He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1796 Doubles match, vs Daye, electric times! (two)

The battle begins!

"Reib, use one hundred thousand volts!!"

"Fire Eevee, use jet flames!!"

Dianci and Daye launched a similar attack, and Dianguang and fire pillars rushed from both sides.

"Imperator Napoleon, use the water cannon!"

"Turtle, use the energy ball!"

Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang did not show any weakness.

Emperor Nabo took a deep breath, and the huge jet of water gushing out of his mouth directly scattered the flames of Huoib with a powerful momentum!

"Tsk, what a strong force?"

Even Daye, who is the king of heaven, couldn't help being amazed at the surging and powerful power of the emperor Nabo who carried the water flow slate.

Boom boom boom! !

On the other side, the energy ball of the forest turtle was thrown out, collided with the hundred thousand volts in the air and exploded, causing a burst of smoke and dust.

However, Leib's speed was extremely fast, and after the move was released, he quickly jumped and landed in front of Huoib.

"Use the light wall!"

Following Dianci's command, Leib let out a low cry, and set up a light wall barrier in front of his body, greatly weakening the power of the oncoming powerful water cannon moves.


The remaining part of the water cannon fell on Leib, basically causing no damage.

"Reib, one hundred thousand volts again!!"

Leib, who had just stabilized his figure, had spiky fur all over his body exploding, and a strong electric current burst out.

At this time, Daye's expression brightened, and he suddenly said:

"It's now, Fire Ibrahimovic, we use imitation!"

The Fire Eevee at the rear let out a low growl, followed by taut brown-yellow fluff. This time, what erupted from his body was not hot wind, but the same violent electric current.

Boom! !

Not only that, Huo Ibrahimovic's 100,000 volts directly bombarded Leibu in front of him.

It's just that the dangerous 100,000 volts has completely turned into a great tonic at this moment, constantly restoring Leib's physical strength.

"It's the power storage feature. Wood turtle, use the shrink shell to block it!"

Xiaozhi reacted instantly, and directed the forest turtle to block the incoming 100,000 volts, which did not cause too much damage.

It's just the two people opposite, although they haven't cooperated for a long time, they obviously have a good understanding.

"Emperor Nabo, use the frozen light!!"

The forest turtle blocked the attack in front, and Xiao Guang also took advantage of the situation to attack.

Emperor Nabo opened his beak, this time the ice snake pulsed out, and it was about to completely freeze Leib into an ice sculpture.

"Fire Eevee blocks it, and then sprays flames!"

Huo Eevee jumped up and blocked the freezing light with his body quite easily, the always high temperature body quickly melted the ice light.

Then he opened his mouth, and hot flames shot out, burning the air.

At this time, Denji also issued the same command:

"Reib, we also use imitation tricks."

After the words fell, Leibu's eyes flickered, he had already remembered Huoib's actions, and then he opened his mouth.

Boom! !

Blazing flames also spewed out from its mouth, completely landing on Huo Eevee.

It's just that the latter's body is like a sponge, absorbing all the dangerous flames, and turning the whole body into an even hotter red.

"It's the fire-igniting feature, and the power of Huo Eevee's flame moves has increased!"

Xiaozhi quickly reminded that Xiaoguang had never fought these two Pokémon in his hometown.

The two people in front of them have become the other's auxiliary support at this moment, but at the same time they can launch fierce attacks.

Obviously these two guys have played such dirty tactics before.

After each became the source of motivation for the other, Leib jumped up, this time aiming at Emperor Nabo.

"Use Thunder!!"

Dian said in a low voice, and Leib's whole body was erected with spikes, and extremely violent lightning burst out from the surface, leaning out!

Just as the forest turtle was about to go to help, Daye's voice came.

"Don't forget me, Huo Ibrahimovic, use big characters to explode!!"

Huo Ibrahimovic's movements were also not slow, he directly blocked the forest turtle, opened his small mouth, and the fiery breath turned into raging flame characters.

Boom Chi Chi Chi!

With the blessing of the fire-igniting feature, the power of the big character explosion is even more terrifying!

At this moment, each of them exchanged their opponents, and the attributes of Huo Yibo and Lei Yib were completely on the absolute advantage.

But Xiaoguang is not a newcomer. He has fought many opponents with powerful electric power, so he responded immediately:

"Emperor Nabo, use the steel wings and insert into the ground!!"

Emperor Nabo's gold-encrusted wings instantly turned into steel, and with extremely strong penetrating power, they plunged half a meter into the ground.

Boom boom! !

The violent lightning strike roared down from mid-air, and directly landed on Emperor Nabo.

The terrible voltage even caused Emperor Nabo's body to sink suddenly.

It just had the effect of a lightning rod, and it looked terrible, but the damage that Emperor Nabo received was not high.

"God drink.!"

Immediately, Emperor Nabo let out a low shout, and while the steel wings cut the ground, his body rushed towards Leib.

Whoosh! !

Finally, he slammed forward with a strike of the cross steel wings, directly sending Leib's small body flying.

"This girl."

Such a perfect response also moved Dianci's face a little.

Not a cute new trainer at all!

On the other side, Xiaozhi faced the enhanced version of the big-character explosion, and even a blow from the king of heaven.

"Forest turtle, use rock climbing, the target is your own feet!!"

Xiaozhi didn't choose to carry it hard, and suddenly called out a strange command.

The forest turtle understood, and stepped on the ground fiercely with its forelimbs, and the earth and rocks cracked and trembled in an instant.


The next moment, the ground under his feet rose out of thin air, forming a high platform of stone pillars several meters high, supporting the forest turtle.

In the past, rock climbing could only prop up the opponent in front of him out of thin air, but Xiaozhi chose to set the goal for himself.

The Big Character Explosion Arrived one step later, unable to deviate from the trajectory, and could only bombard the bottom of the rock climbing pillar.

Boom boom boom! !

The move exploded, the flames soared into the sky, and the huge stone pillar also completely collapsed in an instant.

The forest turtle, on the other hand, took heavy steps, leaped down from the sky, trampled and swooped towards Huoib with its heavy body!

Mount Tai overwhelms!

"Although your idea is very good, it is useless to use flame jets against my Fire Eevee!!"

Seeing this, Daye counterattacked instantly.

If it were an ordinary Pokémon, if it released such a powerful big-character explosion, it would probably move a little slower, and it would be trampled flat by the forest turtle that came after it.

But this is his Big Ye's Fire Ibrahimovic, who used powerful flame moves continuously, and the Fire Ibrahimovic did not show any stalemate.

In the next moment, because he couldn't dodge in the air, the flames spewed out by Huo Eevee directly hit the forest turtle's abdomen!

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