With a speed that is almost miraculous, it can complete the impossible actions.


Even with the innate keen insight of the surrounding environment, the Abo monster snake can't see the slightest flaw.

"Extremely fast..."

Ah Ju stared wide-eyed, staring in disbelief at the blue lights that kept appearing on the field.

The skill of supernatural speed is not popular in the Kanto area. If it is popular, there are not many Pokémon that can be mastered, let alone the supernatural speed that is obviously far superior to ordinary supernatural speed.


Aboguai was suddenly hit in the abdomen by a huge force at a tricky angle, and couldn't help but gasped, feeling pain in his stomach.

Just when it was about to bite back, Pikachu had long since disappeared.



The blue light is dotted, less than one breathing Arbor has been hit several times, but the attacker's face can't even be seen.

"Abo monster, be ready for battle. A skill of this intensity won't last long with the physical strength of an electric mouse!"

The electric mouse is born with kidney deficiency. Based on Ah Ju's years of experience in traveling the rivers and lakes, it is estimated that this level of rapid state will not last for a minute!

"Abo monster, use coiled coil on the spot!"

Since you can't attack, then increase your defense!

Hearing that the aggressive body of Abo Monster shrank back and curled up into a ball, a burst of hard red light with improved defense suddenly lit up on his body...

Even Pikachu, who was watching, had bright eyes, and the progress of copying was rapidly filling up...




Then Abo was beaten for ten minutes in the phantom blue light...

Even though he had curled up to improve his defense, and was attacked by rapid speed for ten minutes in a row, Abo Monster was still full of scars at this moment.

"Huh, one minute?"

There was no expression on his red face, but he was secretly smiling in his heart.

On the top of Silver Mountain, which is snowed all year round, the environment is extremely harsh. The attack power and defense power of each of his Pokémon may be a mediocre full level, but when it comes to endurance, it is definitely above the full level and then full. the point.

Let alone ten minutes, another ten minutes would not be a big problem.

"Then stop..." Chi suddenly said.

As soon as the voice fell, Pikachu's figure suddenly flashed out from a corner of the hall, as if teleporting.

Using super speed alone can easily kill Arbor, but this is undoubtedly a bit like a long-handed bullying a short-handed one, so let's change to a new job.

It's just a chance to try a little skill that Zeng Jin practiced on Silver Mountain, but he hasn't officially used it on others yet.

With this move, Chi also planned to use his hands against Qinglu in the future.

"Pikachu," he said.


He didn't say anything specifically, but the round-faced Pikachu has already understood Chi's intentions, and the communication between one person and one mouse has already reached the point where they can communicate without words.

This is not like the miraculous state that Xiaozhi and the Fire Dinosaur entered just now, it is simply the experienced experience of the two of them working together for many years.

Just like an old couple, you can tell if the other party is cheating with just one look.

"Use one hundred thousand volts."


The electric current appeared on the electric sac on Pikachu's cheek. The golden electric current condensed around the body, and a dark black hazy circle appeared visible to the naked eye. The lightning scene was much higher than Xiaozhi's Muggle Pikachu.


The lightning turned into an extremely ferocious electric snake, and the sound was as sharp and chaotic as a thousand birds chirping at the same time.

"Do you want to attack head-on..."

In terms of speed, Ah Ju feels inferior, but when it comes to the power of skills, he will not admit defeat.

"Use the sludge bomb!!"

"Cha hiss!!"

Abo monster opened his mouth and condensed a huge purple-black energy bomb in front of him, projecting it out.


The 100,000 volts collided with the sludge bomb in the center of the arena, and the energy collided and exploded in an instant. The air storm was strong, forming a huge flame explosion.

Evenly matched!

"Abo monster, use garbage to shoot now!!"

Before the smoke and dust completely disappeared, Ah Ju suddenly opened his mouth and pointed out.

Garbage shooting is a super skill with poison attribute, its power is extremely terrifying, but its hit rate is not high.

But the previous curling up not only improved the defense, but also increased the hit rate by a layer!


The black-brown venom energy broke through the smoke like a long rope with a diameter of two or three meters, and it was filled with terrifying power, pointing directly at Pikachu!

Chi hurriedly instructed: "Pikachu, keep the steel tail and avoid it!"

If it is another Pokémon, it may have to face this garbage shot head-on, but with Pikachu's speed, even if it is attacked by surprise, there is enough time to dodge.

Pikachu jumped up, dodging and running against the trash shot, but the trash shot seemed to have eyes, and it moved a little half a meter, approaching Pikachu.


The garbage shot that was curled up to increase the hit rate did attack Pikachu, but it only attacked the tail that turned into steel. The steel attribute is naturally restrained from the poison attribute, and has no effect at all.

And Pikachu immediately attacked with the venom on his tail, his body was still running fast, and when he approached the target, he cut half a meter to one side, and then turned the steel tail around and smashed it.


Abo monster moved back half a meter suddenly, and the steel tail brushed past him, smashing a small hole in the ground in front of it.


Pikachu's movements just now were a little bit stiff, and ordinary people didn't notice it at all, but Aju, who was sharp-eyed, noticed it.

"Pikachu, use Iron Tail!" Chi continued to instruct.

In a flash, Pikachu appeared in a certain direction of Arbor, raised his steel tail and smashed it again.


The two violations in a row have already made Aju completely see through Chi's intentions, because the two attack directions are forcing Abo monster to move in one direction.

He even caught the glancing glances of his naked eyes!

I only heard Ah Ju sneer and shouted:

"Is it this trick again? It's so boring, Abbe!"

The Abo monster raised its bloody mouth, resisting the danger of its body being rubbed by the steel tail, and crawled in the opposite direction.

He has already noticed that Chi's goal is to force the Abo monster to a crack in the opening of a cave. Although he doesn't know what his purpose is, he, Aju, will not be fooled last time, so he will forcefully move in the opposite direction.

He guessed blindly, guessing that this Pikachu has a skill similar to "electric mines", and wanted to deliberately force Arbor to the mines.

no way!

"Cha hiss!!"

After several rounds of steel tails, Abo Monster managed to reach the opposite direction of the destination. Although his body was covered with scars, he roared and looked at the electric mouse provocatively.

Sure enough, the old trick.

The IQ of the lowly mouse is simply not comparable to his big snake! !

Pikachu: "?"

Seeing that the target had successfully arrived at the designated location, Chi finally laughed out loud as he still had an arrogant and ignorant expression on his face.

That's right, it's still Xiaozhi's forced move.

But his moves are completely reversed.

Pikachu deliberately forced it to move in one direction. After suffering a loss once, Aju, who has always been cautious, would naturally not fall for it again, and would do the opposite even at the risk of being attacked.

But this opposite direction is Chi's real purpose!

He predicted Ah Ju's prediction again, completely playing with the ninja's mind in the palm of his hand.

Ah Ju quickly swept the ground around, but there was nothing unusual, and immediately looked at Chi's expression like a paper tiger, putting on airs.

I am right!

"Don't look down this time, look up and look up." Chi couldn't help but reminded.

That's right, Xiaozhi's goal was the ground cave, and Chi's goal was flipped over and placed on top.




At this moment, a large hole with a diameter of nearly two meters was broken in the ceiling directly above Arbo's monster. This is the trace left by the round-faced Pikachu who blasted thunder against the sky at the beginning of the game to create an atmosphere.


With a roar of battle, the thunderclouds in the sky above the light red gymnasium seemed to become more intense, and the endless thunder rumbled, and the storm was about to come and the mountain was full...

At this moment, the round-faced Pikachu stood upright, a small paw was raised high, and a cloud of blue lightning was lingering on it, making a sound slowly.

Stepping on the drumbeat of the thunder in the sky, it crackled, as if communicating with the thunder in the sky.


Seeing the electric mouse smiling at him, Ah Bo and Ah Ju shivered at the same time, a terrifying thought came to their minds, and their foreheads were sweating profusely.

"Run, Arbor!"

"Cha hiss!!"

Abo monster hurriedly lowered his body to dodge, not letting himself continue to be exposed directly under the broken ceiling.

"It's useless, when you see lightning, it's over..."

Chi immediately closed his eyes and spoke.

I saw the round-faced Pikachu also slowly pressing down his little paw.


In the next moment, a terrifying thunderbolt crashed down along this loophole! !

Before the Abo monster moved, a blue thunder pillar more than one meter wide fell on it completely. The strong pressure and terrifying electric current pressed it firmly to the ground in just an instant, unable to lift its head , the soil layer below was sunken by half a meter in an instant! !


In the beam of thunder and light, there was a strange and soul-shattering roar, which seemed to be the violent roar of a beast. A blue thunder beast with its teeth and claws appeared, hovered in the sky for half a second, and then slammed into the sky. The target leaps.

The power of heaven and earth even condenses into an entity! !

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The entire light red gymnasium began to vibrate crazily! !

This move is Chi's original skill, using the power of heaven and earth to attack, he only acts as a bridge of communication, so it doesn't consume much, if you must give it a name...

Kirin! !

. . .

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