He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1916 Icy Sight, Galar Frozen Bird!

"Is this changing attributes?"

Xiaozhi looked stunned, and his eyes fell on the candlestick above Gu Jianwo's head.

So these few candles represent the attributes of the latter at this moment?

Dakoto even raised his finger and suddenly attacked:

"It's now, Gu Jiansnail, use Taijing to explode!!"

Another move that Xiaozhi has never heard of, but it seems to have something to do with this too crystallization.

I saw Gu Jian snail's body squirming for a while, and the ancient bamboo slips on the snail shell collided with each other frequently making noises.

Boom! !

In the next moment, the candle above the head burned up, condensed into a huge fireball and blasted out suddenly, with amazing power and destructive power!

This is a fire attribute move!

Frozen Bird was startled, and quickly swung its wings with all its strength, but did not choose to confront it head-on.


It's just that the menacing eruption of Taijing still affected half of the Frozen Bird's wings, and just scratched and passed, causing scorched marks visible to the naked eye to appear on the latter's feathers.

The effect is outstanding!

"Is this too crystallized?"

Faced with the new things he came into contact with for the first time, Xiaozhi is also quickly absorbing new knowledge.

Not only can it change its own attributes, this Taijing burst move can also release moves with corresponding attributes

The medium of casting is the black lacquered ball that was thrown at the beginning

"Come again, Taijing explodes!!"

It seemed that this power could be used indefinitely, and the candle above Gu Jiansnail's head burned violently again, turning into a dangerous fireball and blasting into the air.

"Frozen Bird, Waves of Water!!"

Frozen Bird quickly condensed a water bullet and threw it forward not to be outdone.


The collision of the water flow and the flame suddenly raised a thick water vapor over the arena.

But after all, Gu Jianwo's power is stronger, and the explosion of Taijing cannot be resisted by simple water fluctuations.


Frozen Bird had to keep dodging in the fog, throwing a wave of water from time to time as a counterattack.

At this time, Dakoto suddenly heard Xiaozhi's voice.

"That is to say, the current Gu Jiansnail has no evil attribute?"

Before he had time to think about it, he saw that Frozen Bird was already less than three meters away from Gu Jiansuo under the cover of water mist.

"Gu Jiansnail, Taijing exploded!!"

Dakdo shouted immediately.

If this distance can hit the opponent, one move can tell the winner.

You must know that at the beginning, the stamina of Frozen Bird was forcibly cut in half.

However, Xiaozhi suddenly said:

"It's now, Frozen Bird, use Icy Sight!"

Frozen Bird understood, bent its wings forward and inward, and assumed a strange posture of hugging its body.

The aura also suddenly changed from the icy and cold god of the snow mountain to weird and magical.

The lonely and noble eyes froze suddenly.

From the eyes, a white-purple laser ray shot out instantly, hitting the opponent head-on before Gu Jianwo could use his moves!

Whoosh! !

The icy sight exploded, directly blasting Gu Jianwo's figure back several meters.

Dakoto didn't have time to think about what kind of turtle move it was, because Gu Jianwo's move was not completely interrupted.

"Continue to use it, Taijing will explode!!"

Sweat was already dripping down his forehead, but he still shouted loudly.

It's just that the voice fell for a long time, but Gu Jianwo stayed in place, as if he didn't hear his command.


Dakota quickly looked at his Pokémon, only to find that Gu Jiansnail's crystal gem-like shell was covered with a layer of ice crystals.

Gu Jiansnail entered a frozen state.

"What the hell, is that the move just now?!"

Dakoto couldn't help cursing in a low voice, and quickly looked at the Frozen Bird, who had become a little weird.

He has never heard of Frozen Bird, and he can shoot lasers with his eyes!

"Did it work, this move!"

Xiaozhi was overjoyed and was amazed, so this is the cold gaze? !

When he checked the illustration book at the beginning, he also saw the new moves mastered by Frozen Bird.

The icy gaze seems to be an ice-type move.

But in fact, what is marked on the illustrated book is a move with a super power attribute.

Gu Jiansnail, who was originally an evil attribute, is completely immune to superpower attributes, but has no chance to use it.

Coincidentally, because the opponent turned into Taijinghuo at this moment, Frozen Bird successfully used this new move.


Frozen Bird opened its wings again, flew high into the sky, and regained the aura of the God of Snow Mountain.

This move is a new move it learned from another Frozen Bird.

At that time, it was still wandering around, but unexpectedly flew to a strange and empty snow plain.

There, also perched a frozen bird.

It's just that his appearance is completely different from his own. The feathers all over his body are black and purple, and his breath is not icy cold, but a weird super energy field.

This strange-looking frozen bird can even shoot beams of light from its eyes, which is full of power!

This made Frozen Bird also want to learn.

So I practiced hard on that strange snowy plain for half a year, with my eyes wide open every day, trying to discharge

Although there are racial restrictions, skills that are not on the skill list are basically difficult to master.

But relying on long-term practice and brainless accumulation of time, Frozen Bird finally managed to master this new move!

The super energy attribute laser rays have the effect of freezing the opponent.

And releasing moves from the eyes can make the attack more tricky and fast, making it difficult to guard against!

What it doesn't know, of course, is that not only regular Pokémon have regional form differences.

In fact, there are regional differences in the legendary Pokémon.

The Pokémon that Frozen Bird met was the Frozen Bird in the Galar region!

And taking advantage of Gu Jiansnail's freezing state and being unable to move, Xiao Zhi immediately shouted:

"It's now, use the original power!!"

Too crystal fire attribute, right?

It just so happens that Frozen Bird also has moves that can be restrained!


The Frozen Bird immediately spread its wings, surrounded by several gravels, and flew out in unison.

Boom boom boom! !

The rock exploded frequently on Gu Jiansnail's body, releasing countless dust particles!

The effect is outstanding!


Vaguely, Xiaozhi suddenly heard the sound of glass breaking.

However, this ancient snail not only cracked the frozen ice layer, but also completely cracked the crystal gem shell on its body.

The dazzling light dissipated, and even the candlestick above his head disappeared.

Gu Jiansnail has withdrawn from the state of being too crystallized.

However, it seems that Gu Jiansnail has not completely lost his ability to fight, so Xiaozhi immediately raised his hand and pointed:

"It's over, use the last blizzard!!"

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