He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1766 The air here is not free!

Tianguan Mountain, the small town at the foot of the mountain.

There is nothing unusual in other places in the Sinnoh area, at most it is just some abnormal data discovered by the detection devices of some research institutes.

However, the energy collision of time and space made the residents of this neighboring town startled and panicked.

Right now, on the street.

Xiao Gang was holding a small sack, and had just sent Wang Luo and the others away.

Since he has seen a lot of great things in the world, Xiao Gang doesn't think that Xiao Zhi will encounter any danger from the gods.

After letting the others leave with peace of mind, he prepared to stay here alone, waiting for Xiaozhi to come back.

puff.! !

However, at the next moment, a dark purple crack suddenly tore open above the town, and the sky seemed to be covered with dark clouds in an instant, carrying a strong and dangerous pressure.

"What the hell?"

Xiao Gang was speechless, did he come so soon?

The next moment, I saw Dark Rogia's black and purple streamlined body flying out of the cracked passage lightly.

There is also a figure riding on the back.


Xiaogang's expression brightened, he really didn't need to worry about anything.

It's been a long time since we saw each other, and Xiaozhi's Rogia has also grown a lot bigger. Just hovering and flying in the air, it gives people a sense of oppression from the great ancient god.

But before Xiao Gang could say hello, he saw a golden dragon head poking out from the crack.

It seems that the hole is still too narrow, and he is trying to twist his body, trying to squeeze out of this space-time rift.


Accompanied by the sound of glass shattering, the hole that Rogia opened, connecting the real world and the reversed world, was directly torn open by Giratina's fat body.

The latter flew out abruptly with a very rough posture.


Xiao Gang was shocked when he saw it, and now his impression of this ghost dragon still stays in Mr. Wang Luo's mouth of "exiled because it was too violent".

"Hey, it has grown legs."

Xiaozhi sat on Rogia's back and looked back, his eyes showing surprise.

However, when Giratina's body flew out of the crack, the original spikes on both sides of the dragon-shaped body actually grew three pairs of legs.

The original black long strip wings are also connected together like energy flames.

A pair of shadow residual wings are formed, with red spikes growing at the ends one after another.


After circling in the air for a week, Giratina also tried to lean his body, shaking a row of his feet.

He hadn't entered this state for a long time, and he suddenly grew six legs, which was a bit weird for a while.

"You've become more handsome! Giratina!"

So Xiaozhi called out from a distance and praised.

This is not flattery. If Giratina's original form had a slender and winding body like a cracked seat, it would indeed be more handsome.

But the body of Pluto Dragon is not long.

With that round, even slightly bloated belly.

If there are no feet, it will give people the feeling of a cheap fat snake?

But now that he has six legs, combined with the shadow residual wings on his upper back, he looks even more domineering and majestic!

Hearing the praise, Giratina raised the dragon's head, taking it for granted.

However, if he hears the adjective "fat snake" in Xiaozhi's mind, he will probably directly break his anti-riot anger.


And Xiao Gang below just stared blankly at the interaction of one dragon and one person in the air.

Don't look fierce, but the ancient god who reversed the world in front of him doesn't seem to have any malicious intentions?

The relationship with Xiaozhi is more like a friend?

Not only did he come back alive, but also in such a short period of time, did he form a friendship with an ancient god who was rumored to be full of violence?

Xiao Gang shook his head, he seemed to have underestimated what Xiao Zhizhi had achieved.

"What kind of Pokémon is that?"

"Why does my heart keep beating just by looking at it?"

"Is it a legendary Pokémon?"

Due to Giratina's high-profile appearance, there were also many passers-by who looked up and looked up on the streets of the town, and there were many discussions.

Most of the Sinnoh people actually only know Palkia and Dialga. They are actually very unfamiliar with the Underworld Dragon Qi Latina.

But the gloomy ghost dragon's posture is completely like an evil big demon king, and the visitor is not good.


Xiaozhi also fell from Lugia's back, first greeted Xiaogang, and then turned to look at the sky.


After Giratina hovered in the air for several times, it seemed that it was soon tired of playing, and a dull expression suddenly appeared on the black face.

He has been trapped in the reverse world for many years, and he always wants to return to the real world for a walk.

But now that I came out, I realized that the air in the real world is not so sweet and free.

The sky, the earth, mountains, rivers, forests, street buildings... are no different from the inverted world.

They are all brand new and complete, which makes him very unhappy.

And the dazzling sun hanging in the sky.

As a ghost dragon, Giratina doesn't like such a big sun!



Likewise, there's the noisy group of human monkeys below.


Thinking of this, Giratina uttered a majestic dragon roar into the air, announcing that after thousands of years, he finally came back strongly!

But then he turned his body around suddenly, and flew towards the crack hole decisively.

The hazy sky, the dilapidated world. Well, it's still my own inverted world fragrance!

This real world is not important, what is important is that you have the ability to come here!

After successfully passing once at this moment, Giratina realized that her "Shadow Sneaker" no longer needed the help of Diablo Rogia, and could freely pass through the two worlds.

Xiaozhi: "."

This made Xiaozhi look silent for a while again. Did he spend so much effort trying to come over, but in the end he just wanted to step on the stage?

This ghost dragon is really unpredictable.


However, when Giratina returned to the crack in time and space, he glanced back at Xiaozhi and Rogia, and let out a low growl.

The meaning is very simple, this is to let Rogia quickly follow his pace.

Although the power of Dark Rogia is useless, as a proud ancient god, Giratina does not intend to violate the previous agreement.

After so many years, it is indeed a bit boring to stay alone and reverse the world.

Building mountains and rivers, pure violent destruction, has long since completely lost his interest.

Next, let's practice this new toy!


Diablo Rogia understood, and flapped his wings to fly around Xiaozhi.

Then it landed next to Xiaozhi, bent its slender neck and head, and pecked at the top of his head, quite reluctantly.

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