He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1948 Pokémon eggs, hatch!

"Eh~? Is it so good.?!"

Mingyi looked surprised, it was the first time she heard what her riding partner said.

After all, in the Hezhong area, there is no popular knowledge of Poké riding.

And this orange-red ipad is also very strange. It looks like a Pokémon illustrated book, but how can it levitate and even speak human language?

If it were someone else, who first blew up his bicycle and then treated him so kindly, Mingyi would always be on guard.

But looking at Xiaozhi in front of him, that simple and kind face.

Although it is not so handsome, it gives people an inexplicable sense of intimacy.

Mingyi has always believed in her intuition, the person in front of her is not a bad person.

But just when she was about to say something, Xiaozhi suddenly frowned.

After giving Mingyi an embarrassed look, he took off his backpack.


At this moment, the backpack was shaking strangely, as if it contained some restless living creature.

"Could it be"

Xiaozhi realized something, and quickly asked Miss Joy for a temporary room. After entering, he put down his backpack and opened it slowly.

Ming Yi didn't know what to do, and followed behind in a daze, looking inside through the transparent glass in the corridor.

As the backpack was opened, Mingyi found a Pokémon egg inside!

Not only that, at this moment, the Pokémon egg kept shaking, and the surface of the eggshell was even covered with a layer of white light, which gradually became dazzling.

"This is, has it hatched?"

It was the first time she saw such a scene, and both the otter and the otter held their breath, not daring to disturb.

And Xiaozhi also had a red face, staring closely at the Pokémon egg on the table.

Is it finally about to hatch? !

This egg was given to him by Mr. Wang Luo, a mysterious trainer from the Xicui area when he was still traveling in the Sinnoh area a few months ago.

There is a high probability that it is an ancient Pokémon from the Xicui area.

After Ajin's consecration, counting the days, it was almost hatched around the time when he left Hezhong area!

"Beep! Photo mode is on! Loto~!"

Rotom also turned around, and the rear camera pointed at the Pokémon egg, ready to record it in its entirety.


As the white light around the Pokémon egg flickered to the extreme, there was a sound of eggshell breaking.

The white light also transformed rapidly, gradually forming the posture of a four-legged cub.

Xiaozhi also saw the appearance of the hatched Pokémon for the first time!

This is a small and exquisite fox cub, the fur of the whole body is light gray, the neck, the top of the head and the tail are covered with snow-white fluff, and their ends even float upward like flame gas, gradually turning blue.

A pair of golden eyes were half-closed, and his head was shrunk, as if he was very timid and might cry at any moment.


However, at the moment when the hatching was completed, Xiaozhi heard a crisp sound, and a burst of stars flashed on the fox cub.

It's flashing!

This is a different color baby!

"What kind of Pokémon is that? It's so cute!"

Outside the window, Mingyi opened his mouth wide, rolled his eyes, and exclaimed again and again.

The fluffy fox cub must be very comfortable in the arms!

"This Pokémon? Rotom, help me."

It was also the first time for Xiaozhi to see him, his eyes did not leave the latter, and his mouth spoke.

"Leave it to me~!"

Rotom patted his chest and began to broadcast:

"Beep! Sorolla, the appearance of Xicui area, normal and ghost attributes! It is a new appearance born after the recovery of ordinary Sorolla after death, and he can use the power of resentment to transform his appearance! Loto~!"

Hearing this, Xiaozhi was slightly taken aback. Didn't the illustration book not know the Pokémon in the Xicui area? Why is it so clear now?

Really enlightened by Zekrom electricity?

But that's not the point, Xiao Zhi was startled, it was the first time he had heard of the combination of general and ghost attributes.

And he had never even seen the original Zoroya.

But according to the description in the illustrated book, it seems to be a Pokémon with a rather tragic fate, especially the latter's timid half-squinted eyes, which made Xiao Zhi feel distressed.

He immediately stretched out his palm, and was about to hold the little furry fox in his arms.


Although timid, Zoroya Zoroya did not reject Xiaozhi's movements, and let the latter pick him up.

During the elf egg period, there was also a favorability system.

Having lived together for several months, the intimacy between the two is not low at this moment, and Zoroya even regards Xiaozhi as a family-level existence.

This allowed Xiaozhi to smoothly pick up Soraya's hair, which was extremely smooth and comfortable to the touch.

Especially on the latter body, the blue fluff fluttering like a gas flame, half entity and half incorporeal, is very strange.


Soroya lay in Xiaozhi's arms with peace of mind, enjoying the latter's massage.

But Rotom also wanted to try his hands. When he leaned over to stroke the fox, the blue fluff on Zoroya's body suddenly swelled up, forming a scene of a group of vicious ghosts, which scared Rotom away.

"A strange ability."

Xiaozhi's eyes startled, can he use this ball of gas flame fluff to form an illusion?

But this is just an illusion, I don't know if it can be used to carry out real attacks?

He glanced at the illustrated book again, only to see that the original version of Zoroya in Xicui region on the screen had cherry red fur at the end of his body, while his own was faint blue.

Sure enough, it's a shiny Pokémon!

"Come in, Mingyi, try Soraya's touch~!"

Seeing Mingyi outside the door looking eagerly all the time, with his entire face almost stuck to the glass, Xiaozhi smiled and hooked his hands.

"That's great Xiaozhi!"

Mingyi was overjoyed, and quickly ran in with small steps, tentatively reaching out to touch Soroya.

Xiaozhi, who has a high degree of intimacy, is next to him, but Zoroya doesn't reject Mingyi's touch very much, which makes Rotom next to him very puzzled.

Damn it, it turns out that Sorolla doesn't like the cold touch of a machine? !

In the room, around a table.

Holding a cute little fox together, the heads of Xiaozhi and Mingyi couldn't help but move a little closer.

They didn't look at each other until they were almost touching each other and their foreheads bumped lightly.

The air suddenly became a little frozen, and Mingyi realized it, and was immediately ashamed. This was the first time she was so close to a boy.

And Xiaozhi was also looking at the other party, and suddenly said:

"Mingyi, you really like Pokémon too."

Then, a satisfied smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He doesn't have any requirements for his traveling companions, as long as he likes Pokémon.

Mingyi's flushed cheeks were taken aback for a moment, not understanding why Xiaozhi suddenly said this sentence.

But the young man in front of him seems to be a good choice if he can travel together?

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