He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1783 Immigrants reverse the world?

The reverse world is still gloomy now.

In the early stage, you can bring a group of ghost-type, evil-type, and poison-type dark Pokémon to the past. I guess they will like the environment there very much.

The vast majority of wild Pokémon have the consciousness that the strong are respected.

Seeing the epic NPC Pluto Dragon, it is estimated that they will lie on the ground to express their submission.

If they are all younger brothers, with Giratina's proud character, it is estimated that they will not hinder the immigrants much, and they will even be secretly happy.

In the future, when Rogia has learned his skills and washed away Giratina, he will take over the ownership of the inverted world

It is completely possible to open a fixed passage entrance in the backyard of Zhenxin Town.

In this case, his backyard is directly connected to a world as big as the real world!

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi couldn't help getting excited, and jumped down from the high rock with a few brisk movements, smiling and looking at the Nightmare God who was still lying on the ground, playing with the keystone.

"Darkley, you are tired of talking about Huayan monster. I also know a more powerful sandbag. Maybe it can let you vent your desire to fight~?"


Darkley turned his head, it would be better if it was a bigger sandbag.

Just looking at Xiaozhi's kind and friendly smile, Darkley couldn't help shivering, always feeling that something was wrong?

In the early morning of the next day, Xiaozhi woke up from the nightmare of Crescent Island.

"Another beautiful day~!"

He had made an appointment with Darkley last night.

When he finishes his work, he will go to Crescent Island to pick up Darkley and go to the reverse world

"Huh? Why do you feel this sentence is so familiar?"

Xiaozhi frowned slightly, but quickly put this weird feeling behind him.

He already knew the location of Crescent Island from Darkley, it was probably in the north of Iron Island, and he had to continue sailing north for a certain distance.

It is almost the most northwest sea area of ​​the Sinnoh area, and it is inaccessible.

"Pikachu, wake up!"

Seeing Pikachu drooling while holding the Crescent Feather, Xiaozhi pulled out the feather and forced the latter to wake him up.

There are still two important games today, and we need to watch them.

Not to mention, the level of the Super Gorgeous Contest has risen all of a sudden, which made him a little bit unable to help but want to go up and fight.

Time soon came to the opening time of the second day of the competition, and Xiaozhi still sat in the front row early.

"Mr. Gang, good morning. Well, why are your dark circles so big?"

After talking cordially with Darkley all night, Xiaozhi was in a good mood, but he caught a glimpse of Xiaogang sitting next to him, who seemed a little sluggish.

Or weakness.

Although there were two dark circles in the corners of the eyes, the skin in those circles turned white.

Speaking of which, Xiaogang didn't seem to return to the hotel all night last night?

"Good morning"

Xiao Gang shook his head to cheer himself up.

H Shenggu Yukexi on the shoulder also looked weak and sluggish, just like the scene when he was squeezed dry by the red sun a few days ago.

Well, they also had a cordial conversation with Head Nurse Joey and Xanadu last night for a long time.

On the stage, the battle officially started soon amidst the warm applause of the audience.

The first to appear is the final of the loser group, a battle for the purpose of competing for the qualification of the advanced gorgeous contest.

boom! boom!

Xiao Wang and the head nurse Joey both stepped on the stage and threw their elf balls together.

The latter is still using the fighting spirit Elle Duo.

Because she was left out in the cold by Yukexi all night last night, Elle Duo was a little sullen at this moment, and her expression was eager to find something to hack.

This time, however, Xiaowang did not send the ace capuchin cat, but a chubby wind-following ball.

During this period of time, her frequent use of the flying technique also allowed her to successfully evolve her fluttering ball.

The attribute of ghost + flying will undoubtedly have a better blow effect on Elle Duo.

"Mega evolution! Elle Duo!"

The head nurse Joey didn't say anything, and the opening was still the signature mega evolution, which made the side of the stage flash with colorful lights.

"Mega Elledo, use Triple Spin Attack!!"

Although it is unfavorable in terms of attributes, Elle Duo's mastery of moves is very comprehensive. He even turned his body upside down and played a series of kicks in the air.

Ice attribute triple spin strike, the damage of each strike will be multiplied and doubled.

If all three legs are hit, the power is not even inferior to the big ice-type move - Blizzard!

However, with the bulky body of Sui Fengqiu, it was a bit difficult to parry in front of the agile and quick-moving Elle Duo, and he was hit with three spins repeatedly.

The effect is outstanding!

Of course, the most important thing is that there is a certain level gap between the two Pokémon.

At about four and a half minutes, Suifengqiu was kicked by Elle Duo and his body was covered in ice slag.


Dangling and losing consciousness, the body of the balloon became a little shriveled and fell on the stage.

"The winner has already been decided, the coordinator who won the third place in this Super Gorgeous Contest is Ms. Joy from Celebration City!!"

Melissa shouted loudly, announcing the verdict.

But she couldn't stop feeling pity in her heart.

Melissa's trump card is a wind ball, if she goes up to fight.

Well, she wasn't fully sure of defeating this mighty mega Elledo.

Seeing his own Pokémon fall, Xiao Wang lowered his head in a somewhat lonely manner, clenched his fists, and his body trembled a little.

But soon, she still took a deep breath, stepped forward to retract the wind ball, and tried to smile, shaking hands with Miss Joy.

"Xiao Wang. You's journey has just begun. I hope today's battle will not affect you."

Head nurse Joey said cautiously, with a bit of embarrassment.

After all, at her age, it would be somewhat unfair for her to compete on the same stage with a junior who debuted less than a year ago.

But she is also eager to take another step up on the road of coordinating home.

Fried fish is inevitable.

Although she seems to be being fished by Mr. Adam too

"Don't worry, Ms. Joy, I will continue to improve and I will never lose to you again on the stage of the Advanced Gorgeous Contest!"

Xiao Wang interrupted the latter's words and said firmly.

The Advanced Gorgeous Contest will not be held so soon.

It is true that now Xiaoguang has qualified one step ahead of her, but this may not be a bad thing for her.

Pressure can drive progress faster.

This half month has been eager to collect ribbons, and this is the case for Xiaoguang, who has qualified for the competition, and his strength is rapidly improving in the gorgeous competitions.

Xiao Wang watched from the side the whole time.

On the one hand, I am happy for Xiaoguang, but on the other hand, I feel a little pity, why the one who didn't get all five ribbons is not me.

Well now, it's her turn for the stress session.

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