He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1816 Flower Paradise and Gracidia Flower!


After clearly explaining the precautions, the hatchet mantis quickly swung the stone axe, rushed into the depths of the forest, and disappeared.

"Then Xiaozhi, I'm leaving too~!"

When Rabi sent a telepathic response, his small wings fluttered continuously, preparing to use the ability to travel through time and space, and left.

Kiraqi is still waiting for him in other time and space. It does not have the ability to travel through time and space, so it needs to take it by itself.

Rabi Shi took advantage of his part-time job and flew to EMI Forest by the way, secretly doing some private work.

"Oh, this thing is for you~!"

Before leaving, Shi Rabi took out a grass-green slate from an unknown part of his body, and threw it to Xiaozhi.

Although this stone slab has a certain bonus to one's own strength, the general gods and beasts disdain to use each other's things, and rabbi does not like to use the power of other gods and beasts.

"Green Slate!"

Cai Zhong at the back stared closely at the stone slab in Xiao Zhi's hand, and blurted out, with envy in his eyes.

As a grass attribute trainer, it would definitely be a great blessing to have such a slate!

However, Rabbi Shi was not familiar with Cai Zhong, so he did not give the latter any gift.


After waving his little hand, Shirabi created a small space-time hole out of thin air, got in, and disappeared without a trace.

"Green Slate?"

Watching Rabbi go away, Xiao Zhi calmed down and weighed the things in his hands a little.

Slate 1!

He was already a little curious about what would happen when he collected all the slates with all attributes.

"Let's go, Miss Caizhong, let's go back to EMI!"

Seeing that Cai Zhong was still staring straight at his slate, Xiao Zhi quickly put it back into his backpack.

This was a gift given to him by Rabbi, and there was no reason to give it to anyone else.

"Oh, yes, let's go back."

Cai Zhong could only show an embarrassed smile and regained his senses.

Speaking of which, Xiaozhi did him a big favor in the matter of the worm king.

"Speaking of which, Rabbi seems to be going to become the god of the EMI forest, which means that in the future, if I have a chance, can I see Rabbi again at the door of my house?"

Cai Zhi thought to himself, breathing became heavy after all.

She is very passionate about rabbi, if EMI forest can be included in the territory of the forest god, it will be a good thing!

Ten minutes later, the two had returned to the elf center in EMI City.

After Cai Zhong temporarily handed over her Rose Redo to Ms. Qiao Yin, she walked back again, and Xiao Zhi was already waiting for her in the rest hall.

"You mean Shamy. This kind of Pokémon is very rare."

She sat in front of Xiao Zhi and exchanged the information she knew with the latter.

"Xiemi is thanks to the Pokémon. When he smells the pollen of the Gracidia flower, he will transform into a sky form, gain the ability to fly, and perform collective air migration."

Cai Zhong is worthy of being an expert in grass attributes, and his understanding of Xie Mi far exceeds the scribbled information on the Internet.

"Gracitia flower? So where can I find this flower?!"

Xiaozhi was pleasantly surprised, now there is a clue.

I didn't expect Xie Mi to have the ability to change form.

That being the case, as long as you find the place where this flower grows, you will naturally find Xie Mi's habitat.

"I know where this kind of flower grows, but it's not very useful."

Cai Zhi shrugged.

The reason why she knew Xie Mi so well was naturally because she had the idea of ​​subduing a Xie Mi.

After investigating the place where the Gracidia flower grows, Cai Zhong often goes there to wait for the rabbit, but she hasn't seen this kind of Pokémon for several years in a row, and she gradually loses patience until she completely gives up.

"If you meet Xie Mi, you probably need a lot of luck."

Cai Zhi sighed helplessly.

But these words made Xiaozhi feel confident.

Now he is no longer unlucky, no matter where he goes, he can trigger various special plots.

He had reason to believe that, if he went there, he would meet one too. No, a large herd of Shamys!

"Then let me tell you, it's an island called the Flower Paradise. There are various colorful flowers growing on the island, including the Gracidia flower."

"As for the location, it's just in the north of Lily of the Valley, and you can reach the end of a long and narrow path called the Road of Breaking the Sea. You should know that Lily of the Valley is where the Sinnoh Alliance is held."

After talking about Cai Zhong, she got up and walked to the front desk of the Elf Center. Her Rose Redo had recovered, leaving Xiao Zhi alone.

"Is it the northern part of Suzuran Island?"

He secretly wrote down the coordinates, and without further delay, he stood up and prepared to go directly to that place.

The north of Lily of the Valley, which means that he has to completely cross the entire Sinnoh continent, and Ladias will have to work hard again.

"Is Mr. Xiaozhi there? Here's your phone~!"

But before leaving, Miss Qiao Yin at the front desk suddenly shouted loudly, and shouted a few times in the elf center.

Xiaozhi was stunned, how did he know that he was in EMI City.

"I'm Xiaozhi!"

He hurried over and picked up the phone.


Connected, Dr. Oki appeared in front of the screen.

"Hey Dr. Oki, why did you suddenly call me from the elf center?"

Xiaozhi wondered, now the illustration book has a call function, and it is completely possible to make a private call.

"Hey, you Xiaozhi, these are trivial things, and now things are urgent!"

Dr. Oki on the screen looked anxious, seeing Xiaozhi was like seeing a savior.

"I know you are in a hurry, but don't be in a hurry."

In Dr. Oki's series of hasty words, Xiaozhi probably knew what happened.

The matter is related to the making notes of Tolom, the illustrated book given to him by Chiri's father.

The notebook with detailed and precious experimental data was sent to Zhenxin Town by a large-billed gull in Binhai City. But it has been almost a week now, and Dr. Oki has not received any package for a long time.

"Could it be that the Big-billed Gull was shot down?"

Xiaozhi was secretly puzzled.

It just so happened that there was a Big-billed Gull express delivery site in EMI City's Elf Center, so Xiaozhi hurried over to check his express delivery number.

"This shows that your courier has been successfully signed for~!"

Miss Qiao Yin also worked part-time as a courier boy, and smiled politely.

"Sign for it? Impossible, Dr. Oki clearly said no. Could it be that the big-billed gull was sent to the wrong person?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help but questioned.

A big-billed gull stood next to it, and after hearing Xiaozhi's question, it flapped its wings in protest.

Their Big Billed Gull Express is professional.

As long as the recipient's face, facial features and address direction are determined, the package will be delivered accurately even if he dies.


Xiaozhi could only shrug his shoulders, and after communicating with Ms. Qiao Yin, he turned around and told Dr. Oki to wait patiently for a few more days, and the courier company would help to check which link went wrong.

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