He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 182: The Mini Dragon in the Hunting Area

"Dr. Oki, I have six badges now, is my level okay? Hee hee."

In the Fairy Center of Light Red City, Xiaozhi was smiling and communicating regularly with Dr. Oki in his hometown early in the morning.

"Oh, that's really good. At first I thought you were just a shrimp, but I turned out to be a big fish." Dr. Oki spoke bluntly, without shying away from the violence in his words, and continued to say:

"By the way, we have a total of four novice trainers coming out of Zhenxin Town this time. You and Xiaomao are the best performers so far. The girl Xiaolan seems to be doing well in stocks recently. The worst is Xiaohei. I haven't contacted me for a month, and I guess the person is gone now."

Xiao Hei is the novice trainer who received the little Charmander besides Xiao Mao and Xiao Lan.

You must know that this world is full of crises. Not all novice trainers can survive the first year, and they may overturn somewhere and erect a tombstone on the spot.

That is, if Xiaozhi received only a Muggle Pikachu at the beginning, he should be able to switch directly to the ultimate map on the first day of departure.


It is estimated that the grass on the head of the grave can block the entry of Mach's bicycle.

Regarding this point, Dr. Oki has nothing to do but sigh. Since he has chosen to take the trainer path, he has to bear the risk himself.

After all, in this world, 10 years old is an adult.

But soon Dr. Oki changed the topic, and there was a touch of pride between his brows.

"Speaking of Xiaozhi, how many Pokémon have you tamed now? My Xiaomao has tamed 60 of them."

Before he set off, he thought that with his grandson's personality, he would be punished one day sooner or later, but he always felt that Xiaomao seemed to be a different person now, and he didn't need to worry at all.

"60... that guy!"

Hearing that Xiaozhi frowned, he has a full collection of Pokémon, only 10 of them.

"Xiaozhi, you must tame more Pokémon, so that you can understand the characteristics, habits, skills, etc. of various Pokémon. This will greatly improve the level of a trainer."

As a Pokémon Doctor, he also wants to see some rare Pokémon.

But there is one thing he didn't say, most of the Pokémon that Xiaomao sent him were miscellaneous fish, and there were even many duplicates.

"Speaking of which, you are now in Light Red City. There is a wilderness hunting area there. You can go there to replenish a few Pokémon."

Dr. Oki suddenly thought of something and reminded:

"It seems that several years ago, I heard that there were miniature dragons haunting there. This is an ultra-rare Pokémon..."

He raised his eyebrows, hinting wildly.

"Tiny dragon? What kind of Pokémon is this?"

Xiaozhi curiously took out the illustration book to search, and soon found the information of this Pokémon.

From the image, it doesn't look like a dragon, but more like a small snake, with light blue skin, white belly, and a pair of cute volute ears on its head, so cute.

Like a town house like Pikachu selling cute Pokémon.

Pikachu: "?"

"Mini dragon? This is the most precious Pokémon in our Kanto region besides the legendary Pokémon."

"Do you still remember the technician who gave you a massage when we went to the big health care last time? It's the final evolution of the miniature dragon."

Hearing that something extraordinary happened, Xiao Gang and Xiao Xia, who were taking a nap and drinking tea, also came up and expressed their understanding.

"Big healthcare...?"

As soon as Xiaozhi said it, he got the impression that the Kuailong technician with a big brown belly and a pair of small wings used the skill "trample" on his back crazily. The bones in his back were soft for a while.

It was this little blue snake that evolved into a chubby fast dragon. This transformation seems a bit big.

"No, my armored chrysalis can evolve into an empty seat, and a little blue snake can evolve into a fast dragon, so what's so special?" Xiao Zhi affirmed himself.

"It's decided, I'm going to that wilderness area to capture a miniature dragon!"

He clenched his fists and swore secretly.

Catch a tiny dragon and let it evolve into a fast dragon!

Personal Technician?

He licked his tongue, just thinking about it was a supreme experience, his whole body was soft.

Before he could hang up the phone in time, Xiaozhi packed his luggage, dragged his little friend and ran towards a certain direction of Light Red City.

"Hey, are you going to go to the general health care... Take it with you..."

An intermittent thin voice came from the microphone, with a little eagerness, but no one cared...



The northwest area of ​​Light Red City, this is a large wilderness area, stretching for several kilometers, the outer area is surrounded by a fence, leaving only a small house as the entrance and exit.

From a distance, you can see lush shrubs and forests, rivers and swamps. It seems that the smallest area is covered with the largest variety of ecological environments, so there are many kinds of Pokémon inhabiting here.

However, the hunting area five or six years ago was not like this. I don’t know who leaked the news that there were precious miniature dragons infested here, which immediately attracted a large number of trainers to follow their tracks.

500 yuan, grab it casually?

In less than three months, almost all the Pokémon in this wilderness area have been caught, and there is not even a turf left.

It's just that the figure of the miniature dragon never appeared, and people gradually forgot about it later, and the ecology here began to recover slowly.

Until now, the hunting area has not returned to its former prosperity. In order to prevent the tragedy from happening again, a lot of regulations have been added now.

Each trainer can only use the special hunting balls provided by the hunting area to catch them. They can throw stones or bait, but they are forbidden to use their own Pokémon to fight. There are a total of 30 hunting balls, which can be obtained when they are used up.

You can only stay in it for 5 hours at a time, and you have to come out even if the ball is not used up.

Each trainer can only come in once a year.

The regulations are strict, and there are no miniature dragons. The number of people who come to catch them is maintained at a just right level, which can maintain the ecological scale of the population in the hunting zone at the optimal K/2.


"I'm Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town, here are three tickets."

Xiaozhi pushed open the door and went in, straight to the point.

The room at the entrance and exit is not too big, and the decorations are quite old. There is only a middle-aged man guarding the door. He looks to be in his fifties or sixties, with a strong figure.

He was wearing brown vest jeans and a hat, looking like an old cowboy from the Hezhong area.

"Three tickets, a total of 1,500 yuan. Go there and get a basket of equipment for each person. You know the rules. Remember that you can't use your own Pokémon to fight. Come out when you run out of 30 hunting balls. Don't catch too many. It's a sin to be greedy." balabala..."

Apparently, this is an older cowboy with a bad temper.

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