He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1895 I'll find a female monkey first...

The war ended, and Shinji stood there for a long time.

It wasn't until he heard the cheers around him that he woke up like a dream, his body trembled, and he came back to his senses.

He raised his palm and retracted the defeated electric monster.

Across the poke ball, Shinji murmured:

"Thank you, Electric Shock Monster."

On the other side, the Flame Monkey jumped back to Xiaozhi with a vigorous figure. His physical strength hadn't reached the state of a candle in the wind, but it was not low.

"You're doing well! Flame Monkey!

Xiaozhi stretched out his hand to touch the cheek of the flame monkey, and the latter quit the state of raging fire, and the red light all over his body dissipated in an instant.


The lower limbs softened, and the flame monkey couldn't help but fell on Xiaozhi's shoulder.

Defeating his former teammates and his current formidable enemy completely eliminated the anger in Flame Monkey's heart.

Shinji or something really doesn't work.

Only by being with Xiaozhi can one exert one's strength to the extreme!

Xiaozhi stood upright, letting the flame monkey's body lean down, feeling very proud in his heart.

With the current strength of the flame monkey, no matter which alliance king he faces, he will not be weaker than the opponent!


Looking away from Flame Monkey's head, Xiaozhi noticed that Shinji on the other side of the field seemed to be talking about something through the Poké Ball.

Judging by the shape of the mouth, it should be saying words such as "hard work" and "thank you".

This surprised Xiaozhi very much. He thought Shinji's highest praise should be something like "useful things", right?

And Shinji also noticed Xiaozhi's eyes, he put away the elf ball, and finally stared deeply at the latter.


But in the end, he didn't speak much, nor did he shake hands after the match, but just turned around and left the arena.

As the loser of the semi-finals, no one is paying attention to him in Nuo Da's arena at the moment.

The attention of all the audience is on the winner's side.

"Xiao Zhi from Zhenxin Town, may I ask how you feel right now?"

"I heard that you have already won several league conference trophies, what do you think about the next beast man?"

"If you become the winner of the conference, will you continue to challenge the league king and champion?"

"The electric mouse next to you looks ugly, why didn't it appear?"

At the end of the game, Xiaozhi was surrounded by many reporters, the flash light went "kaka", and the microphone was almost stuffed into his mouth.

This made Xiao Zhi temporarily put away his previous fighting emotions and deal with them one by one with a dry smile.

This semi-final undoubtedly achieved a lot of success. The high-intensity offensive and defensive battle between Xiaozhi and Shinji made the audience very happy.

The game has ended, many people are still in their positions, discussing with relish, and haven't come out of the atmosphere just now for a long time.

"What a wonderful game!"

"Both of them are so powerful, why do I feel like I'm watching two alliance kings fighting?"

"It's a pity. Normally, these two people are absolutely at the level of winning the league conference."

"Speaking of which, am I the only one who feels this way? I seem to have watched this game for several days at a time?"

In the restless auditorium, at a corner at the end of the seat, a man with loose long hair was also watching the game.

When the battle was over, Dakoto stood up slightly, and regained his stability from the posture of leaning against the wall.

"Huh, such a game."

But he didn't seem to think too highly of this game.

Except for the last battle between Flame Monkey and Electric Shock Beast, and the powerful mega Lucario is worth paying attention to, the other Pokémon did not come into Dakdo's eyes.

If the opponent in the final is this level

Nothing to be afraid of!

Thinking of this, he raised the corner of his mouth, brushed off his red blouse, and left the venue without looking back.

Tomorrow will be his turn in the semi-final round, so let's use Dak Lai Yin to push directly!

The other end of the viewing booth.

Xiaozhi's relatives and friends are all congratulating each other, a scene of Chinese New Year.

"It's okay, Xiaozhi, this time he's not so rough~"

Ah Jin sat there with his chest folded like an old man, and the old god commented.

It seems that Xiaozhi's operation and command have improved a lot compared to the previous City Capital Alliance Conference, and he has become more mature.

But now Ah Jin doesn't care about the semi-finals.

Stop rambling, quick final, he wants to watch the battle of Gods!

And the only one with serious expression in the crowd was Leisi.

He looked at Shinji's withdrawn and withdrawn figure on the field from a distance, and he was about to get up and chase after him, but after thinking for a while, he sat down again.

"Mr. Leisi, don't you want to comfort me?"

With a delicate mind, Xiaogang couldn't help asking.

Leisi shook his head, resisting the urge to step forward.

"Shinji is already a better trainer than me."

He smiled wryly and said with emotion.

If Shinji can't overcome such ups and downs by himself, he can't help anything.

After all, I am a person whose defense is broken by a powerful opponent

The only thing my elder brother can do is to silently provide the greatest support for Shinji behind his back.

"I can understand the feeling."

With fixed eyes, Xiao Gang patted Lei Si on the shoulder.

There are a bunch of younger brothers and sisters in his family, and he can best understand this feeling of being an older brother.

In the private spectator seats, several league champions also stood up one after another, with different expressions.

Shinji and Xiaozhi battled with each other. Most of the Pokémon's combat power was still below the king of the sky, but each of them also had one or two that officially entered the threshold of the king of the sky.

"Xuan, Ah Liu may suffer if he goes up."

Daye held the back of his head and subconsciously spoke, expressing the common thoughts in everyone's mind.

But after exiting the mouth, he noticed that A Liu was standing next to him. He quickly lowered his palm and explained with a dry smile:

"The Aliu I'm talking about is another friend of mine, haha"

Aliu: "."

But there is one thing to say, the last flaming monkey is really outrageous!

Daye left in a hurry, planning to find a little flame monkey somewhere to focus on training.

"No, I'll go directly to Xiaozhi's flaming monkey, wouldn't it be good to talk about hatching eggs?"

Daye suddenly thought of something, maybe the offspring of that flame monkey has even stronger power!

Yes, now he should go find a female monkey first

Heavenly King Wusong also pushed his glasses, thought for a while, and left the room second after Daye.

Compared with the flame monkey, he had a deeper impression of Xiaozhi's mega Lucario.

Well, let's talk to Xiaozhi.

If you can let your Charem master the waveguide power, your own strength should be able to take a step forward!

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