He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1913 Go to war, the last frozen bird!

Frozen bird? !

Xiaozhi stood in place, looking at the sky with a surprised expression.

It feels like it's been many years, and I haven't seen Frozen Bird.

Because the latter has been on a lonely and long journey, that is, the journey of God.

Xiaozhi had no way to contact the latter, so he came to help out today.

Although the legendary Pokémon he knew gradually increased, Xiaozhi also understood that there seemed to be no so-called "God's Journey" at all.

But why did it suddenly appear on Lily of the Valley today?

Did it come here on purpose?

Xiaozhi was overjoyed immediately, it seemed like a good choice to let Frozen Bird be the last Pokémon to appear.

After traveling for so long, I guess his strength has improved to a higher level, right?

After all, in terms of attributes, the attribute of Frozen Bird Ice + Flying is the grass attribute of Gu Jiansnail opposite Wanke.

It's just that Xiaozhi vaguely saw high in the sky, the frozen bird lowered its head and glanced at him.

But the gorgeous flying action did not stop, and soon flew over the venue.

There was no nostalgia, only a faint ice crystal drifted down, covering Xiaozhi's face.

"So it was just passing by?"

Seeing this, Dakdo breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that it is just a wild beast attracted by the continuous battle of gods.

If even this Frozen Bird is the Pokémon of the guy opposite, he will really break his defense.

Xiaozhi: "?"

His expression was suddenly suffocated.

This stupid bird is the frozen bird I got

This has been traveling for a long time, and even I, the trainer, have completely forgotten about it?

"Hey! Frozen Bird! It's me Xiaozhi!!"

Xiaozhi immediately raised his throat and roared loudly.

His voice is so penetrating that it can be clearly heard even in high-altitude clouds.


Sure enough, upon hearing the familiar voice, Frozen Bird's body trembled suddenly, and an exclamation point appeared above its head.

It turned out that he was really his unlucky trainer!

At first, it thought it was just a simple similarity, so it didn't care.

After all, how can there be such a big coincidence, I was flying around, and I just happened to meet?


So Frozen Bird responded with a loud cry, quickly combed the posture of its neck feathers in the air, then waved its wings, and flew down from the air in a circling posture.

It wasn't until after landing that he officially saw Xiaozhi's face and the electric mouse beside him.

"It's really you, Frozen Bird! How come you even forgot about me?"

Xiaozhi walked forward anxiously, and felt a little excited after seeing the Pokémon he had been traveling for a long time again.

You must know that Frozen Bird is the first Legendary Pokémon he tamed, which is of great significance.


Frozen Bird chirped again, nodded and pecked at the top of Xiaozhi's head.

It's not that I've forgotten you, but I'm going to show you my newly learned Yanhui moves.

"I knew it, how could you not recognize me!"

Xiaozhi seemed to understand the cry of Frozen Bird, and immediately moved forward and hugged the latter.

Although the whole body exudes an icy aura, the pure white fluff on the chest is not so cold and biting, but very soft.


Frozen Bird's cheeks were flushed, and pairs of eyes were staring at him. Xiaozhi's hugging and hugging movements made the bird somewhat shy.

But in the end it spread its wings and hugged Xiaozhi.

As long as you put your head into the wings, others will not be able to see your expression.

Darko: "???"

Witnessing this scene up close, his mentality is a little broken now.

His six are all divine beasts, because he really only has six.

Just after subduing the last Latios, Dakdo officially started his debut battle in a hurry.

But the six beasts of this guy in front of him, it seems that only six are allowed to be sent out because of the schedule? !

Could it be that if there is another mythical beast man, can he still come up with a new team of mythical beasts? !

After a while, the reminiscence is over.

"How about Frozen Bird, are you willing to fight?"

Looking at Xiaozhi's serious pleading face, Frozen Bird's eyes were fixed, and he turned his head, his aloof eyes fell on the weird snail in front of him.


Frozen Bird fluttered its wings and croaked vigorously, as an answer to the battle.

"Then Frozen Bird, it's up to you!"

With Xiaozhi's previous move, the flames of the final battle were instantly ignited!

Don't say it's just a feeling.

Once my Frozen Bird entered the fighting state, even many of the feathers on its body were frozen into a state of ice needles, and the whole body exuded an ice mist that was visible to the naked eye.

Xiaozhi remembered that when Frozen Bird accidentally swallowed the original orb of the local ice god of the Orange Islands, it swallowed it.

After so many years of training, to some extent, his Frozen Bird has replaced the God of Ice.

Or even more powerful than that ice god!

The battle begins!


Frozen Bird took the lead in spreading its wings and uttered a high-pitched cry. In an instant, flocculent snowflakes fell on the entire arena.

"Is it not hail, but snow?"

Xiaozhi quickly took out the illustration book, checked the current skill information of the Frozen Bird, and let the Frozen Bird fight on its own.

"Is it a new move in the Padia region?"

Dakdo grimaced, he was very familiar with this move.

This trick is called snow scene, which can attract snowy weather.

But the soft snowflakes will not hurt the existence on the field, but can only improve part of the defense of the frozen bird, which is a beautiful flower stand.

"Release your calamity power directly! Gu Jiansnail, use the catastrophe!!"

Dakoto was not polite, his face turned serious, and he suddenly shouted loudly.

Hearing that the Gujian snail began to squirm in place, the shell of the Gujian snail behind it made a series of clear and crisp knocking sounds, and the whole body was filled with a strange black light of resentment.

Boom! !

The next moment, the calamity black light centered on the ancient Jiansnail, sweeping out in the form of a ring of water patterns!

Swept across the field and directly hit Frozen Bird.


Xiaozhi was also at a loss when he saw a move that he had never seen before.


But Frozen Bird let out a muffled groan as if it had been hit hard, and its figure almost fell in the air. It flapped its wings quickly to barely stabilize its body.

Dakoto seems to be very confident in this victory, but he introduced it generously:

"This move is Gu Jiansnail's big move, using the power of Calamity to forcibly halve the opponent's stamina!"

Xiaozhi frowned when he heard that half of his physical strength was forcibly deducted. Is it a regular move like Absolute Zero?

Keeping the general information in mind, Xiaozhi quickly took back the illustrated book.

Only when he fights side by side with Frozen Bird is he in the strongest state.

"Frozen Bird, use Blizzard!"

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