo took out the oddly shaped wooden elf ball, and released his ancient wind speed dog from the Xicui area.

The latter's crimson body began to radiate a faint heat without using any skills, which immediately made the cave much warmer.


Just noticing Pikachu next to Xiaozhi, the wind speed dog immediately arched its back, its fur stood up, and it bared its teeth and let out a low growl.

Apparently it was the last time, annoyed by this little one's pounding.


Pikachu tilted his head, casually grabbed a twig on the ground and put it on the corner of his mouth, and shook his little finger at the wind speed dog, his face full of aloofness and disdain.

This shape looks a bit like a lizard king.

At this moment, Pikachu's strength has returned to its peak, which is the craziest time of the year.

Not to mention the wind speed dog, even if an alpaca comes now, Pikachu will go crazy.


The provocative gesture made Wind Speed ​​Dog furious, and immediately opened its bloody mouth, flames flowed between the teeth, and it was about to use the "flaming teeth" move to bite off Pikachu's mouse head.

"Wind Speed ​​Dog!"

But following Wangluo's low voice, Fengsugou suddenly shuddered all over, his fierce expression disappeared instantly, and he froze in place.

After turning his head, when he met Wang Luo's deep eyes, Feng Sugou completely put away his temper.


It let out a low cry, and finally could only walk towards the corner of the cave pitifully, with its tail between its legs.

Silently crawling against the wall, not daring to make any more movements.


This move made Xiao Zhi and Xiao Gang look at each other.

There seems to be something wrong with the way trainers get along with Pokémon like this?

Not even a stern trainer like Shinji.

Or Wang Luo, more like a domesticator in a circus with a long whip?

With a flick of the long whip, no matter how fierce the lion was, it could only humbly lie down, trembling and whining.


However, Wang Luo quickly smiled at the two of them casually. This kind of behavioral interaction seemed to be a matter of course for him, and it was difficult for the two of them to say much.

What a queer man.

"It's really delicious! I've never eaten such delicious food!"

After enjoying the hot soup cooked by Xiaogang, Wang Luo took off his hat, his eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but sigh in admiration.

"Haha, it's actually okay."

Xiao Gang touched his nose, but there was still a bit of complacency in his expression.

It is said that after Mr. Wang Luo took off his hat, he looked more similar to Miss Zhulan.

If you don't know it, even if you say it's Miss Zhulan's twin brother, there's nothing wrong with it.

Wang Luo, on the other hand, savored the delicious food in his hand as if he was enjoying some supreme delicacy.

As an ancient person who crossed over from the Xicui area.

In that era, human beings had gone all out for the simplest survival.

As for the food, it is enough to eat some, and it is basically dry food pancakes with astringent taste. No one will pursue the experience of taste buds.

The same is true for Wangluo.

I have to say that the food in this era can make every Xicui person linger and forget to return.

Looking at Wang Luo's inexplicably intoxicated expression, the two just smiled awkwardly.

"Speaking of Mr. Wangluo, how do you know so much about the mythology of the Sinnoh region?"

While drinking hot soup, Xiaozhi finally couldn't help asking this question.

Even Ms. Zhulan, who is quite familiar with myths and historical sites, has only a half-knowledge about the anecdotes about the pillar of the spear being on the top of Tianguan Mountain and the gods in the lake.

But the man in front of him seemed to be fully aware of it.

"This is not difficult for a Sinnoh man."

Wang Luo replied softly.

Of course, what he was talking about was the Sinnohians, referring to the human beings whose blood really flowed from the ancient Sinnohians.

Whether it is the people living in the Sinnoh area in modern times or the Xicui people in ancient times, without exception, they are all outsiders who immigrated and settled later.

Wang Luo has deep-rooted superiority and pride in his own identity.

However, even in the ancient Xicui area, few people would mention this statement, let alone the modern era of this large mixed population.

Xiaozhi blinked his eyes, this was completely the answer of the Riddler.

"So Mr. Wang Luo is also going to the pillar of the gun? What is he going to do?"

Xiaozhi could only bite the bullet and continue to ask questions.

Wang Luo stood up, looking at the two of them calmly and piously.

"As a Sinnoh person, what other reason would there be to go to the starting place and meet the legendary Sinnoh Great Lord?"

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