He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1899 Suggest Stud

Two days later, the final day of the Lily of the Valley Conference will be officially held.

Early in the morning, Xiaozhi had already appeared in the elf center, and he patted the six elf balls on his waist with a high spirited expression.

"Today's staff, get ready!"

There are still a few strange-looking elf balls around his waist. This time in the finals, Xiaozhi doesn't plan to keep his hands.

Now that you have used the beast, let's all fight together!

"Oh, you're very confident, Xiaozhi from Xinzhen."

At this time, a gloomy sound suddenly came from behind.

Turning his head, he saw Dakdo appearing behind him at some point, still with the mysterious appearance of the red blouse and long curly hair shawl.

A pair of eyes stared straight at him, as if intending to see through him.

"Oh, Dakoto player~!"

Seeing this, Xiao Zhi also said hello.

Although the two are about to have a big battle, it does not prevent the two from communicating before the match.

Speaking of which, Xiaozhi has never had any chance to communicate with the other party.

"By the way, player Dakoto, are you a native of Sinnoh? It seems that I haven't heard any rumors about you before."

Xiaozhi asked tentatively.

According to the organizer's introduction, Dakdo comes from a place called Baiyang Town, which is located in a corner of the Sinnoh area and is a city full of western classical atmosphere.

Dakoto is staring at the six elf balls on Xiaozhi's waist at the moment, and he smells a very strong and messy breath of God from them

These six Poké Balls are all Legendary Pokémon!

Dakdo's pupils shrank slightly, this guy is indeed the one favored by the legendary Pokémon.

His eyes subconsciously fell on Pikachu at Xiaozhi's feet.

This electric mouse somewhat destroyed some of the overall harmonious aesthetics, making Dakdo frown slightly.

It is said that there are already six Poke Balls, why can this person bring an electric mouse?

Dakdo's thoughts were all completed in an instant, he raised his head slightly, but he didn't coldly ignore Xiaozhi's inquiry.

"I am a native of Sinnoh, but I have been studying abroad before, so I guess no one here knows me."

"Study abroad?"

This answer surprised Xiaozhi a little.

Is it an academic trainer?

Generally, this type of trainer is just talking on paper, with full theoretical results on paper, but becomes a soft-footed shrimp when it comes to actual combat.

Many alliance conferences will open private channels to college students, and they can directly participate in the challenges of the alliance conference without collecting eight badges.

However, most of these students will be like Xiaolan or Xiaoguang, and they will be directly swept out of the wild card game.

After thinking about it, Xiaozhi still reminded me seriously:

"Then remember to bring six Pokémon today, I will do my best."

If the arrogant one brought only one Nightmare God, then the following picture would be somewhat bad.

"Hey, I'm really confident."

Dakdo didn't say much, he snorted coldly, waved his hand and left the elf center.

No matter what kind of opponent he is dealing with, he will bring all six Pokémon together.

"Xiaozhi from the new town."

Let's take you as my first battle to make a name for myself!

2 hours later.

The auditorium of the Lily of the Valley Conference was already full of people, eagerly waiting for the start of the finals, the voices were noisy and restless.

On one side is a strong young trainer who seems to have achieved good results in other regions, and on the other side is a mysterious beast man who is likely to be pregnant with a carload of beasts.

This is almost the most exciting final of the Sinnoh Alliance since its inception.

"Yeah, this gimmick is more popular than our previous sessions."

In the private stand, Zhulan looked around the enthusiastic auditorium and couldn't help sighing.

This kind of posture is much better than when these champion kings participated in the league meeting and won the championship.

"So who does Miss Zhulan think will win?"

Heavenly King Wusong pushed his glasses, sat beside Zhulan and asked.

Before Zhulan could answer, Daye on the other side had already rushed to answer with the back of her head:

"It's really hard to guess, Xiaozhi is very powerful, and that Dakdo is not easy."

Daye looked a little tired and was still yawning when he spoke.

Several heavenly kings began to discuss, but Zhulan in the center of the crowd did not join the discussion, her eyes fell on the players who gradually appeared at one end of the field.

There is actually no suspense about the outcome of this game.

"Xiaozhi is out!!"

Xiaozhi's relatives and friends sat together, and when they saw Xiaozhi's appearance, they called out from their seats.

Even Ah Jin, who studied monkey breeding with Daye all night, showed up with dark circles under his eyes.

I have been waiting for several days, hurry up and fight, he wants to see the big one!

"Here we come~ Player Dakdo pays 1.07 for 1, player Xiaozhi pays 27 for 1~!"

"You can also suppress the final score, first half statistics, big and small points! Take it all~!"

"It's no lie to the old man, I suggest Stud, and today I will become rich overnight meow~!"

In the auditorium, there were also three shouts, which attracted many audiences to cast their eyes.

But I saw three hawkers selling fruit juice and snacks, who actually started a black business part-time at the same time, walking around the aisle and yelling, the words were quite attractive, and many people were tempted.

"Hey that kelp head, I'll beat Dakdo!"

"I'm also all-in on Dakota, how can a team of beasts lose!"

"Does anyone still eat stinky water? I counter pressure Xiaozhi, I believe there will be a wave of upset!"

It happened that the game hadn't started yet, but the business of the Rockets trio was praised by many people.

The three of Musashi looked at each other and smiled secretly.

It is impossible to work part-time. When will things like selling fruit drinks come to the fore?

Take advantage of the little devil's wind today, and kill the ignorant locals in the Sinnoh area!

"Hey, where is the security guard, there are gambling dogs here!"

"Hurry up, I'm at odds with gambling and drugs!"

However, not all audiences liked this atmosphere, and many audiences shouted for the on-site security.

However, Kojiro and the other three were also very aggressive. With a flip of their palms, the box selling receipts had turned into a small box containing fruit juice and snacks, and they passed by the security guard in a grandiose manner.

Change the place and continue to fool!

"Hey, I'm a bit hypocritical. Many people have suppressed the little devil's head. We may go bankrupt by then."

Until the final was about to start, the three sat around and tapped the small ticket, and Kojiro panicked.

Although most people bet on Dakoto, there are also many people who bet on Xiaozhi, and they cannot afford the high odds.

They are not the only ones who are poorly informed.

However, Miaomiao sneered, and the outstretched claws directly tore up all the receipts in her hand, showing an evil look:

"Idiot, meow! The money is already in hand, we just ran away after watching the game! Who cares about them, meow!"

"I see!"

"As expected of Meow Meow, we are going to take off this wave!"

Hearing this, Kojiro and Musashi were instantly overjoyed, as expected, this kind of activity still depends on Miaomiao!

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