He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1785 The super gorgeous contest ends!

"Hiss, it's completely one-sided."

Xiao Zhi, who was watching the battle below, shook his head, and his expression became ugly.

Facing Mr. Adam who didn't give him any chance at all, Xiaoguang's Ye Yibo couldn't stop the former's offensive at all.

It is estimated that the only way to defeat Mr. Adam is to let Plantina behind Xiaoguang come out to fight for her.

Speaking of which, it seems that Platina hasn't seen her for a long time, and she doesn't know what she's busy with?

on the stage.


In the snow, fog and ice, Ye Yibo let out a low cry, and struggled to get up.

It's just that its whole body is covered in cuts and bruises, its limbs are weak, and it has obviously entered the state of a candle in the wind.

Even on the electronic screen, Xiaoguang's character's blood bar has almost reached the end.

It was an overwhelming battle, which made this final less suspenseful.

Speaking of which, today's two games seem to be the same

It wasn't as exciting as yesterday's two semi-finals. It was another exciting match between the newcomers Gemini, and another battle of double mega evolution.

"Damn it! Yeeb, use the sun blade!!"

Although aware that the defeat is certain, Xiaoguang did not give up completely, but still tried his best to issue the final command.


Ye Yibu also let out a low shout, his whole body exuded dazzling golden light, and gradually turned the tail of the residual leaf into a huge golden sword, about to launch the final attack.


In this regard, Adam chuckled, and immediately closed his eyes.

As if he didn't intend to resist.

This made Xiaoguang even for a moment, flashing the fluke mentality that she could still win today.


It's just that before Ye Yibo fully charged the solar blade, it suddenly let out a whine, and the solar energy around it instantly dissipated, and it leaned over and fell to the ground.

Yeib lost his ability to fight.

"Yeb, what's going on?"

Xiaoguang was stunned, and froze on the spot, without any response for a long time.

It wasn't until the hailstorm, when small hailstones fell on her shoulders, that she reacted belatedly.

Yes, there is also hail weather, which will cause Yeeb to lose blood continuously every round.

Looking at the middle-aged man in front of him stroking his mustache, as if he had expected it, he opened his eyes slowly after the battle, and Xiaoguang's heart twitched even more.

Is this the strength of the top coordinator?

She didn't use the power of mega evolution, so she didn't have any excuse for "I lost because I didn't have mega evolution".

It was entirely in the positive strength that he crushed himself.

This brought Xiaoguang, who entered the finals directly for the first time, to an abrupt end to the trend of singing all the way.

The victory and defeat have been divided.

"This time the winner of the Super Gorgeous Contest has appeared! It's Adam from Liuli City!!"

As the referee, Melissa could only forcibly suppress the urge to go to comfort Xiaoguang and announce the verdict loudly.

This senior who has been famous for many years really doesn't show any affection to young people at all.

"Little light."

Looking at the lonely and gloomy Xiaoguang on the stage, Xiaozhi in the audience could only sigh.

In fact, entering the final stage of the Super Gorgeous Contest for the first time is already very good.

When he participated in the alliance meeting for the first time, he didn't win the championship so smoothly.

Like in another world, Xiaozhi who was traveling with Xiaoyao and Xiaosheng, the situation seems to be even more tragic?

After the awards ceremony, the time also came to dusk.

After reuniting with Xiaozhi and the others, Xiaoguang held the runner-up trophy, but his expression recovered a lot.

This month, she has been bombed by many seniors, which makes her not as disappointed as she imagined, and she has regained her strength without the comfort of Xiaozhi and others.

"Xiaoguang, it seems that we still have a long way to go."

"Yes, Xiaowang."

Xiao Wang and Xiao Wang looked at each other and smiled wryly, feeling like they had been reduced to the end of the world.

But on this road, being able to see so many powerful seniors can actually give them the motivation to make progress even more.

"It's good for you to know this, keep working hard, and you will definitely achieve better results next time!"

Xiaozhi didn't know how to comfort him before, but the two girls in front of him seemed to be much stronger than he imagined, so he felt a lot of comfort in his heart.

At dusk, at the entrance of the lakeside resort.


Xiaowang has changed back into her cool tomboy outfit, and casually released her wind ball.

Taking advantage of the situation, he sat on the swing arm of the wind ball, and made a gesture to take off and leave.

"Are you leaving so soon?"

Xiao Guang stepped forward to ask with some doubts, with a bit of reluctance.

"Well, I plan to go back to Xuefeng City first to see my family."

Xiao Wang said with a smile.

The gorgeous competition in the Sinnoh area has come to an end, and she plans to go to the Fangyuan area to see the gorgeous competition there.

The Sinnoh region and the Yoshien region, the coordinators of these two regions will basically regard the other region as the second stop of their travels.

But before that, Xiaowang still planned to wait until Xiaoguang's alliance conference was finished before leaving for the Fangyuan area.

"The Sinnoh Alliance Conference is still the last month, right? I will go to the scene to cheer for you, Xiaoguang~!"

Xiao Wang said with a smile, boarded the wind balloon and waved goodbye to everyone.

After a while, Yu Suifengqiu's figure had turned into a dot in the hazy sky and gradually disappeared.

"Union meeting?"

After seeing off his friends, Xiao Guang regained his senses a little.

She is an amphibious player, and she is about to fight another tough battle.

As far as the league conference is concerned, the competition system has not changed for many years. On this side, there should not be many seniors who will end up frying fish, right?

"Haha, don't worry, let's not talk about the finals and semi-finals of the League Conference. The opponents in the previous rounds should not be difficult for you now."

Xiaozhi said with a smile, and patted Xiaoguang on the shoulder.

He is very familiar with the words of the Alliance Conference.

The current Xiaoguang's strength is definitely not weak, as long as he is not too unlucky.

Xiaozhi estimated that Xiaoguang should be able to enter the top 8, or even higher.

"Really! There's still one month left, and we're going to have special training!"

This rekindled the fighting spirit in Xiaoguang's eyes, temporarily forgetting the embarrassing defeat in the gorgeous competition.

Just as Xiao Wang was sent away, a figure came up to meet him soon.

She is tall and slender, her long purple hair is tied into four balls and falls behind her head. She is wearing a gorgeous purple dress and high heels. It is Melissa!

"Xiao Guang~! Today's game was perfect! It's a pity that the ending is a little bit!"

As soon as Melissa came up, she said regretfully while comforting her.

"No way, Mr. Adam is too strong"

This made Xiaoguang only answer with a dry smile.

But Melissa didn't just come to comfort her, she quickly took out a purple-black badge consisting of three small rings from her pocket.

"I heard that you are planning to challenge the Sinnoh Alliance Conference, right? Just right, I will give you this relic badge!"

Xiaoguang was a little flattered, and didn't know whether to accept the badge for a while.

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