He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 194 Appears, Fossil Pokémon!

"It seems that there is something good down here!"

The unidentified life form coexisted with a pile of fossils, and it was still underground. The two had already vaguely guessed, and their eyes were bright.

Immediately, Xiaomao's back was no longer sore, his face was flushed, he picked up the pickaxe and started digging fiercely.

Xiaozhi on the side was not to be outdone, and once again used the pickaxe method!



The broken iron picks in the hands of the two suddenly collapsed at the same time and turned into debris.

Ding, your old iron pick has a durability of 0 and has disappeared.

"Damn it, do you think it's hard to get me? Come out, my baby!"

Xiaomao threw a poke ball backhand, red light flashed, and an unusually gorgeous and cool brown giant eagle spread its wings, screaming into the sky, and a hurricane rose with it.

Than the carving!

It was the perfect tool carving that was trained by Chi, but owned by Qinglu.

Because every time he sees this Pokémon, Qinglu's face will hurt, this is a good opportunity for Xiaomao to secretly inherit it, and he often borrows it secretly, not to mention, it is simply too perfect to use as a tool.

Going up and down and entering the sea is like entering the land of no one.

Xiaomao waved his thumb and said with a smile: "Tool carving, use the digging skill here!"

"Compared to Diao Diao!!"

Bi Diao is like a soldier who strictly obeys orders, meticulous.

It soared into the sky after a loud cry, its body hovered in mid-air, and its two dazzling giant wings twisted and spun wildly in the sky. From a distance, it looked like it had turned into a big brown drill.

"Thuk Thuk!!"

The big drill bit changed its direction and rushed vertically toward the ground, continuously digging a deep hole in the rocky ground.

"Good guy, does Bi Diao still have this kind of usage..."

Not to be outdone, Xiaozhi quickly threw his elf ball in the face of this highly accomplished Bi Diao.

"By calling!!"

This is his Bibi bird, although it appeared in a flashy manner, but compared with the previous comparison, it is not worth mentioning.

"Bibi Bird, have you seen your senior?"

Bibi Bird: "?"

It looked at Bi Diao who turned into a big drill bit, and was a little confused. There was something wrong with his senior's mind, so he didn't want to admit it.

Xiao Zhi waved his thumb and instructed:

"Copy its burrowing, Bibibird, we use burrowing too!!"


The Bibi bird fluttered its wings a few times, and tried to spin a few times at a slow speed in the air. It was okay as a fan, but the drill was a bit far away.

After all, not all Pokémon are its Pikachu, which can be copied at will.

"Better call!"

But Bibby Bird is still a smart Pokémon after all. It suddenly fell back to the ground, then turned around on the spot, and its two chicken feet began to scrape the sand behind.

Digging holes with flying sand feet in the free-range chicken style!

"Huh huh huh..."

The rocky land in front of it is also continuously spreading down a pit...

I also filled the sand that was thrown out into the hole carved by the tool...

Xiaomao: "?"


3 minutes later.

"I'm going down, you dig slowly, hee hee."

Xiaomao was about to jump into the deep pit holding one of the claws of the tool carving.

Xiaozhi's Bibi Bird dug for three minutes, only digging a small hole big enough to bury himself in place, while the tool carving directly dug a 5 or 6 meter deep hole.

And the most surprising thing is that the bottom seems to be a cave with gaps, rather than a real rock formation.

"Thank you, tool bird."

Xiaozhi quickly retracted Bibi Bird into the elf tool, and grabbed the other claw of the tool carving with his backhand.

"Squeeze, this green big guy's giant eagle was trained by my old brother Chi, and when he drives west someday, I will also have a share."


"Hammer, this is the sculpture of my big green brother. When he dies, I will own all the shares."

Qinglu: "?"

Holding the eagle's talons in one hand, the two tried to draw a rainbow on each other's face with the other, and sneaked into the deep pit cursing.



A deep pit cave 10 meters below the Grand Canyon.

The environment is dark and dry, and even the rocky ground under the feet is a little soft, filled with a simple and old smell, like an ancient place that no one has ever been to.

The two carefully scanned the surroundings, and the naked eye could barely perceive that the surrounding space was not particularly narrow. The cave was about 4 to 5 meters high.

"Hey, it's too dark, let your electric mouse use the flash." Xiaomao said suddenly.

Flash, tool skills, must-haves for mountaineering men.

Xiaozhi frowned, his Pikachu shouldn't be able to shine, but he couldn't lose in momentum, so he had to say:

"Pikachu, use the flash!"

Pikachu: "?"

"Hey, I just imagine myself as a big light bulb, shining outward." Xiaozhi tried to explain verbally.


Pikachu nodded to indicate that it has realized it, and its aptitude is extraordinary. It can master simple skills basically by moving its mouth.

"Pika, Chu!!"

Following its low cry, a burst of bright golden light suddenly erupted in the deep pit, caught off guard, and directly blinded the two people whose eyes had already adapted to the pitch black.

"Blind, blind!!"

"Ahhhh my titanium alloy eyes!!"

Suddenly there was a howl of ghosts and wolves in the deep pit cave, which seemed to be a demon from hell.

Xiaozhi quickly reminded:

"Pikachu, quick change power saving mode, power saving mode!!"


Pikachu scratched his head, trying to condense this beam of energy light around three meters in front of him, like a golden torch.

"It's finally normal..."

The two rubbed their eyes, and after getting used to it for a while, the eyeballs finally returned to normal.

But if the two of them get glaucoma or cataracts someday in the future, this electric mouse will be blamed.




It's just that before the two of them looked around, there were several rustling sounds from the cave in front of them, which seemed to be the sound of insect joints rubbing together, which was creepy.

In the next second, several scarlet light spots lit up out of thin air on a dirt slope not far from the two of them.

It seems that the previous high-power flash and the howling of the two attracted some creatures.

"Pikachu, switch the flash to normal mode."


With a flick of his tail, Pikachu switched the power-saving mode to normal mode, and the flashing range covered a medium distance of 5 meters.

Immediately, those few unknown creatures also completely revealed their faces.

Roughly speaking, these Pokémon are divided into two categories.

The first type is the shell-shaped sea Pokémon, with a light blue body and a yellow shell on the back. Several of them are small, and one of them is bigger. There are more shells on the back, and the shells on the back have become larger, with some spikes growing on them.

The other type is earthy-brown Pokémon, and the ones that are one size smaller, Ash knows, are fossil helmets.

There is also a large fossil helmet standing upright, with slender limbs growing out of its pitch-black body, which is as tall as a human being. The two claws in front of it have also been replaced with sharp sickles, shining coldly.

"Didi. Ammonite Beast, Spiny Ammonite Beast, Fossil Helmet, and Scythe Helmet are all rare fossil Pokémon, but in prehistoric times, they are also rotten Pokémon on the street."

"These fossil Pokémon don't need my introduction, do they? Is there anyone who doesn't know them? Hee hee."

The illustrations of the two made a beep at the same time.

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