He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1762 Dark Rogia vs Giratina!

Before discussing the chaotic relationship between the parents, I saw Diablo Rogia suddenly raised his head.

The manafei on his head was immediately thrown up, rolled and fell on Xiaozhi's hat.

Immediately, Rogia turned his head, his blood-red eyes staring directly at the ghost dragon in the distance.


Facing the existence with a similar breath, Rogia became hostile instead and let out a threatening roar.

Immediately, he opened his mouth wide open, spewing out a black-purple energy shock from the air, turning into a giant energy dragon with glaring eyes and wings spread!

Dragon Wave!

Diablo Rogia's moves even have their own unique special effects.

Giratina on the opposite side also had its wings together, and a translucent storm vortex gushed out of the dragon's mouth.

Bombarded out round after round, forming a straight shock wave of dragon's breath!

The moves of Dragon's Wave and Dragon's Breath collided and exploded above the inverted world.

Boom boom boom! !

This is completely an ancient god-level battle, and the explosion caused by it is very terrifying. Just the aftermath of the storm shattered and scattered all the floating island buildings along the way of the move.

This is just a pure energy explosion, and Giratina didn't care about his dilapidated inverted world, and it was even more dilapidated.

As long as it is not the collision of the previous moves of the two gods of time and space, there will be signs of the collapse of time and space.

Seeing that the floating island under his feet was also affected by the explosion, it floated backwards.

Da da!

Xiaozhi quickly jumped a few times and ran towards the pumice stone that was closer, so as not to leave the battlefield completely.

Then he looked at the expression under the Giratina's golden armor, and it didn't look like he was in a frenzy.

It seems to be a deliberate intention to adjust the temptation?


The two moves were evenly matched, Giratina's wings fanned the mist, and this time a huge dark blue fireball condensed in its mouth, and it was thrown violently.

"Is it a will-o'-the-wisp?"

Xiaozhi raised his eyebrows, the ancient god-level will-o'-the-wisp is not just a move with additional effects, but also has powerful power in it.

So he raised his voice and shouted commanding from afar:

"In that case, Lugia, use the high-pressure water pump!!"

If he wanted to fight, he, the trainer, didn't intend to watch from the sidelines.

Dark Rogia nodded, the two hadn't matched for a long time, but his muscle memory quickly reminded him of the familiar fighting style.

Boom boom boom! !

The mouth opened, and a stream of thick and powerful water blasted out instantly.

The vigorous high-pressure water pump actually completely washed away all the will-o'-the-wisp moves and extinguished them.

The castration continued, Giratina didn't even react, and the water cannon move hit him hard!

Although it is a combination of ghost + dragon attributes, the dark Rogia still inherits the natural power of the Rogia race, and the moves of the water attribute are also easy to use.

Seeing that the opponent was drenched, Xiaozhi looked happy, and immediately attacked again:

"Lugia, use Dragon God to dive!!"

You must know that the opposite is a real ancient god, and it is a great honor to defeat such a powerful existence!

Now that he knew that the opponent hadn't started a real fight, Xiaozhi completely let go of the fight.


Rogia let out a sharp hissing sound, fluttered his wings and rushed out, turning his body around in the process, turning his back and then forward.

In an instant, the dark blue energy arrogance added to his body, turning Rogia into a black and blue dragon, swooping out with incomparable momentum!

Dragon God dives!


Giratina shook her head to shake off the messy water on her body.

Seeing that the Dragon God's dive had arrived, Giratina's dragon-like body suddenly turned sideways, as if walking through the water flexibly, and completely avoided the Dragon God's dive.

When in the real world, Giratina's form will change into a four-legged dragon beast like Dialga.

In the reverse world, it will become what it is now, the original form of a dragon without legs.

This allows Giratina to make extremely flexible and extreme movements in the air.

"Is it the same as the Rifting Seat?"

Watching the opponent easily dodge the Dragon God's diving attack, his appearance is somewhat similar to that of Rikuzao bending and twisting his body.

But Giratina's movements are not just dodging.

Although he did not have four legs in the original state, the pair of spikes on the top of the abdomen were suddenly covered with a layer of shadow, which solidified into the appearance of ghost claws.

Hiss! !

When passing by Lugia, the shadow claw directly tore the former's dark blue dragon coat and hit Lugia's body directly.

The effect is outstanding! !

The Shadow Claw left three deep claw marks directly on Lugia's flank.

With one blow breaking the opponent's dragon god and diving, Giratina turned around flexibly, opened its mouth suddenly, and a huge blue fireball took shape instantly, and was thrown out without a trace of delay.

Boom! !

The will-o'-the-wisp move exploded directly in Lugia's abdomen, turning into a powerful flame impact, almost directly knocking Lugia down from the air.


Suffering severe injuries in succession, Dark Rogia could only fly back, covering his abdomen with giant wings, shaking his head, and the surface of the black-purple body was faintly glowing with flames.

This is entering the burn state.

"So strong."

After fighting for several rounds in a hurry, Xiaozhi only felt the pressure was enormous.

It can only be said that the opponent is worthy of being an ancient god who has survived for thousands of years. Also as a ghost dragon, the opponent's fighting style is obviously more sophisticated, and the combination punches he punches are flawless, making it difficult to catch.

"Then let him see your strength!"

Seeing that Rogia did not admit defeat, but his fighting spirit was getting higher and higher, and the red light in his eyes almost completely covered his whole head, Xiao Zhi immediately shouted in response:

"Use air blast!!"

The attributes are mutated, but the dark Rogia still inherits the exclusive moves of the Rogia family

The next moment, the dark Rogia took a deep breath in the air, and the surrounding air even formed a pressure vortex visible to the naked eye, rushing into his mouth crazily.

The airflow continuously compressed and collapsed in Lugia's body, and finally opened his mouth with him.

Boom boom! !

A bunch of translucent air pressure shells spewed out suddenly, crushing all the gravel and floating islands along the way!

Even because of the excessive high pressure, the air bomb faintly burned, forming a light golden air pressure fire dragon.

Blast in the air! !

The speed of this move is unbelievably fast, and in the blink of an eye, the air pressure shell has come to Giratina's body, and it is about to explode at the latter's chest.

call out.!

Looking straight at the next moment, the blast in the air actually penetrated Giratina's body directly, shooting all the way to the distance of the reverse world.

Even with the lifting of Rogia's head, the explosion in the air split the cloud layer with a vertical mark.

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