He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1911 Shattered wish!

Seeing that it seemed that he couldn't stop Bilijion's holy sword trick at all, Xiaozhi suddenly shouted:

"It's time, Kiraqi, let's release the broken wish!!"

Kiraqi's flustered eyes were fixed instantly, and he came back to his senses.

That's right, I still have this trick!


Kiraqi backed away quickly, pulling away from the enemy, then gave a coquettish shout, and moved forward with his little hand.

In the high-altitude clouds, a dazzling light suddenly came, attracting everyone's attention.

call out! !

However, a silver-purple energy star broke through the clouds and fell quickly, like a meteor meteorite, with a straight trajectory towards Pilizion!

Shattered wish!

This is not Kiraqi performing two moves of comet fist and broken wish at the same time in one round.

Shattered Wish is Kiraqi's exclusive move, and its effect is somewhat similar to predicting the future.

They all need to be activated in advance, but it will take longer than moves such as Sunshine Flame, and then suddenly fall at the most suitable time.

As soon as Kiraqi appeared on the stage, he secretly activated his wish of disillusionment and stood by!


Manipulating the holy sword above his head, Billizion realized that when the silver-purple meteorite star approached him, it was more than two meters wide and it was a large meteorite!

Although it looks dreamy and shining, the power contained in it makes people nervous.

And the wish of disillusionment is extremely precise, impartial, just in front of the trajectory that he is about to sprint. It is a predicted blow!

"Chop it up!!"

Unable to stop at this moment, Dakdo could only shout loudly.

Bilijion's eyes became firm again, yes, now we can only charge forward!

It raised the holy sword above its head high, and with the arrogant attitude of a holy swordsman, it slashed towards the meteorite star!

But this move is more like using an ax to chop off a nuclear warhead.

Boom! !

The moment the holy sword hit the broken wish, the latter exploded on the spot, and the terrifying steel attribute energy spread and poured out, causing an astonishing explosion over the arena!


With such momentum, even Kiraqi was affected, and his small body was staggered by the energy flow.

As for Bilizion, who is at the center.


An emerald green figure quickly fell from the sky and fell heavily to the ground!

Both Dakoto and Bilizion underestimated Kiraqi's exclusive moves, the powerful impact aroused by the burst of power, and the exaggerated damage all hit Bilizion!

As the smoke and dust dissipated, in the small pit at one end of the arena.


Bilijion had already collapsed there, and the green light holy sword above his head had completely dissipated, looking quite tragic.

The referee was stunned for a while, and then realized that he was the referee. After quickly glanced at Kiraqi who was still floating in the air, he said loudly:

"Bilizeon has lost his ability to fight!"

Winning the next round again, Xiaozhi was overjoyed, grabbed Kiraqi's little hand who had fallen down, and celebrated in a circle.

It can be said that Kiraqi's shattered wish is completely an enhanced version of Comet Fist!

It's a pity that it's not instant, you need to wait for a few rounds.

But the actual fight is not bad, the timing is just right, but it can be used as a bottom-of-the-box move to turn the tide.

"It seems that you have really become a lot stronger."

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi's face softened, and he gently rubbed Kiraqi's head.

This little guy doesn't know how many years he has been thrown into the long river of history by rabbi, but now he is much more mature than he imagined.


Kiraqi squinted his eyes and smiled, obviously very satisfied with the result of this battle.

Even the rabbi who was watching the show at the back jumped up, joining in the fun and celebrating together.

It's a pity that I don't have a handsome exclusive move!

Speaking of Xiaozhi's battle today, there should be the last one, right?


Shi Rabi suddenly flew in front of Xiao Zhi, patted his chest, and recommended himself confidently.

Old Zhi, why don't you let me play the last game?

Although the two have no relationship, they have fought side by side in EMI Forest before, so they are no strangers.

"There's no reason to let the distinguished guests fight. Then you and Kiraqi go to the back to rest!"

Xiaozhi straightened his face, and quickly pushed Kiraqi onto Shirabi.

Today he was planning to shave Dukdo's head, and it was only the last step.

As for Rabi, he is definitely impeccable in terms of functional assistance, but in terms of pure combat power

It's not that he's embarrassed, it's somewhat worse.

It can't be said to be weak, it's pure


In the last round, you still have to be more stable.

Well, let's call on Dark Rogia to win the final victory, right?

"Shila! Shila!!"

Sensing the contempt in Xiaozhi's words, he almost told himself to sit on the bench, when Rabi blushed suddenly, arguing about something angrily.

However, Xiaozhi couldn't understand the language of Pokémon, so he didn't pay much attention to it, and he had already started calling Diablo Rogia in his heart.

Compared with the lively atmosphere on Xiaozhi's side, Dakdo's side has really reached a desperate situation.


Dakdo's face sank, and he could only take Biljion back first.

Why were the five legendary Pokémon all defeated? !

The Nightmare God and Latios in the front can still be said to be cheating on each other. But the last three were all defeated head-on.

Is the gap really that big?

Thinking that maybe 10 minutes later, his head would be officially shaved, Dakdo suddenly felt cold, and his head was a little dizzy.

It's the trainers outside, are they all so good?

Or was it just that I was unlucky and accidentally bumped into a stubble as soon as I came up?

Who will be stronger, Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town, or Zhulan, the champion of the Sinnoh Alliance?

No matter what, the last victory is his bottom line.

Dakdo, who had stepped into a desperate situation, looked sharply, and his fighting spirit became unprecedentedly high!

"Hiss, these two guys, if we rob them, we won't have to worry about breaking our legs in the next ten years."

In a corner of the spectator seats, two men in black uniforms were lowering their heads and whispering.

The fiery and greedy eyes are fixed on all the luxurious Pokémon on the field.

At the neckline of the two, you can also see a letter J logo.

It was the soldiers of the two Hunter J who slipped away at the gate of the Flower Paradise that day.

"It's a pity, the boss seems to have already fed the sharks, and now we can't beat it with just the two of us."

The other hunter's miscellaneous soldier's eyes sank, and he sighed.

Looking at the posture of the two on the field, it seems that the number of six players in the competition system is limited.

Otherwise, if we fight unconditionally, maybe we can produce more legendary Pokémon? !

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