He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1806 The Hatch Party Is Like This

Seeing that Lucario became completely blind, he moved his body in a panic on the spot.

Ami's eyes suddenly became dangerous, and she said in a low voice:

"Dianlong, use the electromagnetic gun!!"

The electric dragon let out a low growl, and tried to open its mouth wide. The violent and raging electric light began to gather energy around the mouth. It seemed that the stance was to take advantage of this opportunity to end the battle at once.

Cooperating with the greatly improved special attack of the mega electric dragon, if this electromagnetic cannon really hits, the power is extremely terrifying.

Only at this moment, Lucario suddenly stopped his "panic" movements.

Xiaozhi in the rear also grinned, with a calm expression and a smile, and said from a distance:

"Miss Ami, it seems that you don't understand Lucario at all."

Ami looked confused, but now that the electromagnetic cannon had fully charged, the electric dragon could only attack with all its strength.

Boom boom! !

In the next moment, a blue-yellow lightning laser blasted out suddenly. The power was so powerful that the voltage generated even cracked the earth and rocks on the ground!

It's just that Lucario, who was blind in both eyes, didn't panic in the face of such a dangerous electromagnetic gun.

It leaned slightly to the side, and easily passed the electromagnetic gun, without any effect at all.

"How can it be?!"

Ami's expression changed drastically.

Although the electromagnetic gun has a low hit rate, but at this moment Lucario's eyes are completely closed, it should be able to hit.

As Xiaozhi said, although Ami is an expert in steel attributes, her understanding of Lucario is only in the name and attributes.

This kind of Pokémon is still too rare.

"It's our turn, Lucario, let's hit with the bone stick!!"

Xiaozhi laughed out loud, and took advantage of the momentum to launch an attack.

Looking at Lucario, who was still running fast with his eyes closed, Ami felt her chest tighten, but she still responded:

"Use cotton to defend!"

The mega electric dragon immediately turned around, intending to use the fluffy cotton behind him to completely block the move.

However, Lucario, who rushed to the front, suddenly appeared behind the electric dragon with a flash, and his movements were extremely fast.

Temporarily lost his eyesight, but Lucario's movements seemed to become faster and trickier.

Whoosh! boom! boom!

The bone stick was swung out three times in quick succession, hitting Dian Long's defenseless abdomen hard.

The effect is outstanding! !

Dianlong let out a wail, and retreated again and again, obviously suffering huge damage.

Before Ami could react, Lucario jumped up with his eyes still closed.

"It's over, use the last wave missile!!"

Xiaozhi also made a movement of rubbing balls, and said loudly.

Lucario in mid-air understood that the power of the waveguide allowed him to completely lock the position of the electric dragon, and the waveguide in his hand quickly condensed into a dark blue energy bomb, which was then thrown out.

"Electric Dragon, Dragon Wave!!"

Ami still wanted to resist, but it was difficult for the electric dragon who was hit hard to keep up with Lucario's rhythm for a while.

The dragon energy energy in the mouth had just condensed, and the dangerous energy bullet had already arrived, occupying all of its eye sockets.

Boom boom boom! !

The wave missile completely hit the electric dragon, causing a grand explosion!

And as the smoke and dust from the explosion dissipated, there was a flash of light from the figure of the electric dragon, which exited the state of mega evolution and fell to the ground on the spot.

"Dianlong lost the ability to fight, so Xiaozhi and Lucario won this game!"

He raised his arm and said loudly.

After watching the whole battle, this young man named Xiaozhi really should not be underestimated.

The fight was not sloppy at all, and once an opportunity was found, the opponent would not be given any chance to fight back, and one set was taken away.

By the way, is the mega evolution already rotten?

"Should I also look for the power of mega evolution?"

Dianci thought secretly.

"Good job, keep in good condition, Lucario!"

After the battle was over, Xiao Zhi praised a few words, and walked to Ami together with Lucario, who had exited the mega state.

"Lucario's Pokémon uses a special power - the power of waveguide. With this ability, Lucario can clearly see everything on the field even if he loses his five senses."

Xiaozhi didn't hide anything, and explained to Ami with a smile.

"I see."

Hearing this, Ami's face turned red, so his previous attempt was a bit like a clown from Xiaozhi's perspective.

Then she rubbed Dianlong's head and put it back temporarily.

Ami, who stood up again, shook hands with Xiaozhi and smiled lightly, then said with emotion:

"Xiaozhi, you seem to be much stronger than when we first met."

Last time, Ami only thought that Xiaozhi was a powerful trainer, but now... she has completely lost her understanding and cannot evaluate Xiaozhi's strength.

"really? Haha"

Xiao Zhi rubbed the back of his head and laughed dryly.

Seeing that even Xiao Zhi was chatting and laughing with A Mi now, Xiao Gang who had been staying in the spectator seats couldn't help it anymore, and walked over quickly.

"Miss Ami, in fact, Xiaosheng has improved a lot!"

He said sternly, every word:

"Especially when it comes to hatching eggs, Xiao Sheng has gained a new understanding. How about we find a place to talk about the breeding and selection of big rock snakes!"

Ami smiled awkwardly, and just evaded it casually, as if she didn't intend to talk about breeding with Xiaogang.

Seeing Xiao Gang turned into a lifeless stone sculpture again, Xiao Zhi could only pat the latter on the shoulder, and comforted him:

"It's all right, the Hatch Party is like this."

When they passed by Qiansong City, Ami saw Xiaogang's big snake, and she was very enthusiastic about the latter.

But now the 6v rock snakes have been bred, and the sables are ruthless.

Not to mention that Xiao Gang could be lost, even the two optimized breeding rock snakes, as qualified hatchlings, were able to release them on the spot.

After the battle is over, Ami is going to talk to Denji about the technical support project.

"By the way, Xiaozhi, I'll give you this thing. It's useless for me to carry it anyway."

But when everyone was about to part, Ami suddenly handed Xiaozhi a small bead.

This is another mega stone.

"I remember you have a Heracross. This is the mega stone of Heracross. It should be useful if I give it to you~!"

Ami smiled softly.

When Xiaozhi participated in the Silver Conference, Ami was also watching the live TV and saw Xiaozhi's Heracross appearance.

"Heracross's mega stone? Thank you, Miss Ami, I will accept it!"

Xiaozhi's expression brightened, and he held it tightly in his hands.

Next, you can bring Heracross over to practice and see what the mega evolution looks like!

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