He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1843 It's time to go, Bakujiro!

The familiar aura in the opponent's shadow made Xiaozhi instantly realize that there must also be a Daklaiyin in there.

And at the moment in the alliance venue, the trainer with Dak Lai Yin

Naturally, it could only be the beast man who has been in the limelight recently and pushed the gym all the way!

"It looks like it's really strong!"

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi's face gradually became hot, and he must be a very strong opponent!

"Hey Xiaozhi! Why are you standing here!"

The two people who got closer saw that Xiao Zhi was still standing there in a daze, and asked curiously.

Xiaozhi's complexion looked a little darker because he spent two weeks in the mountains after sleeping in the open air for several days.

"It's okay, long time no see, Xiaoguang, Xiaogang, how are you all doing?"

Xiaozhi came back to his senses, and then greeted the two friends with a smile.


He held Xiao Gang's palms together in front of him, feeling the strength of the other's grip.


Then he raised his hand again, and slapped Xiaoguang lightly above his head.

"Hee hee~!" "Haha!"

The three looked at each other and smiled, and the small group returned to gather again!

"Hmph, Xiaozhi~ I have become stronger now~!"

Xiaoguang crossed her waist, her cheeks were flushed, and she said confidently.

The league conference is not her main direction of attack, so Xiaoguang is not rushing to the championship this time

The top eight, entering the top eight is considered a success!

"Oh, you're very confident, Xiaoguang!"

Xiaozhi nodded in satisfaction. It seems that he has been training for another half a month. It is estimated that Xiaoguang's Emperor Nabo has become much stronger again.

"Anyway, hurry up, the last day to sign up!"

Xiao Gang was more stable, and pushed Xiao Zhi to the nearest Elf Center to register for the conference.

In the last Caiyou conference, Xiaozhi arrived at the last moment.

Unexpectedly, this time the Lily of the Valley meeting would be the same. He was worried that Xiaozhi would miss it.


Xiaozhi also settled down, there are many masters in this year's Lily of the Valley Conference, he has to prepare well, so as not to overturn.

"Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town~ Your registration for the competition has been successful!"

Inside the Fairy Center, Miss Qiao Yin handed back the eight badges to Xiaozhi, and said with a standard professional smirk:

"Tomorrow is the opening day of the Lily of the Valley Conference, and the order of the battle will be announced at the end of the opening ceremony, please don't miss it~!"

"Thank you Miss Qiao Yin."

Put the badge carefully, Xiaozhi said with a smile.

After putting down the luggage, the business was done, and he was soon dragged aside by Xiao Guang and Xiao Gang to chat. Both of them were very curious about what Xiao Zhi had experienced in the past half month.

Since this time it was not a fancy competition, Xiaoguang was not under much pressure, so he also joined the army of gossip.

"You Xiaozhi, long time no see~!"

Along with Xiao Wang, she came here from Xuefeng City to cheer for the two of them.

They are all his own people, and Xiaozhi didn't hide too much, and soon told about the Xie Mi incident, the incident of the hatchet mantis in the EMI Forest, and the Xidoran in the Grim Mountain.

Of course, most of the things about reversing the world are still skipped.

But even so, it still made the three of Xiaoguang exclaim again and again.

Sure enough, as soon as Xiaozhi leaves them, he will immediately encounter all kinds of strange and big events!

Every one, ordinary people are hard to come by!


Xiao Wang, who spent a shorter time with each other, was also silent.

She has always been steady, but now she probably knows that Xiao Zhi is somewhat outrageous.

"Then I went to Tianguan Mountain to exercise for two weeks. By the way, that's where I lived. The place where I slept with Teacher Gang before."

"Oh, you mean there, it's really nostalgic~!"

As soon as the cave on the mountainside of Tianguan Mountain was mentioned, Xiao Zhi and Xiao Gang couldn't help but look at each other, their faces became excited and nostalgic.

This scene made Xiao Guang and Xiao Wang look at each other, feeling that there was something wrong.?

"Hey, hey! Xiaozhi, I'm finally waiting for you!


But before chatting in this rest area for a long time, there was a rush of voices behind everyone.

Turning around, I found that it was the impatient Ah Jin who ran over in a hurry.

He is still very rebellious and wears his hat backwards, and he is carrying a billiard cue stick on his shoulder. It seems that he ran out of the middle of the billiard ball?

"Hee hee, long time no see Xiaozhi~!"

Naturally, there was Chris next to her, who was gentle and generous, and greeted several people with a smile.

"Ah Jin, I almost forgot about you. Oh, and Chris, long time no see!"

So Xiaozhi greeted the two of them, they had agreed to meet at Linglan Island before.

It was the first time for Xiaowang to see Ajin and Ajin, so he pulled Xiaoguang curiously, and asked in a low voice behind him.

"Hurry up and pretend, I can't wait!"

Ah Jin's face was flushed, as if he couldn't wait for a moment, he took out an elf ball with his backhand.


When the red light fell, it was a fire rock mouse. The fur on its bluish-black back was smooth, and it did not burst into a fiery flame.


Xiaowang was in a daze, wondering why the other party suddenly released a Yusanjia from the Chengdu area.

But judging from the appearance, this fire rock mouse has been bred quite well. Whether it is fur, body, or mental outlook, it is impeccable and perfect.

It can't be seen that it will be a Pokémon held by a frizzy-looking trainer.

"Don't worry, let's just watch the show~!"

Xiao Guangshen said mysteriously, his eyes brightened, and he became a melon-eating crowd behind him.

"Hey Ajin, are you in such a hurry? Well, although it's pretty good here."

Chris looked around, but there weren't many outsiders in this rest area, so she helped remove all the bench obstacles around Ajin and Fire Rock Rat.

"Then let's get started!"

Xiaozhi also became interested, rummaged through the bag, and quickly found a black-purple stone slab.

Don't look at Ajin's carefree appearance, but when it comes to hatching and nurturing Pokémon, he is definitely a master-level person.

This fire rock mouse has been a perfect individual since it was an elf egg, and it has been perfect until now.

"Is this the monster tablet!"

After receiving the monster slate handed by Xiaozhi, Ah Jin's breathing became rapid.

The slate is slightly heavy, but there is a strange and ancient atmosphere lingering in it

The dual attributes of ghosts in ancient times are the characteristics necessary for the fire rock rat to complete special evolution.

If even this monster slab can't make the fire rock mouse evolve into the ancient version of the fire storm beast in the Xicui area, Ajin can't do anything about it.

"It's coming, Bakujiro!"

So Ajin let out a low cry, with a high-pitched expression, and put the monster slab on the back of the fire rock mouse.

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