He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1903 Mega evolution is not cheating!

"Latios, the wave of the dragon!!"

"Latias, we also use the wave of the dragon!!"

As soon as the match started, two flying dragons, one blue and one red, flew up into the sky, opened their mouths wide, and spewed out a beam of dragon-shaped energy, which exploded violently over the arena.

Evenly matched!

"This guy doesn't carry a drop of heart"

Xiaozhi lowered his eyes, and quickly judged in his heart.

The water drop of the heart is the exclusive item of the Latios brothers and sisters. Carrying it can enhance the power of many moves.

"Then try this trick, Latias, use the mist ball!"

So Xiaozhi raised his finger and attacked again.

Latias nodded, raised her head, and threw a gray energy bomb, which was her exclusive move, Mist Ball.

"Latios, use the clean light!"

Dakoto didn't retreat in the slightest, and also faced him head-on.

This majestic Latios raised its head, and a pink-purple laser beam spewed out of its mouth, which was also his exclusive move.

boom boom!!

The two moves collided again in the sky above the arena, and the energy exploded, sending out a roar.

However, as the mist ball burst open, a layer of gray mist was quickly created, covering the sky above the arena.

"Now, Latias, use the dragon claws!!"

Under the cover of the mist, Latias stretched out his two paws in front of his chest, condensed a blue light, and rushed forward!

The hazy fog made it impossible to see the specific location, but outside the fog, Dakdo saw a blue light flashing upwards from below.

"Below! Latios, use wide-area destruction!"

Latios understood, a thick green dragon's power condensed from the tail, and the body spun vertically, sweeping down heavily!

Bang bang! !

A blunt sound sounded, and Latios's wide-area destruction abruptly bounced off Latias' dragon claw move, and the strong wind that was aroused instantly blew away the surrounding fog.

"It's really strong"

Down below, Xiaozhi raised his head slightly and couldn't help sighing.

My own Latias doesn't like fighting, and has always been in charge of riding and flying. Apart from training a strong endurance, his strength is not too special.


"In that case, let's mega evolve!!"

Xiaozhi suddenly raised his arm and pointed his finger on the keystone bracelet.

In an instant, the dazzling light enveloped Latias, and his figure was constantly changing in the light.


As the light dissipated, Ladias showed a new posture!

With a purple-white body, the body has become more fluid and linear. On the back of the two strong dragon claws, there are slanted wings like wings.

"Is this Mega Ladias?"

Dakdo looked focused, admiring Latias's mega evolution, with a bit of envy in his eyes.

Although he has many divine beasts in his body, he doesn't understand mega evolution, he has only heard of this magical power.

And this Latias in front of him not only changed greatly in appearance, but also suddenly raised his aura.

All of a sudden, from the brisk little girl just now, she became as solemn and restrained as her own Latios.

Well, some genders are hard to tell.

After all, whether it is Latias or Latios, the appearance of Mega after evolution is the same, only the difference in the color of the pupils is subtle.

"Hey, let him see your current power, use the wave of the dragon!!"

Xiaozhi's fighting spirit was high, and he opened his mouth immediately.

Mega Latias has a long dragon's mouth, with a dazzling and violent pink-purple light, it turns into a phantom of a giant dragon with wings and sharp claws in the air, attacking with terrifying momentum!

"Block it with clean light!!"

Dakdo didn't dare to be careless, and hurriedly shouted.

It's just that this time, the clean light released by Latios was torn apart by the wave of the dragon at the moment of contact.

The giant energy dragon with teeth and claws exploded on Latios' body! !

boom! !

There was a loud bang, and Latios almost fell from the air.

The effect is outstanding! !

"Tsk, the power is not on the same level at all"

Dakdo's face was gloomy, and he couldn't help cursing in a low voice.

With the help of Dream God's off-court interference in the last game, and the blessing of mega evolution in this game, can't you play a good game?

Xiaozhi smiled triumphantly, as if he could see what the latter was thinking:

"Is it possible that it's not because Latias can use mega evolution, but because you can't?"

Mega evolution is not cheating, it is a power of Pokémon itself, there is no reason why it cannot be used.

"Latias, use the mist ball!"

Mega Latias opened his mouth, and threw out a gray gas bomb again.

But just when the opponent was about to dodge, the mist bomb suddenly exploded in the air, creating a cloud of thick fog over the arena again.

"Destroy with a wide area!"

Latios condensed the dragon's tail, whirled his body and swept down heavily, and immediately swept away all the surrounding fog.

Just looking into it, I saw that Mega Latias had already come to a low-altitude position, his head was raised high, and a mass of purple-black energy condensed around his mouth.

"Now, use the meteor swarm!!"

As Xiaozhi's voice fell, Latias threw out this energy bomb containing majestic power!

boom! !

During the ascent, the energy bomb exploded suddenly, forming countless meteorites, which bombarded the target densely!

Meteor swarms don't only have an attack method of rising first and then falling, they can continue to attack straight!

"Latios, get out of the way, and use the light wall!"

However, upon seeing this, Darko was delighted. After all, each time Meteor Swarm casts it, its own special attack will be greatly reduced.

With Latios' speed, he should be able to dodge this blow.

Then the opponent's strength advantage due to mega evolution will no longer exist.

Boom! !

However, not only the sound of countless meteor swarms flying through the ears, Dakoto also heard the sound of a sonic boom coming from mid-air!

Looking up, I saw that Latias, who was still on the ground, had reached the same height as Latias at some point.

Leveraging the power of mega evolution, Latias' burst speed can be said to have broken through the limit, and he rushed into the air tens of meters high in an instant amidst the roar.

And Xiaozhi raised his hand and pointed high, and shouted:

"Now, use the dragon claw!!"

Boom! !

There was another burst of engine explosions, and Mega Latias rushed out, her body turning into a purple streamer at supersonic speed.

In the frontmost position, you can even see a pair of sharp and dangerous cyan dragon claws.

Hiss! !

In just an instant, the dragon claw penetrated the light wall propped up by Latios. This move could not block physical attacks at all.

Snapped! !

Then the dragon claws pressed down and slammed on Latios's shoulder, directly chopping him down obliquely.

The effect is outstanding!

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