He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1909 Conquer on the spot? !

"Hey, Shirabi, and Kiraqi, why are you here?!"

Xiaozhi raised his hands in a daze, one hand caught Rabbi, and the other hand caught Kiraqi, gently weighing them in his hands like a juggler.

Speaking of which, Kiraqi hasn't seen him for a long time, but he looks very energetic.


Kiraqi leaned close to Xiaozhi's face and rubbed against each other. The intimacy between the two was extremely high.

"Shila, Shila!"

Shi Rabi flew over Xiaozhi's head, with his arms crossed and his head held high, looking quite proud.

Only then did Xiaozhi remember that he had talked on the phone with Xiaomao who lived in Changqing City, and asked the latter to take the roast duck to the Evergreen Forest and try to summon rabbi to help out.

But there was nothing to say, and he forgot about it.

But what Xiaozhi doesn't know is that Shirabi's ability is time travel, and there is no saying that he can't catch up.

No matter how late you hear the news, you can appear at a certain point in time steadily and punctually.

Along with it, Kiraqi was also brought.

Although it seems that it has been less than a year since we parted with Kiraqi, the latter has gone through a long period of time in the past, making up for the regrets that were wasted during thousands of years of dormancy.


Kiraqi also imitated Rabbi's appearance, patted his chest with his small hands, and his expression was also a little proud.

This made Xiaozhi rub Kiraqi's head in surprise.

You must know that Kiraqi was a little timid and timid in the past, but he didn't expect that he seemed to be "led bad" by Rabbi now.

Not only that, but Kiraqi's eyes glowed blue, and he grabbed a poke ball from Xiaozhi's waist with his thoughts, and gently landed it in the latter's hand.

"This is... Do you want me to subdue you?"

Xiaozhi grabbed the Poké Ball in astonishment, while Kiraqi stepped back half a meter, smiled and nodded his head with an expectant expression.

It has been in the past for a long time, and now Kiraqi wants to travel and adventure with Xiaozhi.

"I see."

Xiaozhi's eyes were fixed, he tossed the elf ball in his hand, and then threw it forward.


The poke ball hit Kiraqi, who turned into a red light and was sucked into it.


After shaking it three times, the poke ball stopped shaking and stayed in place.

Kiraqi, successfully subdued!


Witnessing this scene at the closest distance, Dakdo fell into a deep silence.

At the beginning, when the space-time tunnel appeared, seeing Xiaozhi's astonished expression, he thought it was because of the fierce battle between the two that attracted a neutral legendary Pokémon.

It turns out that even the special fantasy Pokémon such as Rabbi and Kiraqi came to Xiaozhi?

In particular, the appearance of subduing him on the spot is extremely eye-catching.

With such a comparison, it seems that his title of beast man has suddenly become very cheap?

As the same witnesses, as well as all the audience in the entire venue of the Lily of the Valley Conference, their eyeballs almost jumped out of their sockets at this moment.

Conquering the Phantom Pokémon on the spot? !

Is it really that simple? !

By the way, there is an onion next to it.

Could it be that if they throw a poke ball in surprise now, they can also take Rabbi down on the spot? !

Although Shi Rabi has a good relationship with Xiaozhi, it seems that he doesn't intend to be subdued by anyone at the moment.


After a circle, it landed carelessly, and sat behind Xiaozhi with Pikachu, as if watching a show.

"It's been a long time, Mr. Darko~!"

Finally subduing Kiraqi, Xiaozhi's eyes fixed, he turned to look in front of him, his excitement had not completely calmed down.

Although Dakdo's eyebrows were twitching, Bilizion in front of him was not in a hurry, and just looked to this side quietly.

But behind Xiaozhi, Shi Rabi was putting on an arrogant face, pointing a finger at Bilijion.

The rabbi used provocation.

Billizion: "."

The existence of the same grass attribute made rabbi have a fighting spirit.

"Then it's up to you!!"

With a toss of Xiaozhi's palm, he released Kiraqi who had just been subdued.

While Kiraqi was posing in the air, Xiaozhi also took out the illustration book, and quickly checked Kiraqi's abilities and skills.

Prayer, Mind Hammer, Comet Fist, Iron Roller.

With both super power and steel attributes, Kiraqi has mastered many powerful moves.

"Tsk, do you want to hold Buddha's feet now? Is it too late?"

Seeing this, Dakdo sneered, and without giving Xiaozhi any chance to buffer, he took the lead in calling out the command:

"Bilizion, use the green grass field!"

Billizion's forelegs, which seemed to be wearing boots, lightly stepped on the ground.

In an instant, lush green grass grew on the ground of the arena, and even the air was covered with a layer of light green soft light.

Under the cover of the green grass field, both the enemy and the enemy can continue to replenish a part of their physical strength every round.

Xiaozhi was not in a hurry, he put away the illustrated book, he had memorized the information in the illustrated book by heart.

He and Kiraqi are not completely strangers.

The last time at the Caiyou Conference, the two had cooperated once, but now Kiraqi seems to be stronger and has mastered several new moves.

"Wait a minute, this trick is"

It's just that the green grass field has just taken shape, and Xiaozhi suddenly noticed that Bilijion slightly lowered his figure, lowered his center of gravity, and prepared to sprint, which looked familiar.

It's a grass slide!


In the next moment, Billizion's figure turned into a green streamer, gliding across the field at high speed.

Before Kiraqi could react, everyone only heard a "bang", and a green light impact jumped into the air, knocking Kiraqi away.

"The grass slide is really troublesome."

Xiaozhi smacked his lips, the grass slide is the special skill of his Frogweed.

Under the Green Grass Field, powerful preemptive moves can be launched infinitely, so that the opponent can be hit to death several times without even seeing his figure.

But now it has become an opponent's move.

"Kirachi, use your mental force to catch it!"

Xiaozhi tried to forcibly interrupt the opponent's speed.

"Hurry up!"

Kiraqi shook his head, regained his strength, raised his little hand and released a powerful thought force, about to imprison the target.


However, Bilijion's movements were faster, and he launched the grass slide again, leaving only a green light that shuttled around on the field, which was impossible to catch.

Immediately, Bili Zeon jumped up again from a blind spot of Kiraqi's perspective, and rushed out of the grass slide!

It even lowers its head slightly during the sprint.

As introduced in the illustrated book, the wooden horn on the top of Pilizion's head is a sharp blade. If you use this part to attack, you can deal higher damage!

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