He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1939 Electricity... Have you resuscitated? !

Chapter 1939 Electricity. Electricity enlightened? !

"Then this is Vine Snake's Poké Ball, as well as the Pokédex and Poké Ball~"

After the selection was completed, Dr. Yew handed over the standard two-piece suit for newcomer trainers.

How the other party chooses to move forward in the future has nothing to do with her, she is just an initial tool person.

"Thank you, Dr. Yew."

Emperor Xiu nodded to express his gratitude, and after taking the illustrated book, he conveniently put the rattan snake in front of him into it.

He clenched the poke ball slightly, and raised the corner of his mouth with a confident expression.

To hold back until the age of 12, now finally begins his adventure!

The next step is to challenge the Alliance Gym and the Alliance Conference, and become the strongest trainer in the Hezhong area!

But now.

Emperor Xiu looked at Xiaozhi, and said confidently:

"Well, do you want to have a fight with me?"

Take this country bumpkin from other places as a stepping stone for your first battle!

"Uh, forget it"

Xiaozhi was taken aback for a moment, but quickly waved his hand and refused with a dry smile.

He is not interested in this kind of rookie trainer now, even in the league conference.

"Oh, I see, this is the trainer from the Kanto region."

Emperor Xiu didn't say much, he just turned his body and said in a teasing tone, as if he was about to leave.

A simple provocation successfully made Xiao Zhi frown.

It seems that this guy, like Shinji, is a trainer with a bad personality!

"That, Emperor Xiu"

Dr. Yew wanted to say something, first he looked at Xiaozhi with an embarrassed expression, and then at Emperor Xiu with a strange expression.

You must know that the trainer in front of you is someone who has just faced the legendary Zekrom head-on and is planning to subdue Reshiram!

If it weren't for now, I would already be a steady and rigorous Dr. Pokémon.

In the past, Yew always wanted to give Emperor Xiu a sweaty expression of "almost done".

This is a common problem among all trainers.

They think that their region is the strongest region, so most of the trainers here only care about the intelligence of the strong in this region, and basically don't investigate what happened in the outside world.

"But I seem to be like that too."

Dr. Yew gave a wry smile in his heart.

If it weren't for Dr. Oki's sudden phone call this time, Yew probably wouldn't have any idea of ​​the outside world today, just sitting on the sidelines.

Thinking of this, Yew Shan put away her intention to interrupt, and chose to stand by and watch the play silently.

Emperor Xiu is also a well-known newcomer in Luzi Town.

Many people speculated that if Emperor Xiu participated in the league meeting, he would be able to reach the top 16 for the first time, or even achieve better results.

Would it be a good thing to torture such a trainer before departure?

"In that case, I accept your challenge."

Xiaozhi shrugged and finally agreed.

It's not a big problem, anyway, the first time he came to the Hezhong area, he was already taken away by Zekrom

As for the second time, it doesn't matter to anyone.


Seeing this, Emperor Xiu laughed lightly, secretly thinking that he was really stunned, and he jumped up after a little excitement.

After a while, the two had already arrived at the open space outside the research institute, posing for a battle.

"Click here, this is a 1v1 friendly battle~!"

Dr. Yew, as the referee, said loudly, while still winking at Xiaozhi.

This is their newcomer trainer in Luzi Town, remember not to hit too hard.

Just think about it a little bit, don't cut off all the good seedlings!

Xiaozhi's insight is superb, and he naturally noticed Dr. Yew's eyes, and immediately understood it, and nodded secretly in response.

"It means that I want to play hard and teach Emperor Xiu a lesson? I understand!"

I saw it all, it was Dr. Yew who asked him to do it.


On the other side, Emperor Xiu had already opened the poke ball first, and it was the rattan snake who had just become a partner.

Landing on the opposite side of Xiaozhi, the rattan snake looked proud, sideways, looking at the former with half-down eyes.

"It's up to you, Pikachu!"

Xiaozhi naturally sent his signature general directly.

Although now, it seems that it would be better to send him to bring the Progenitor Bird of the Hezhong area.

It is the first time to fight against outsiders, and it has an advantage in attributes, which is very suitable as the first stage of the ancestor bird.

But since it was Dr. Yew's request, Xiao Zhi still wanted to save face.


Pikachu walked forward lazily. He slapped Zekrom just now. Now it's boring to let him face a little grass snake!


But just as the battle was about to begin, Xiaozhi's pocket suddenly trembled.

Looking down, he saw that the illustration book that had been burned by the strong current just now had a reaction.

The screen first flashed a line resembling an electrocardiogram, and then fully lit up, the eyes of Rotom's illustrated book opened, and the arms of the brace turned outward.

"Beep beep! Good morning, Xiao Zhiluoto"

But at this moment, Rotom looked like someone who had just woken up, rubbing his eyes with his arm on his arm, and looking dazed.

"Pokémon? Or a picture book?"

On the other hand, Emperor Xiu cast a puzzled look, why is there a Pokémon that looks like an illustrated book.

"Is this the latest invention of Dr. Oki? It's an incredible product!"

Dr. Yew was amazed, as if looking at a treasure, looking at the floating Rotom illustration, it was really no different from Pokémon!

Moreover, can it still have a normal conversation with humans? !

The corner of Xiaozhi's mouth twitched, he always felt that the current illustration book gave him a strange feeling.

"Could it be enlightened by electricity?"

Anyway, give it a try first.

"Illustrated Book, give me the data of the rattan snake!"

"Okay! Loto~!"

Rotom has fully cheered up, and it was accidentally affected by Zekrom's lightning strike before.

But it doesn't seem to be a bad thing. Now it seems to be powerfully charged, clean and full.

Looking inside the backstage, Rotom actually found that his current battery has reached 252%?!

And in the hard disk database, there seems to be a lot of messy data that I can't understand at all?

"Beep beep! Rattan rattan snake, grass attribute, one of the initial royal family in the Hezhong area, always keep calm, not be shaken by anything, use the leaves on the tail to perform photosynthesis to generate energy, Luoto~!"

Soon, the illustrated book gave a broadcast, which was no different from the previous old-fashioned illustrated book.

Just when Xiaozhi thought that was the time, Tolom added:

"Beep! But I want to add a piece of cold knowledge. The more elegant and noble the rattan snake is, the more strictly it will select its own trainer. They will generally look down on their first trainer, the best individual, and even choose to run away. Loto~!"

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