He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1752 Same fate!

With Zhulan as a strong backup, Xiaozhi can finally move on.

There was a whirring sandstorm behind him, but none of this had anything to do with him.


The one-eyed ghost let out a low growl, its only red eyes were fixed on the two people who were approaching, its body was suspended and its arms and fists were raised.

The task of the Night Demon Spirit is to guard Chi Sun's back and prevent anyone from approaching.

The next moment, it swung its huge fist violently and punched through the air.


A bunch of translucent shadow fists bombarded out immediately!

"Shadow Fist? Pikachu, we also use Shadow Fist!


Xiaozhi naturally showed no sign of weakness, and Pikachu in front of him jumped up even more, and also waved his small fists, rushing forward through the air.

A bunch of shadow fists also bombarded out, colliding head-on with the moves of the Night Demon Spirit.


The two shadow fists exploded and turned into broken shadows scattered in the corner of the eye. For a while, it was evenly matched.

"This night demon is of a very high level."

Xiaozhi murmured, although Pikachu has just mastered the Shadow Fist, after all, his own level strength has reached the full state of the second rank.

Pikachu in this state, even if it is a move that has just been learned, its power is definitely not what ordinary Pokémon can touch.



Seeing that his moves didn't work, the Cyclops gradually became agitated, spreading his palms.

Hugh, huh, huh!

Countless blue fireballs flew out, about to cover Pikachu.


"Use the grid!"

Pikachu pressed the ground with one hand, turned sideways, and swept out a large lightning net from his tail.

Not only will all the will-o'-the-wisps in the sky be completely engulfed, but even the castration will continue, and the night demons behind will be completely encased.


The night demon let out a deep roar, and made a knife-like palm in his hand, and slammed obliquely!


In an instant, the power grid was split open in the air, turning into tiny electric currents and dissipating.

It's just that before it can see the front clearly, it sees a cyan afterimage, which has come to the bottom in front of it.

Xiaozhi's commanding voice came even half a beat later.

"Pikachu, use Speed, then Iron Tail!


Pikachu, who has entered a state of super speed, has a miraculous speed that makes it impossible to catch traces.

Finally, he stepped on the ground and jumped vertically.

The seamless connection of the two moves is not low, especially for the special move of super speed.

Like Pikachu in the past, at most he can only use the combo technique of flashing lightning and seamlessly connecting the iron tail.

Any faster, its small brain can't even react to what it is doing.

But at this moment, Pikachu, who has completed the second turn, has reached a new level of physical control over his moves.

Even in the face of a move like Super Speed, he can still seamlessly press A to jump up, connecting with a powerful steel tail.

Bang bang!

Hearing a blunt explosion, the Night Demon Spirit didn't know where his opponent was, and received a heavy blow to his chin, and his huge body was almost toppled over.

"It's not over yet, use a hundred thousand volts!


As for Pikachu, who jumped into the air, his melee movements were completely put away, his whole body tensed up, and the electric current on his cheeks kept beating outwards.


Dazzling electric light bombarded out, like a waterfall, completely poured on the body of the night demon from the sky.

The latter's huge body only appeared to be very weak under the lightning, constantly twitching.

The entire blood-red single eye turned into black as if nothingness, and lost consciousness.


When the lightning dissipated, white smoke billowed from the Night Demon Spirit's body, and his huge figure also collapsed.


But just when Xiaozhi thought he had successfully won, he suddenly heard the cry of Pikachu in front of him.

However, he saw that there were several jet-black energy light clusters around the latter's body. No matter how hard Pikachu struggled or jumped to dodge, he couldn't move these things away.

Boom boom boom!

In the end, a pitch-black beam of energy light was formed, which suddenly exploded on Pikachu's body.



As strong as Pikachu, he couldn't help tensing his body for a while, his eyes were white and his ears were completely erected, making a series of screams.

As the black light dissipated, his body turned crooked in the end, and he fell straight down on the spot.

"The same fate?! When?!"

Xiaozhi's expression was startled, and he quickly looked at the Night Demon Spirit who had already fallen down.

When the latter was hit by the berserk electric shock before, did he simply not dodge, and directly launched the same move?

Once he loses his ability to fight, he will forcibly drag his opponent into the same desperate situation of exhaustion.


Xiaozhi hurried forward and carefully hugged the fainted Pikachu into his arms.

Generally speaking, regular moves like the same life will only work when the level difference is not obvious.

Logically speaking, 10 more night demons would not be Pikachu's opponents, and the dirty trick like the same life would not work.

Could it be that this night demon is a special individual, able to leapfrog the level and use the same life move?


For no reason, Xiaozhi suddenly shivered, only feeling chilly.

After fighting this ghost ghost, Xiaozhi always felt that there was a mysterious and eerie feeling around this spear pillar.

Just like the night demon hiding in the shadow of the red sun, it seems that there are other more dangerous and powerful ghost Pokémon hiding in the shadow, peeking at the surrounding scene?

The night demon was defeated, but Chiri didn't take it back, and didn't even bother to look at the latter.

"Xiao Zhi from New Town. Your will is unparalleled."

The thin face exuded a frenzied red light, but looked at Xiaozhi instead.

"If it's you, it won't pollute that new world. Come, create a new world with me!


Chiri even shouted loudly, as if he was still at the headquarters of the Galactic team at the moment, and issued a declaration of brainwashing.

"If you want to create a new world, create it yourself. But if you want to destroy this world, I will never agree!"

Xiaozhi picked up the unconscious Pikachu, stood up slowly, and looked directly at Chiridao.

The increasingly stable and expanding cosmic wormhole and the surrounding scene of gradually collapsing time and space are undoubtedly telling everyone that the birth of the new world comes at the cost of sacrificing the old world.

At this moment, it is estimated that the entire Sinnoh area outside has also been affected, right?

Chiri's eyes were red, and he was obviously completely possessed. He shouted frantically, full of aggression:

"Is that so? If you stand in front of me, there is only one dead end!


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