He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1810 Giratina's mission!

After reminding the two gods, Xiaozhi directed Lugia to move around a few small floating islands, and clearly marked the coordinates of the gate so that they would not be lost later.

Of course, if you don't rely on this permanent gate, you can go back directly to Diablo Rogia.

"Dark.!" "Wu~!"

So the Nightmare God and the Dream God nodded, and then revealed a curious and adventurous expression, and floated around to find a suitable residence.

If he could return to the reality of Full Moon Island at any time, then he would have no worries, it would be a new home.

After successfully moving the Nightmare God here, Xiaozhi is going to apply for residence permits for the two of them.

Just in time, Giratina has also flew down.


In the inverted world, Giratina maintained the original state, making his figure more ethereal and ghostly. The majestic dragon eyes fell on Xiaozhi, and he let out a low growl.

He was just about to ask Xiaozhi what's going on, all the grannies and dogs brought to his world, but Xiaozhi answered first:

"I brought you two believers. They want to live in the reverse world and experience the place where the great Giratina once lived!"

"Great Giratina, you don't want to drive away those who admire you, do you?"

With these words, Giratina's mouth was directly blocked, and the word "roll" that he originally wanted to say was also forced back.

"Hmph, if that's the case, then stay."

After a long while, Giratina let out a low growl, and there was a telepathy, and it was agreed.

Immediately, his eyes fell on the dark Rogia next to him.

After getting along with this junior who is of the same origin as himself these days, Giratina has begun to feel less disgusted by outsiders entering this world

In the past, no matter how loyal a believer was, he would not even think about entering his reversed world.

Seeing that the household registration issue of Nightmare God and Dream God was temporarily resolved, Xiaozhi immediately hit the snake with a stick, approached Giratina, and rubbed his palms.

"By the way, Giratina, I have one more thing, I don't know if I can ask you.?"

Seeing the puzzled look cast by Giratina, Xiaozhi continued to test:

"You have lived for so many years, there should be a lot of tissue remnants that have fallen off, such as scales, dragon armor, etc. Just give me a few kilograms."

Well, Xiaozhi has his eyes on the god's token on Giratina.

Hearing this, Giratina suddenly became furious.

The human being in front of him is simply pushing an inch, and he has such an arrogant idea!

He was about to open his mouth wide open, and let out a full blown dragon's breath, directly purifying Xiao Zhi into the scum of the reversed world.

The anger of the God of Reversing the World even made the surrounding air tremble, shaking the earth and shaking the mountains.

Xiaozhi quickly pressed his hat, his expression frightened, and the Diablo Rogia also flew down in front of Xiaozhi, trying to help him block this dangerous blow.

The atmosphere suddenly became dangerous and fierce.


But suddenly, Giratina stopped rioting.

He seemed to have an idea, but his expression softened.

"Humans, please help me with one thing. If you can do it, I can give you my dragon armor that has fallen off for thousands of years, and even the garbage left by Dialga and Palkia. can be given to you together.”

Hearing the telepathy from Giratina, Xiao Zhi was overjoyed.

He originally thought that this time, he would fight side by side with Rogia again, and fight against Giratina.

Anyway, Rogia is the opponent's disciple now, so it won't matter if he loses.

Didn't expect that even the tokens of the two gods of time and space are now available?

"Those two guys, I once tore off some scales and body armor, hehe, unfortunately, I didn't leave them completely in this world."

There was a telepathy of ridicule and sneer from Giratina. It seems that the three Sinnoh dragons have fought many times before.

However, after all, Giratina is not like Rikakuza, which has an overwhelming advantage. Just suppressing the time and space gods a little bit, it cannot completely win.

"So whatever it is, don't worry leave it to me!"

So Xiaozhi patted his chest and said confidently.


You have obtained a side mission from the epic npc [Giratina]!

"Well, this task is very simple. You should have noticed the purple mist in this world, right?"

I saw Giratina floating up, and the majestic dragon eyes swept around, and there was a telepathy.

"Purple mist?"

Xiaozhi blinked his eyes, there are indeed a lot of purple mist in the reverse world, clusters of different sizes gather together, floating slowly like floating clouds.

At first he thought it was something like a cloud in the inverted world?

Just next to it, a cloud of purple mist with a width of one meter floated in. Xiaozhi was so curious that he wanted to reach out to touch it.


But Lugia next to him quickly bit Xiaozhi's collar and dragged him back.

Looking at it, it seemed that there was something dangerous, so Xiaozhi quickly closed his palms.

And Giratina also sent a telepathy for explanation.

"The purple mist is not something that exists in this world, but every time Palkia and Dialga fight, the time and space anomalies caused will not only destroy the real world, but also affect my world."

Every time the subspace slash and the roar of time collide, these purple poisonous mist will appear out of thin air in the reverse world.

They cannot be destroyed, they are always floating slowly, and they will corrode and wear away everything they come into contact with.

When humans or Pokémon come into contact with the poisonous mist, their entire bodies will collapse.

And if dead objects such as rocks and trees come into contact with them, they will be gnawed and corroded continuously as if they were covered with termites.

"These poisonous smog are the pollution garbage in the inverted world!"

Giratina showed a look of disgust.

That's why he hates the pair of space-time twin dragons so much. Every time they fight, they throw rubbish into his home.

Although with his physical resistance, even if he came into contact with the poisonous mist, he would not be corroded and wiped out, he would just feel nauseated.

But every time he saw these purple mist garbage floating around, he couldn't sweep them away, which made Giratina feel panicked.

"So that's it, do you want me to clean up the purple mist?"

Xiaozhi nodded thoughtfully.

Looking around, you can already see five or six purple poisonous mist in this area alone, and it is estimated that there are more in the entire inverted world.

But with the power of the god who reversed the world, it cannot be eliminated.

Even if he summoned his tool carving and used the defogging moves that the latter was proud of, it probably wouldn't be able to purify it, right?

But Giratina already had a way, and telepathy came:

"So I need you to help me go to the real world and find a Pokémon named Shaymi."

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