He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 172 Light Red Gym, vs Genin!

Inside the Light Red Gym.

Xiaozhi and his team came to an empty room. They stepped on a wooden floor with regular white horizontal lines on the field. The floor was not too hard, and it would make a "squeak" sound.

Explaining the purpose of coming, the ninja girl said that she was going to invite the gymnasium master. The three of them waited for nearly 20 minutes, until Pikachu had already fallen into a deep sleep on the spot, and then two figures came out slowly.

Xiaozhi quickly turned his face and looked intently. Like the ninja girl, the owner of the gymnasium is also an uncle ninja.

Just because of that serious and meticulous demeanor, Xiaozhi didn't dare to be careless, and secretly thought that there would be a tough battle today.


Ah Ju glanced at the three of them, and finally set his sights on Xiaozhi.

As he said to his daughter Xing, the first step for a ninja is to pay attention to everything about the opponent, but this trainer makes him a little confused.

Like the hedgehog boy from Zhenxin Town a few days ago, when he came in, he kicked the door open with his feet, and when he came in, he put his hips on his hips and laughed wantonly, with a very arrogant attitude, like a cerebral palsy.

But the scheming Ah Ju naturally penetrated his mind. Although he was acting arrogant, his eyes carefully looked at everything around him. Obviously, cerebral palsy was just a disguise, and his mind was far more meticulous than that of ordinary trainers.

Pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger.

If you want to evaluate, Ah Ju thinks that the hedgehog-headed trainer can barely be regarded as a person standing on the third floor.

But at this moment, the boy in the peaked cap in front of him, he couldn't see which floor he was on at all.

At first glance, it's completely stupefied.

At a second glance, he was still stunned.

No matter how many times you look at it, you will always be stunned.

But Ah Ju's intuition of knowing people for many years told him that this young man is not simple, and he is by no means like the stunned young man on the outside. The performance was so perfect that Ah Ju's pupils shrank suddenly, and she couldn't help but gasp.

"I can't see through..."

The two looked at each other from a distance in the hall, and it was considered an evenly matched situation in the momentum.

Everyone: "?"

Ah Xing and her two little friends who were on the sidelines were puzzled. They didn't understand why they used a microscope to look at chrysanthemums...



"The Light Red Gym Challenge adopts a 3v3 battle rule. If all three Pokémon on one side lose their fighting ability, it will be considered a winner!"

The ninja girl A Xing acted as a referee in the middle of the arena, with a very serious expression.

Today is her father's final battle as the head of the gymnasium, and she will record every movement and command of Ah Ju.

"I see..."

Xiaozhi looked around, it was the first time for him to fight indoors surrounded by wooden floors and walls, but the space was not too narrow, and he could flex his fists with his best speed.

"Come out, my ninja!"

Ah Ju threw a shuriken elf ball again, muttering words in his mouth, and unlocked the tiger mark.

His Pokémon are divided into four levels, Ninja, which specializes in dealing with miscellaneous fish, and novice trainers, as long as they are strong enough, they can defeat them. If Apollo gets up with his combat power detector, the combat power will be around 2000.

The second level is Chunin, only those who are stronger than ordinary novice trainers can defeat them, and their combat power is about 4000.

The third level is Jonin, which is already at the level of an elite trainer. After a few years of practice, a novice can't reach the realm. The combat power is about 8000.

As for the fourth level, this is Ah Ju's full strength. It is so powerful that it can even confront the Four Heavenly Kings head-on. Its combat power is indescribable!

Ah Ju named this level.


The shuriken elf ball flicked past, and what appeared in front of Xiaozhi was a plump purple Pokémon with a pair of cute big eyes on its face.

"Didi. Hairball, insect and poison attributes, eyes staring like copper bells, with radar function, be careful."

The illustrated book reminded, and after a while, it issued another reminder:

"Radar refers to an instrument that uses special electromagnetic waves to find targets and determine their spatial positions."

It was worried that its trainer, Yu Yu, would not understand the meaning of the radar, so he kindly reminded him.

"Don't look down on me, I understand radar!"

Xiaozhi blushed, but wondered in his heart if this illustration book was a roundworm in his stomach, he was just wondering what radar was.

He only knows about detonators. When he was a child, he often went to the back mountain of Zhenxin Town with Xiaomao to get a detonator to blow up Kentaro's feces. He thought it was some kind of bomb when the radar first reacted.

"Insect attribute? It looks a bit weak... Then it's up to you, Bibi Bird!!"

Xiaozhi dispatched his model worker general.

"By calling!!"

Bibi bird fluttered its wings and let out a loud cry. It hadn't been seen for a few days. The feathers on its body were shining brightly, and its level seemed to have improved a lot.

"Flying attribute? This is the last battle, so there's no need to restrain the hairball." Ah Ju suddenly said something confusing.

As soon as the words fell, a burst of white light burst out from the fur ball, and within a few seconds, its figure changed drastically, evolving into another appearance.

Moth-like body, pink and white all over, seems to have a hazy scale powder, two wings flapping, quickly adapted to the flying ability.

The last moth!

Xiaozhi: "?"

Evolved on the spot again? !

Is raising furballs that can evolve just to snipe my qualifying match? !

But even so, the opponent is of insect attribute and poison attribute, Bibi Bird's advantages are still there, but Xiaozhi dare not be careless, the feeling that this uncle ninja gives him is completely different from other gym masters...


The battle begins!

"At the end of the moth, use the paralyzing powder!"

At the beginning, Ah Ju took the lead in launching the attack, and it was still the paralyzed fan who first attacked.

However, the power of the moth's paralyzing powder is much stronger than that of Ah Xing's fur ball, and the faint yellow powder whizzed away with a very large range.

"Hmph, this move cannot be blown away by the ordinary Bibi Bird Storm."

"Bibi Bird, use defogging!"

Following Xiaozhi's loud shout, Bibi Bird waved its wings, and there was a pure white purifying air on the wings, waving out, and the white air easily dispersed the paralyzing powder all over the sky.

Ah Ju frowned slightly, it was the first time he had seen Bibi Bird with defogging.

Before the skill was terminated, the power of defogging turned into a white energy blade and shot away.

"At the end of the moth, use phantom light!"

A burst of blue light flashed in Moth's eyes, and the menacing defogging energy was frozen in mid-air. With a thought, the direction suddenly changed, and it shot backwards at Bibi Bird.

"By calling!!"

Bibi bird's wings crossed and swung forward, vigorously slapping the defogging energy, dispelling this skill with violence.


It's just that the wings just moved away from his eyes, and he didn't expect that the last moth, which was five meters away just now, had appeared directly in front of it at some point.

"What a fast speed!" Xiaozhi was slightly startled.

Ah Ju made a handprint and shouted:

"Hmph, use poison!"

Poison attribute gym, how could it not use poison?


Moth's wings flicked, and the almost zero-distance poisonous energy completely covered the latter's body. In the next second, Bibi's face turned dark, and purple bubbles appeared on its body.

Bibi Bird has entered a poisoned state!

Ah Ju showed a gloomy smile, secretly thinking that the outcome of this match has already been decided, and as long as he drags it slowly, he will be invincible.

"Tool bird, use the healing bell." Xiaozhi shouted suddenly.

Ah Ju: "?"

Has this trainer gone crazy? It seems that there is nothing to fear when he shouts out skills that Pokémon cannot learn.


In the next second, there was a strange sound of bells in Ah Ju's ears, which was fresh and melodious, and then a faint green light appeared on Bibi Bird.

Bibi Bird exited the poisoned state!

Ah Ju was so frightened that her eyeballs almost popped out.

So this trainer is still a magician? !

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