He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1756 Red sun, dead end

Chi Ri, who was slapped flying with a slap, did not completely pass out.

I saw him struggling to stand up, with the red mark of Juan Lianyun's big slap still on his face.


Just looking at the red fragments scattered all over the ground, and the twin gods of time and space lying on the broken floor in the distance, Chiri's Tongkong fell into a void of nothingness.

And the cosmic wormhole in the air, which was gradually expanding and expanding, has completely stopped the trend of continuing to expand at this moment.

Even at the edge, it starts to rotate in reverse and gradually shrinks

"It's over, Chiri."

Zhulan temporarily suppressed the urge to talk to Wangluo, looked at Chiri and said in a deep voice.

Lie Bite Lu Shark is blocking the center line between Chi Sun and Sui Xing Huo Xing to prevent these two subordinates from doing anything.

Right now, Chiri is completely at the end of the road.

"Unforgivable, unforgivable! A brand new galaxy, the birth of a new universe.!


Chi Ri stood still, his face distorted, staring blankly at the gradually shrinking space-time wormhole, and murmured repeatedly in his mouth.

Even Wang Luo looked at this man with interest.

With a wave of his hand, he motioned for Juan Lianyun to come back and not to make another move.

His eyes are smiling, as if he really likes to see this desperate situation, but also helpless and furious.


I will be the god of that world! Get all those ultimate things!


At this time, Chi Ri suddenly shouted madly, his skinny face was bulging with veins, and the surface of his body was even more faintly black.

The whole person also suddenly rushed towards the cosmic wormhole in midair.

"Boss, don't!


In the distance, Huo Xing looked anxious and was about to step forward to stop him.

Is this going to rush directly into that inexplicable space-time cave?

Going in directly with a human body is undoubtedly committing suicide!

"Enough, buddy"

Sui Xing glanced at Chi Ri, and after hesitating for a moment, taking advantage of Huo Xing's turning his head, he slammed the knife on the latter's neck.


This also made Huo Xing's eyes go dark, he gradually lost consciousness, and fell to the side.


Even Dong Shi Mao knew that Suixing's actions were for his own trainer's sake, so he didn't attack.

Instead, it crosses its chubby body so that the buddy can fall on its back.

As for the others, they all watched Chi Ri's madness with a silent face, and did not step forward to stop it.

At this moment, Chiri has no reason, and is completely reduced to a walking corpse, just like the group of Galactic team soldiers who were brainwashed by him.

The causal cycle has its own definite number.

Soon, Chiri also completely stepped into the space-time wormhole representing a new universe.


I am the god of this universe! Flawless world!


Accompanied by bursts of crazy laughter, Chi Ri's back disappeared together in the slowly shrinking and closing space-time wormhole.

After a while, the void in that place returned to the normal air appearance, and there was no abnormality.

"Where did he go?"

Xiaozhi stood up slowly, somewhat surprised by Chiri's actions.

This person is completely bewitched.

"Maybe it's just a simple gap between time and space, or it's another world. Or, as Chi Ri said, it's really a brand new world."

Zhulan also lingered for a long time, and finally sighed leisurely.

No matter what, when Chi Ri took that step, it has nothing to do with their world

The entire Nuoda Galaxy team group also announced the end today.

It's just that this person who started from scratch in the Shen'ao area and has dominated the world for more than ten years, ended up with this kind of ending, even if it is Zhulan, it is embarrassing.


Zhulan turned her head, her gaze became sharper, and she looked at the remnants of Team Galaxy.

These people are no good either.

But when she turned around, she found that the previous positions of Sui Xing and Mars had already become empty.

"Have you already run away? It's really cunning."

Zhulan supported her forehead and sighed helplessly.

But right now, whether it is the Gods of Time and Space or Wang Luo, the mysterious man, it seems that they are much more important than arresting these remnants.

Outside the pillar of the gun.

Taking advantage of the fact that everyone's attention was on the red sun that was heading towards the desperate suicide, Sui Xing didn't miss it at all.

She rode on the tank skunk, took the fat Yinbo with the star on her back, turned around and ran out of the gun column.

"Has that old fox of Pluto already run away early in the morning?"

When he got off the stone platform, Suixing couldn't help cursing in a low voice.

However, her face was dignified, and Chiri's death did not mean that the Galaxy team was destroyed.

Perhaps the disappearance of the red sun will bring the Galaxy team back to life.

After all, creating a new world is entirely just Chihi's own ideal, which was forcibly given to the entire Galaxy team.

"Anyway, let's rescue that fellow Zhenxing first."

Zhen Xing is still locked up in the police station.

Suixing glanced at the partner star who was fainting on the back of Dongshi Mao, only thinking that if the Galaxy team is going to be revived next, Alexander.

However, when I walked down the steps of the Pillar of the Gun, I saw a hot air balloon descending head-on. The balloon was in the shape of a meow.

"Hey, it's Team Galaxy again!"

"Did something happen up there?!"

Musashi and Kojiro lay on their stomachs in the bamboo basket, their eyes widened, and they spoke in surprise.

Just now they saw Pluto running down the mountain like a thief, and now two more people ran out.

"Sui Xing and Partner Xing?"

Hansen, who was temporarily teaming up with the Rockets, his eyes fell on the figure on the back of Dong Shimao behind him, and said slowly.

He has been undercover in the Galaxy team for a while, but he knows the top management of the Galaxy team very well.

Look at them in a hurry, looking like they are fleeing

Hansen looked towards the high place, the extra high platform that extended out.

It seems that something big should have happened up there.

Damn, is it still a step late?

No, it looks more like a complete miss!

"It's Team Galaxy, right?"

"Then don't blame our Rockets for being rude!"

Musashi and Kojiro made a gesture to take out the poke ball and forcibly snipe Suixing.

After all, their purpose this time is not to save the Sinnoh area. It is simply to completely crush Team Galaxy and expand the territory of Team Rocket.

Facing this kind of fleeing remnants, they will not let go of the good thing of beating the dog in the water

"Tank skunk, use poisonous gas!


However, Sui Xing took the first step, and the tank skunk under him also turned around abruptly, spraying a cloud of strong and foul-smelling poisonous gas from the chrysanthemum.

The poisonous mist spread instantly, causing Hansen and the Rockets to cough again and again.

When the poisonous fog dissipated, Suixing and his companions had already disappeared.

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