He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1827 My Great Wisdom, Your Little Wisdom


Xie Mi was taken aback by the sudden appearance of the night demon behind him, and when he heard that it was an assistant servant, his expression became even weirder.

This treatment is directly full!

Some of them even had the idea of ​​kowtowing to Giratina on the spot to show their loyalty.

At this moment, Xie Mi, who is in the form of the sky, has a playful personality and is extremely keen on having a ghost servant.


However, Xiaozhi's mouth twitched when he saw these tall night demon spirits with their heads bowed and humble servants.

He remembered that Pokémon like Night Demon had a cruel and fierce personality.

The current appearance. Obviously after being educated by Giratina, right?

While showing off his nobility as a boss to all Xie Mi, Giratina also sent a proud telepathy to Xiaozhi.

"Hmph~ how about it, I also went to the real world to catch some little ghosts!"

Seeing that there are more and more foreign Pokémon reversing the world.

The acceptance is getting higher and higher. Giratina also joined the big force to transform the reversed world, and went to the real world to arrest a group of thugs.

Originally, these night demons were still vicious masters, but after Giratina's casual education, and the crushing racial strength, now the night demons dare not resist in the slightest.

"Um, are you afraid that the Xiemis will escape?"

Using the power of waveguide, Xiaozhi also sent his own telepathy with his backhand, mercilessly breaking Giratina.

Said to be a personal servant, it looks more like surveillance?

"Hmph~ My great wisdom is comparable to your little intelligence."

Giratina's voice became more and more proud, as if he was very satisfied with his operation.

With a little trickery, this group of Xie Mi can be easily made to stay willingly.

Xiaozhi didn't say anything about it, but at the end he reminded:

"It doesn't matter what you do, but you don't want to restrict the freedom of these Xiemis. If they want to go back to the real world, don't force them to stay."

After all, he brought this group of Xie Mi together.

Although it was for the purpose of completing the mission at first, Xiaozhi really wanted to help them find a suitable place to live.

Instead of letting this group of Xie Mi fall into the wolf's den just after they came out of the tiger's mouth.

With Giratina's gigantic ghostly dragon figure, he was really worried that one day the former would be greedy, and he would eat Xiami one by one.

Giratina didn't respond to Xiaozhi directly, but she seemed to agree.

Getting along with Rogia's master and apprentice these days, and frequent exchanges with Xiaozhi, a human being, made Giratina's temper much better.

Since it is Nuoda's reverse world waiting for him to build, Giratina is full of enthusiasm.

"Okay, okay, then you guys should find a better place and create a new flower paradise."

Xiaozhi could only sigh helplessly. It seemed that his intervention had unexpectedly awakened Giratina's ambitions of capitalists?

Then he handed the sack to Rogia, and said again and again:

"Lugia, you are more familiar here, take them to find a complete large floating island, it is best to have fertile land and water, well, it is best to have a place covered by vegetation."

After thinking about it, I added:

"Remember that the location is closer to Iron Island. Nightmare God and Dream God also have a companion."

It also happened to be the exit to the real world, and Xie Mi could go out at any time if necessary.


Lugia bit the sack and threw it back, and after a loud cry, he flew into the air with the sack on his shoulders.

As an ancient god, Diablo Rogia's IQ is also extremely high, and he can easily write down all the detailed requirements.

If it were Pikachu, it would probably have to be repeated seven or eight times.


Immediately Rogia hooked his wings towards the Xie Mi group again, signaling the Xie Mi to follow its pace.

These days, Rogia is quite familiar with the terrain of the reverse world, and several suitable locations have already appeared in his mind.

"Shamy.!" "Shamy.!"

Before exiting from the state of the sky, the Xiemis jumped up one after another, and flew to the settlement following Rogia's back.

"Xie Mi~!"

The captain, Xie Mi, also circled around Xiaozhi, and left after saying hello.

"Go, go, if you have the night demon to help you cultivate the land, you don't need my help."

Xiao Zhi patted the latter's head and smiled, signaling not to forget the seeds and plants in the sack.

The 13 night demons behind them were like ghosts, hiding in the shadows of their respective Xie Mi one by one, and went in parallel.

Such an assistant is really convenient. No wonder Chiri chose to use a night demon as his trump card, hiding in the shadows and waiting for opportunities.

The night elf has a strong body and flexible hands like a human being, making him a very suitable candidate for a farmer.

Watching Xie Miqun's departure, Xiao Zhi regained his composure.

He turned his head, rubbed his palms, and looked at Giratina expectantly.

The mission is complete, now it's his turn to collect the reward for the mission!

"Hehe, so I have already brought Xie Mi, and there are 13 of them.!"

Xiaozhi also specially emphasized the numbers.

Generally, if the task is overfulfilled, the task reward will increase accordingly, right?

"Hmph, of course I won't break my promise."

Giratina shook her head rather arrogantly, and let out a low growl.

The three pairs of long shadow wings on the back instantly expanded and merged together to form a black curtain of shadow.


With a slight shake, a few items shook out of it, and fell in front of Xiao Zhi.

Similar to Geng Gui's body connected to a different space, Giratina's flame-shaped shadow wings also have the effect of storing space.

Xiaozhi took a closer look, but saw a pale pink fan-shaped hard shell, about half a meter in size, with cracked marks on the edge.

There is also a white slender hard lump, also half a meter long, that looks like metal.

"these are"

Xiaozhi weighed the two things curiously, they were both very solid and textured, and there was a faint sense of majesty and majesty in them.

It is indeed a token of God!

Xiaozhi observed the objects in his hands, and secretly recalled the appearance of Palkia and Dialga's bodies.

Pink fan leaf-shaped fragments, this should be the wings on Palkia's back, right?

And the long white metal texture should be the steel horns standing on both sides of Dialga's head?

Good guy, have these three guys had such a fierce fight before, and the wings and dragon horns were all broken?

"Hmph, those two defeated opponents~!"

Once slightly suppressed the two gods of time and space, and obtained spoils from the two gods, Giratina was very proud.

His body subconsciously leaned back, maintaining a comfortable posture, and he couldn't help but recall his glorious years.

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