He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1890 Then die together, song of perdition!

"Good condition, keep fighting, Lucario!"

The consumption was not too great, so Xiaozhi shouted from behind, signaling Lucario to continue fighting.

At this moment, the troublesome Poison Ling on the field has not dissipated, and Lucario, who is immune to the poison, will continue to fight.

On the other side, Shinji has already dispatched the next Pokémon.


The red light fell, and a big bird flew into the sky, it was the head of the crow that had appeared before.

"Flying attributes?"

Xiaozhi was not timid, and launched an attack directly:

"Then try this trick, Lucario, use the dragon wave!!"

His Lucario not only knows how to wave missiles, but he saw his fist bump in front of him, and the spikes on the back of his hand burst out a mass of blue-purple energy, turning into an energy dragon and rushing straight into the sky!

"Crow head, dodge!"

Even if it wasn't the powerful wave missile before, Shinji didn't dare to take it hard, so he could only avoid the edge temporarily.

After all, in terms of strength, even his own Dragon King Scorpion couldn't beat the opponent, and he didn't intend to let the head of the crow hit the wave of evil.


The crow quickly flapped its wings to dodge the dragon's wave.

Since it was not a wave missile, this time Lucario's offensive was not a 100% hit.

"Crow Head, use Blow Fly!"

The next moment, Shinji's eyes were fixed, and he suddenly spoke.

Since you plan to let Lucario continue to play, then I will forcefully replace you and let your other Pokémon eat the poison!

However, Xiaozhi also had a coping strategy, and the corner of his mouth raised slyly, and responded:

"Blow away? Lucario, we also use blow up!!"

This command is a bit confusing, but with the head of the crow above, a strange whirlwind blows.


However, when Lucario's fists collided below, the same strange whirlwind was blown from the spikes on the back of his hand!


The exact same blowing moves, and the airflow in completely opposite directions, were stalemate in the center of the arena.

In the end, it was a tie, the two moves canceled each other, and neither side was forced to leave the field.

"Is it an imitation move?"

The others didn't realize it yet, but Shinji already recognized the opponent's movements and murmured.

The useless Mary Luli he threw away before will also use this move, which can instantly copy the opponent's moves.

"Hey, don't let my Lucario exit this time~!"

The situation gradually tilted to his side, Xiaozhi's tone gradually became complacent, and he teased from a distance.

But Shinji sneered and said:

"Don't you want to leave the stage? Then don't leave! Head crow, use black eyes!"

The head of the crow focused his eyes, releasing a strange power, and a pair of black one-eyed phantoms landed on Lucario's body out of thin air.

"Black eyes?"

Xiao Zhi was taken aback by this move. Is this a new tactic?

Or Shinji has burnt out his brain?

However, following Shinji's next command, Xiaozhi's face tightened, and he realized it.

"Head Crow, use the song of death!!"

The crow flew headlong into the sky, and began to sing with its hoarse voice, and suddenly an ugly and strange singing sound spread to the audience.

All the audience who heard the singing turned green, and felt inexplicable horror in their hearts, and hurriedly lowered their heads and covered their ears.


As for Lucario, the target targeted by Mie Ge, there was a phantom of the word "death" on his face, as if his time was approaching.

If you don't exit, then everyone will die together!

Shinji was also ruthless, and directly started the tactics of destroying songs.

Even with the advantage in attributes, he didn't think that his crow head could defeat the mega Lucario in front of him.

This Lucario is definitely Xiaozhi's trump card today, replacing the opponent's high-grade horse with a low-grade horse

Then he makes a lot of money!

"Crow head, fly up, distance yourself!"

He doesn't even need to deal any damage in the future, he only needs to successfully drag through three rounds, and both sides will fall because of Miege!


The head of the crow knew that he was about to be cannon fodder, but he didn't disobey Shinji's command, and quickly waved his wings and flew high.

Today's victory is not the goal of Shinji alone, but also the pursuit of their six Pokémon.

That's why the super armor mad rhino resolutely gave up resistance at the last moment, and instead threw out the team's invisible rock.

"Then just beat you within three rounds!"

However, Xiaozhi did not give up, and Lucario in front of him was even more determined, and he was not disturbed by Mie Ge at all.

The next moment, Lucario rushed towards the head of the crow with vigorous strides, and leaped high when he came under the latter.

"Use shoot down!"

"Crow head, use surprise attack, and then pull away!"

Shinji's idea is very good. If the opponent uses an offensive move, the surprise attack can be attacked one step ahead.


The head of the crow turned into a mass of black streamer, took the first step, trampled heavily on Lucario's chest, and was about to step on it.


However, it ignored Lucario's strength at this moment, and forcibly withstood this surprise attack, and its figure was not confused in midair.

This blow even made the head of the crow enter Lucario's attack range

boom! !

The palm of Mega Lucario's palm glowed with white light, and he slapped hard, directly knocking down the head of the crow from the sky.

"Then it's a bone club attack!!"

With a swipe of Lucario's palm, a waveguide bone stick was condensed in mid-air, and his body took advantage of the momentum to rush straight towards the head of the crow below!

"Head of the crow, hurry up and dodge the moves!"

Shinji's voice became anxious, this game is the key to the outcome of today's game!

He underestimated Lucario's power a little bit, he should have stretched out infinitely just now, instead of making a risky surprise move.

It was just a shot down move. At this moment, the crow head felt that this pair of wings did not belong to him.


It kept struggling, but for a moment it seemed that it completely lost the ability to fly, turning the crow into a rooster, and could only flap its wings on the ground.

In the air, Lucario has already come down brazenly!

Boom! !

The bone stick slammed down heavily, and hit the head of the crow head-on, making a burst of explosion!

The force was so great that even the bone stick in Lucario's hand was broken!

Generally speaking, hitting with a bone stick of the ground attribute should not have any effect on the head of the crow.

But at this moment, the latter has been hit by the knockdown effect, allowing this bone club to exert its strongest power!


But as the smoke and dust dissipated, the head of the crow tilted his head, his eyes rolled, and he fell to the ground quite simply.

It's just the song of perdition, which also came to the last round.

The timing of the crow's head down is very subtle, as if there is a bug, even the heavens can't judge the mechanism of the two moves, and the effects of the black eyes and the song of death have not disappeared.

Now, it's Lucario's most dangerous moment!

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