He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1857 Medical team... oh, this time the fairy cloth was lifted

Chapter 1857 Medical team. Oh, this time the fairy cloth was lifted

"So it's changing the characteristics?"

Watching Roseredo being carried away, Xiaozhi came back to his senses and blurted out.

His Heracross was originally characterized by perseverance.

But at this moment, after the evolution of mega, the characteristic has become continuous attack, which is also called chain skill.

Pokémon with this characteristic, when performing continuous moves such as rock crit, ice cone, and seed machine gun, the consecutive times will be full, and the true power of the move will be exerted.

Therefore, the expected power value of the original missile needle is only 79.2

But at this moment, through the blessing of characteristics, it has directly become a big bug attribute move that surpasses a million horns!

Don't look at the missile needle as a long-range attack, but it relies on the physical power of Heracross.

It is reasonable to directly lift Roseredo away with one move.

Shangzhi: "."

Rao is a person with a very good attitude like him, and his eyelids twitched wildly at this moment.

But after all, Shangzhi is much older than Xiaozhi and the others, about twenty years old, so his heart is also bigger than the average trainer, but he won't be directly crushed.

Even if he couldn't defeat the opponent in front of him, he still had to finish the three battles.

"Then I'm counting on you in the end, Primordial Armor!!"

Shangzhi's third Pokémon is a tall gray-blue crustacean drake. The body structure of a crustacean insect looks like a dinosaur, which is different from ordinary Pokémon.

"Oh, the third one is just a Fossil Pokémon?!"

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up. The ancient armor is a classic fossil Pokémon in the Fangyuan area.

But he is also a fan of old fossils, and he can tell at a glance that the ancient armor in front of him should be a modern wild variety, or it was resurrected from a machine.

It is no different from ordinary Pokémon, and does not have the sturdy and wild aura that belongs to ancient Pokémon.

It seems that this time, the other party is not planning to play tricks with him, but is going to fight head-on?


Just in time, Heracross opened his eyes and regained consciousness.

"Imperial armor, use the original power!!"

Seeing this, Shang Zhi no longer hesitated, and called out the general move of this fossil Pokémon.

Seeing several rocks condense out of thin air around this ancient armor, throwing them together, Xiaozhi also responded quickly:

"Use Rock Blast!"

Heracross immediately raised his two strong and muscular arms, abruptly knocked out the gravel from the ground, and then crushed it into a ball with his palms before throwing it vigorously!

boom! ! boom! ! boom! !

In a few seconds, Heracross had already thrown more than a dozen of these rock shells, digging a big hole in the ground under his feet.

The rocks on both sides collided together, and the original force was completely defeated by the rock explosion in an instant, and the castration continued to attack the ancient armor!

The nearly continuous rock blasts completely engulfed the ancient armor in a short while, causing good damage.

This is the second chain move of Mega Heracross, and the power of the rock blast has also been greatly enhanced.


But this time the ancient armor was obviously more fleshy, let out a low growl, and quickly stood up from the pile of rubble, the body was covered with a layer of unusually hard armor.


Not only that, but immediately after that, several bursts of amplified red light appeared on the body.

This is an additional effect of triggering the original power, and all the attributes of the whole body have been raised to a higher level.

Shang Zhi was overjoyed immediately, it seems that I have the advantage!

"Good opportunity! Primordial armor, use the cross scissors!!"

This ancient armor was also full of fighting spirit, it rushed up immediately, the two claws on its chest glowed blue, and slashed away fiercely!

"So it's time for a power test. Heracross, we use a million horns!!"

Xiaozhi also has a high-pitched expression, and a frontal and passionate battle is what he wants.

Mega Heracross also rushed forward, then slightly lowered his head, a bright and dangerous white light glowed from the big horn on the top of his head, and rushed towards the opponent!

This time, it wasn't the million horns charging with all their strength, as if they were endowed with continuous attacks by their characteristics, Heracross used the horns on his head as spears, sprinting frequently, and waving forward continuously.

Bang bang! Bang bang! !

The cross scissors collided with the million horns, and there were frequent blunt and heavy bangs between the fights. Both of them were obviously extremely hard.

After several collisions in a row, they were evenly matched for a while.


It's just that Shang Zhi's face became more and more gloomy, because every collision seemed to be evenly matched, but his ancient armor was forced to retreat continuously by the terrifying power of Heracross.

Even if the strength is improved once, can't it match the strength of the opponent?

"Prime Armor, use mud to shoot!!"

Seizing the opportunity, Shang Zhi suddenly changed his strategy.

Using the cross scissors to forcibly block the opponent's big horn, the ancient armor suddenly opened its mouth, and the muddy water spewed out from top to bottom, directly fearing to hit Heracross' eyes, causing instant blindness.

"Then the water burst!!"

Taking advantage of the chaotic movements of Heracross, the ancient armor quickly raised its claws again. This time, a layer of fierce water flow coat lingered on it, and finally slashed forward brazenly!

Whoosh! !

The water burst successfully hit Heracross's face, and the impressive force directly caused the latter to take several steps back in a row.

Seeing that the move worked, Shang Zhi was ecstatic in his heart, and couldn't help but blurted out:


It finally did the damage!

Xiaozhi: "?"

From a distance, he seemed to hear Mr. Shang Zhi suddenly say "win"?

And at this moment, the expression on the latter's face is also an ecstatic look of victory.

"It doesn't matter, since that's the case, Heracross, use the missile needle!!"

Heracross simply turned into a dc-free worm-shaped fort again, erected his large-horned cannon barrel high, and aimed it at midair.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The next moment, a continuous stream of missile flying needles roared out from the big horn, and finally they all exploded around the ancient armor!

The number is too dense to dodge at all.

The too bitter armor can only hug the body in place, and use the iron wall moves to the limit, trying to resist.

Boom boom boom! !

It was just that after a series of violent bombings, when the smoke and dust cleared, this ancient armor had completely lost its fighting ability, and it leaned forward and fell to the end of the dilapidated arena.

"Prime ancient armor can't fight! The medical team, please trouble, this time the fairy cloth has been lifted."

The referee said loudly, and subconsciously called out the lucky egg who had just run back from the elf center, but quickly changed his words.

The durability of the ancient armor is obviously not comparable to the other two.

Although he has lost the ability to fight, his carapace is extremely hard, so there is no need to carry it to the elf center in such a hurry

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