He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1787 The People of Glazed Glass and the Prince of Canghai

After touching his body for a long time, Adam showed a nervous look.

This time I came in a hurry, and I only brought some necessary medicines for travel, etc., nothing precious.

But looking at the sharp eyes of the two teenagers behind, there was a look of scrutiny.

"No teacher! No gift needed!"

Although the girl in front of her was waving her hands again and again, there was a bit of anticipation in her brows.

The only two apprenticeships in so many years, Adam didn't want to go in such a hasty way.

Thinking of this, he suddenly had an idea, raised his palm, and squeezed the ring on his right hand.

On it, a round keystone shone with a strange luster.

"Oh teacher! This is your thing, I can't take it!!"

Seeing that Adam suddenly wanted to give him all his keystone rings, Xiao Guang straightened his face and quickly waved his hand to refuse.

Although she also thought about what good props she could get.

But this is obviously a must-have item for the other party, so there is no reason to give it to yourself.

Adam is quite satisfied with Xiaoguang's performance. He has his own personality, but he also abides by the principle of respecting teachers.

So he nodded with a smile, and still handed out the ring in his hand.

"Wait a minute, I didn't mean to give it to you~"

In the suspicious looks of several people, Adam continued:

"This is a keystone that I have used for many years. I will lend it to you temporarily. When you come to my Liuli gymnasium in the future, return it to me."

As he spoke, Adam stroked his beard, feeling quite rich and powerful:

"At that time, if you can let me see a perfect mega evolution, I can give you a brand new keystone as a formal gift~!"

After all, as the people of Liuli who have been handed down from ancient times, the most indispensable thing is the historical background.

The Fangyuan area is a region that produces its own keystones and mega stones, and their Liuli Gymnasium also preserves several keystones and mega stones.

Hearing this, Xiaoguang was relieved, and only lent her the words temporarily, so that there would be no psychological burden.

Accepting the keystone ring, Xiao Guang held it tightly in his hand as if he had found a treasure.

Then he looked firmly at Adam and bowed deeply.

"Teacher! I will go to Liuli City to find you! I will definitely show you the perfect mega evolution!!"

Xiaoguang said in a deep voice, looking serious.

I heard that Xiaowang was going to the Fangyuan area next time, which made Xiaoguang a little bit more thoughtful, wanting to see the appearance of the gorgeous competition next door.

Looking at it now, she must go to this Fangyuan area.

Now that she has the keystone, her long-eared rabbit can try to use the mega evolution to fight. Before going to Fangyuan area, she should be able to master this system smoothly.

"Well, then I look forward to your next arrival."

Adam waved his hand, as if he was about to leave.

"Hey teacher, don't you stay in the Sinnoh area for a few more days?"

Xiaoguang couldn't help asking.

Suddenly there was an extra teacher, and next she wanted Mr. Adam to go to the Sinnoh League venue to watch her game.

"For this gorgeous competition, I asked for leave on purpose. The Liuli Gymnasium cannot be without a Gym Master for a long time. I have to go back now. Maybe there are many trainers waiting at the door."

Adam replied, his tone was quite friendly.

After all, Liuli City is located in a special terrain surrounded by the sea, and it is a city in a submarine basin, so it is not easy to get in and out.

Adam didn't want those trainers who came all the way to Liuli City to return empty-handed.

These remarks made Xiao Zhi burst into tears immediately.

What about Melissa?

Mr. Adam's character is worth learning for a lifetime!


Xiaoguang can only secretly regret this, and cannot keep the latter.

But when Adam was about to leave, he suddenly thought of something, and turned his head to look at Xiaozhi.

In other words, he looked at the blue water beast on Xiaozhi's hat.

"Xiaozhi, I've always wanted to ask, is this Pokémon of yours named Manafei?"

Seeing that the topic suddenly came to him, Xiaozhi was stunned.

Before answering, Manafei on the hat has already levitated up on his own initiative, straightening his small body.

"That's right, I'm Manafei~!"

It was rare for someone to recognize him, which made Manafei's telepathy very light.

At this moment, its telepathic ability is also used very smoothly, and it can speak sentences smoothly.

After getting an affirmative answer, it was still a rare telepathy. Mr. Adam's body was shaken, and there was a bit of surprise on his face.

"Sure enough, I'll tell you why it's so familiar!"

Seeing that there seemed to be some plot that could be triggered, Xiaozhi poked his head and asked tentatively:

"Um, by the way, Mr. Adam, do you know Manafei?"

Adam turned his hands behind his back, and his easy-going expression gradually became dignified.

"In our Liuli City, there has always been a group that has been handed down from a long time ago. They are called the people of Liuli. After the disaster of the meteorite incident, Xiao Zhi, you should have heard of this name?"

"The People of Glazed Glass?"

Xiaoguang was stunned for a while, but Xiaozhi and Xiaogang next to him looked at each other, and finally nodded.

In the Fangyuan area, Xiaozhi once came into contact with the people of Meteor at Meteor Falls.

Later, under the Pillar of the Sky, I came into contact with the People of Glazed Glass.

It seems that the duty is to protect the stability and safety of the ancient group in the Fangyuan area, and they have the obscure secret information of ordinary people.

"I'm actually a member of the People of Glazed Glass, but now the population is gradually dying."

Speaking of this, Adam couldn't help sighing with emotion.

Unlike the Meteor Remnants, they are completely on the sidelines, living hidden in the depths of the Meteor Falls, and the small group is basically isolated from the outside world, so they still preserve the ancient customs and blood.

In terms of the number of people, there is also a not low number.

But they are different from the people of Liuli. The Liuli City where they live is a city that is well connected with the outside world.

Under the influence of the wave of modernization, ancient traditions and customs are gradually withering, and the blood is thinning.

The current new generation of people of colored glaze may not even know that there is such a term as "people of colored glaze".

"As for the people of Liuli, in ancient times, we built a special temple building on the bottom of the sea near Liuli City. This temple seems to be related to the prince of the sea, Manafei."

Adam looked at Manafei.

Their task is not just to protect the Sky Pillar.

Similarly, it is also guarding the mysterious Sea Temple.

However, in terms of inheritance and preservation, the existing knowledge of the people of Liuli is far inferior to that of the people of Meteor.

The latter knew many deeds and information about Long Shen Lie Kongzuo.

However, to this day, Adam's understanding of Manafei is only limited to the most superficial name.

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