He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1979 Electrotherapy...Fire Monkey, Resurrection!

Chapter 1979 Electrotherapy fire monkey, revived!

"Fire Monkey, it's dead!!"

Listening to Fan Dou's sad voice, the entire dojo arena was also in a silent and sad atmosphere, and Xiaozhi froze on the spot.

What the hell?

This is playing tricks on him. When we talked on the phone not long ago, wasn't Fire Monkey still doing well?

Said to have won the Grand Slam, Fire Monkey is now the most famous boxing star

Then suddenly, dead?

Not only Xiaozhi was stunned in place, but even Mingyi was in a daze, unable to close his mouth.

What kind of plot is this?

She hasn't been exposed to any Pokémon death incidents yet, so she didn't react for a while.

But the white cloth covered the ring, and the existence below seemed to have no breath, it was completely a corpse. It didn't look like a prank scene?

"What's going on, Mr. Fan Dou, tell me what's going on!"

Xiaozhi immediately turned over and jumped onto the ring, with a solemn expression and a slightly more serious tone.

Several fighters nearby saw Xiaozhi suddenly flipped up, and tried to stop him, but Fan Dou hurriedly waved his hand to stop him, walked slowly to the edge of the ring, and let Xiaozhi gently untie the white cloth.

Under the white cloth, it really was a fiery monkey.

Although his eyes were closed tightly and his breath was gone, even so, the sleeping Firestorm Monkey still had an angry expression.

There are still bulging and knotted blue veins on his forehead, and the muscles in his limbs have not completely faded.

It's really my fiery monkey! ?

"How is it possible for the Fire Monkey?"

Xiaozhi is completely stupid now, he has never been exposed to this kind of sudden death of Pokémon, and he was completely panicked for a while.

Stretch out your palm to caress the latter. The fire monkey has a brown ball body with thick and short fur, which is quite irritating to the touch.

Just fine, why did he die suddenly?

"Hey, it's all because of Christmas a few days ago"

Fan Dou's expression was also full of loneliness and regret, and he was even more apologetic towards Xiao Zhi.

It was obviously the precious Pokémon of the other party, but it was in his own hands, so he died like this.

"At that time, the Feiyun Boxing Martial Arts Academy held a special Christmas boxing match. It was more of an entertainment match, and there were no experts. Therefore, if Fire Monkey participated, it would naturally be able to easily win the championship."

At that time, Fire Monkey had already traveled around the world and won the boxing gold medal belt of the Grand Slam. His strength was not bad.

"Unexpectedly, in this game, the gutter capsized."

Unexpectedly, on the night of Christmas Eve, in the final match, Fire Monkey faced a .


A female human with long red hair, everyone calls her a red-headed madman.

With a human body, he successfully entered the finals? !

Even in the finals, although he was easily suppressed by the Fire Monkey in the early stage, he almost fainted from the beating

"It was only in the end that the red-haired maniac suddenly went berserk. He counterattacked and defeated Firestorm Monkey, and finally won the championship."

Fan Dou slammed the edge of the ring and said.

Mingyi: "?"

This kind of narration has completely fooled her behind.

Humans beat Pokémon?

She looked at Xiaozhi worriedly. The latter caressed the fire monkey, and his shoulders kept shaking.

"In fact, if you lose, you lose, and it's not a big deal. But in the following days, the fire monkey became more and more restless and angry, and would beat up the nearby humans or Pokémon at every turn. It seemed that because of losing to that Humans are angry."

Fan Dou continued, the fiery monkeys in the past could still restrain their fiery temper.

It's just that in those few days, the latter was far more irritable than usual, and he couldn't suppress his anger at all.

"In the end, Fire Monkey died of anger on the ring."

Mingyi: "?"

Hearing the sudden turning point, Ming Yi's expression changed, and he looked at Fan Dou with a question mark on his face.

Uncle, are you really kidding?

Just looking at the serious atmosphere around, it doesn't look like a joke at all

Um, if there really are Pokémon, will they die of anger in the ring?

"Fire Monkey"

Kneeling on the ring, Xiaozhi had listened to Fan Dou's narration completely, but he hadn't fully recovered yet.


Pikachu also rarely landed beside Xiaozhi, patted the latter's shoulder, and comforted him.

It looked at the Firestorm Monkey without a trace of breath, quite sentimental.

Back then, they also experienced a wonderful adventure

"Beep? By the way, this fiery monkey isn't dead yet, why is everyone looking like a funeral? Loto~!?"

At this time, Rotom's voice suddenly sounded, breaking the sad atmosphere.

"He's not dead? Don't talk nonsense, the Fire Monkey has no heartbeat. Xiaozhi, I'm sorry, you can tell me how you want to make up for it."

Mr. Fan Dou cursed the illustrated book first, then knelt down beside Huo Baohou and said.

No matter how you say it, if Fiery Monkey is angry to death in the ring, he, the trainer, will be punished.

"not dead?"

However, Xiaozhi has always been very confident in the words of his illustrated book, as if he had grasped a life-saving straw, his eyes suddenly became energetic.

That's right, Pokémon's vitality is so tenacious, how could it be so easy to be pissed off?

He immediately put his palm on the heart of the fire monkey, and used his waveguide power.

"Sure enough, it's not dead yet!"

The next moment, Xiaozhi's eyes brightened.

Although the heart has indeed completely stopped beating, the waveguide of the fire monkey as a living person still exists, and it is even extremely vigorous.

This feeling

It feels like touching your own Gengar, a ghost-type Pokémon.

The latter also felt cold and stiff to the touch, and his heart stopped beating every day.

It's just that the fire monkey and the ghost attribute, what's the relationship?

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi cheered up again, and immediately looked at Pikachu.

"Pikachu, please, give me an electric shock!"

It seems that my fire monkey may be going through some special stage but it is stuck in the middle?

That being the case, then electrotherapy it!

If it doesn't work, immediately call Yandi from his hometown, and burn the flames at the nozzle.

That's right, what was I worrying about just now, how could it be so easy for the fire monkey to die suddenly? !


Pikachu nodded, full of energy, and slapped his palms on the electric pouch on his cheeks, and the electric light burst out suddenly.

Boom! !

Then the dazzling electric light fell on the fiery monkey in the center of the ring, and the instant violent current made the latter's body muscles twitch continuously.

When the lightning dissipated, white smoke came out of the Firestorm Monkey.


However, the next moment, Firestorm Monkey really opened his eyes heavily, and slowly propped up his body.

This scene stunned Fan Dou and the fighters beside him.

Electrotherapy, really...really resurrected? !

You must know that Ms. Joy from Feiyun City has come to confirm it, and she is sure that the Fire Monkey is really angry!

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