He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1983: Practice Behemoth Slashing!

As for how to conduct special training, it is also very simple.

Everyone can attack the Forsaken Monkey together!


Of course, Pikachu does not participate in the special training, it has already jumped onto a tree branch, ready to enjoy a nap in the sun.

As for the other Pokémon, a situation of four packs and one has been set up in a short while.

The Abandoned Monkey raised its gray-white fur and had red eyes, but it still maintained its sanity.

"Give up drinking~!"

It hooked its hands, indicating that everyone can attack at any time.

Although it has participated in various boxing competitions with Fan Dou in recent years, it is not only fighting skills that have been improved.

His level and strength are extremely powerful at this moment!


The Progenitor Bird has a violent personality, and he took the lead, and several rocks flew out of his body immediately, and flew towards the Abandoned Monkey in unison.

It is the original force!

Boom bang!

It's just that as the Abandoned Monkey punched out the front, the huge fist smashed all the rocks in an instant, and there was an overwhelming power gap.

Don't look at the Archeopteryx practicing in the backyard for a long time

However, what the fossil pterosaur trains is more about its character and characteristics.

In terms of its own strength, it is actually only a little stronger than ordinary baby Pokémon.


However, under the cover of the gravel, the rattan snake seized the opportunity and acted decisively.

Flying leaves linger around the body, wrapped in a hurricane, and blast out crazily with the sweep of the tail. It is a new move in the Hezhong area, the grass stirs!


The timing of the vine and vine snake was perfect, the stirring of the grass immediately hit the Forsaken Monkey, and countless sharp flying leaves slashed across the latter's body.

It's just that it wasn't Feiye Storm after all, its power wasn't high, and the Forsaken World Monkey didn't even move a step.

"Don't look at the two of you, Nuannuanzhu, use gunpowder to charge!"

Seeing the other two Pokémon watching the battle in a daze, Xiao Zhi hurriedly said.

The Hezhong team was his first team to be infected with the Pokémon virus, and he was also very curious about how far they could grow in a short period of time.

Then daily exercise is the homework that must be done.

"Warm and drink!"

Although the appearance of the world-weary monkey was a bit scary, Nuan Nuan Pig still gritted his teeth, and a cloud of gunpowder and fire dust spewed out of his nostrils.


Then the body rushed into the gunpowder smoke, and immediately turned into a ball of fire, slamming into the target brazenly.


Just don't look aggressive, but the world-weary monkey pushed his chest up, and directly pushed the Nuannuan pig backwards.

"Nuan Nuan Zhu, come again, gunpowder charge!!"

Seeing Nuannuanzhu fall to the ground, not knowing how to move, Xiaozhi quickly reminded again.

Gunpowder Charge is a move that continues to increase speed. It doesn't matter if the first attack doesn't work, the second and third attacks are the key.

"Warm drink!"

Nuan Nuan Zhu stood up again, turned into a ball of gunpowder fire again, and rushed towards the eyes.

This time, the Abandoned Monkey still wanted to puff up its chest, and repeated the old trick.

Whoosh. Boom! !

The Nuannuan pig whose speed had been increased turned around, bypassing the front of the Abandoned Monkey, and then slammed into the back of the Abandoned Monkey's head. The attack was tricky!

The trick, it worked!

Abandoned Monkey's head hurt, and he subconsciously stretched out his hand to scratch his head.

Just for a moment, it suddenly discovered that the ground under its feet was covered with a faint blue shadow.


Zoroya's small white and blue body appeared even more strangely in front of the Abandoned Monkey. With a sly smile, he raised his hand and slapped his claws!

Shadow attack!


Regardless of Zoroya's short stature and just hatching, the power of this sneak attack from the shadow is not weak, and it made the Forsaken Monkey retreat a few steps again and again.

The effect is outstanding!

The joint attack of the four of them successfully knocked out a little stamina of the Abandoned Monkey, and immediately made the four little guys cheer and celebrate.

"Give up drinking.!"

However, the Abandoned Monkey, with the fur on the top of its head raised and its eyes red, walked forward again with heavy steps.

In the first round, I will fight you for nothing

Then, it's his turn!


The Abandoned Monkey immediately swung its fist, and with a burst of explosion, a dark purple energy fist flew out suddenly.

Fist of Wrath is the exclusive move of Abandoned Monkey!

"Hey, hey, Abandoned Monkey, don't be serious!"

The momentum of the Fist of Wrath was as scary as the Exploding Fist, Xiaozhi's face changed slightly, and he quickly reminded.

The level of the Abandoned Monkey is far higher than these four babies. If it is really serious, the winner will be determined in a short while.

However, the Abandoned Monkey still had the strength to stretch out the other hand to Xiaozhi, indicating that everything was under its control, which made Xiaozhi heave a sigh of relief.

And in the face of the angry fist hit by the Abandoned Monkey, the four little ones are not powerless to resist.

Zoroya's gaze sharpened, and he even jumped up on his own initiative, meeting the blow with his body.


Just like eating a cotton boxing blow, Sorolla spun around in the air and landed safely without incident.

It is Zoroya in the Xicui area, and it is even more blessed with a combination of ordinary + ghost attributes.

The fist of wrath with the ghost attribute is completely immune to it!


Seeing this, the rattan snake immediately stretched out its rattan whip and slapped the ground fiercely, with the air of a big sister commanding the audience.

The other three Pokémon understood, obeyed the command, and launched an attack together again.

"This group of guys will probably grow up soon."

Seeing the four Pokémon attacking together, cooperating tacitly, and not even needing to command by himself, this made Xiaozhi quite gratified.

I don't know if it's because of the Pokémon virus, or their own potential

Do you feel stronger than your previous partners in the baby stage?

Hezhong's baby brigade, the future is limitless!

Xiaozhi has already begun to look forward to how these little guys will evolve in the future.

After completing the evolution, the Abandoned Monkey's mentality has also become much more mature, and it will cooperate with the four babies to show the corresponding strength, neither too strong nor too weak.

Xiaozhi doesn't need to stay here any longer.

"Hey! Pikachu, let's practice that move!"

So Xiaozhi looked at Pikachu who was napping on the tree.

"Practice giant beast slash!"

This is the name Rotom later gave this trick.

It seems that it was originally a very special and powerful move, not an original name.

When Pikachu performed the move from the cut scar rock, the tail was indeed a bit bigger, which is also the attack form of the cut.

The name Giant Beast Slash is quite appropriate?

The most important thing is that the name is really handsome!


Sure enough, Pikachu, who originally wanted to have a good sleep, immediately lit up his eyes after hearing the name of this handsome move, and jumped down as if he had been hit with blood.

That's right, master this handsome behemoth as soon as possible!

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