He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1985 Genesect, a high-tech light cannon!

Unlike the Rockets trio who walked purely on their own intuition, Akromar held the detector map in his hand and relied on technology to move forward.

"It's here!"

Then he looked at the wall next to him, and subconsciously put his fingers against his chin to think, but when he lifted it up, he realized that he was wearing an oxygen mask.

Work was work, but he didn't want to smell the sewer stench.

Glancing at the radar map in his hand, they are currently located in the northwest corner of the sewer.

If it were placed on the ground above, it would almost be beyond the boundary of Feiyun City.

"This is it, you guys, smash this wall~!"

Akromar made a cross on the plain side wall, and then took a few steps back.

It was said that one of the plasma team soldiers nodded, and beside him was a purple-brown Pokémon that looked like a car tire.

Car rolling ball, the evolution of centipede, a combination of insect and poison attributes, is in the second stage of cocoon state.

"Use Desperate Charge!!"

Following the command of the soldiers of the plasma team, the rollers of this car immediately rotated at high speed, and a layer of golden light was attached to the whole body, and then it slammed into the wall.

Boom! !

The wall seemed to be hollow, and it didn't take too much effort before it crumbled and collapsed, revealing a vacuum stone cave passage.

Hoo hoo hoo!

As soon as the Feiyun sewer was connected, a rather icy wind blew outwards, and it took half a minute for the air pressure to balance and calm down.

"Sure enough. The Feiyun sewer is still connected to the ancient secret passage~!"

Akromar's eyes lit up, which was a great discovery.

The underground in the Hezhong area is not only the battle subway, but also various special passages built in ancient times, which can lead to extremely special places.

I glanced at the dark passage ahead, I don't know where it leads, and I glanced at the radar map in my hand for a little comparison.

If he guessed correctly, this secret passage should lead directly to the mysterious Hezhong Ancient Castle, right?

According to legend, it is a huge castle located in the desert, with a construction history of at least 2,000 years, and a special existence called the sun god is enshrined in the depths.

Akromar's scouting flames blazed up immediately, and he was about to enter the research immediately!

"Rolling Bat, use Air Slash!"

"Crying mask, use the shadow ball!"

At this time, two low voices suddenly came from the dark place behind.

Immediately afterwards, a spherical Pokémon sprang out, with a simple body structure, only a nose and a mouth, and a pair of small bat wings growing on both sides.


The wings fluttered again and again, and the air blade blown out directly blasted the car into the air.

The effect is outstanding!

On the other side, the strangely shaped crying mask threw a shadow ball, which hit the torn bag of the plasma team soldier, and hit the wall next to it heavily.

Even Miaomiao took action in person.

It stretched out its sharp claws, and with an incomparably swift and frantic claw, it tore at a cool leopard in succession.

Because it was a sneak attack, the cool leopard didn't react at all, and suffered from physical pain, and was finally knocked back by Meow Meow.


"Damn it, dare to attack our plasma team?!"

"I'm tired of living!"

The Pokémon of the three plasma team soldiers were defeated in an instant, and they all became angry from embarrassment, cursing angrily, and their voices echoed in the closed environment of the sewer.

Then Musashi and Kojiro came out from the corner.

The two hugged their chests and lowered their heads, posing in a cool pose

"Hmph, I seem to hear someone asking 'who'?"

"Since you asked the question sincerely!"

"Then let us tell you mercifully!"




"And meow~!"

Meow raised his claws, turned over and fell back between the poses of Musashi and Kojiro. He kept his claws sticking out, staring viciously at the cool leopard that was about to struggle to get up.

How dare you call yourself a leopard in front of Meow?

"We are Team Rocket traveling through the galaxy!"

"White hole, a white tomorrow is waiting for us~!"

In the end, the poses of the three people were frozen, and in the dim environment of the sewer, it seemed that someone was helping to light up, and the brilliant light shone on the faces of the Rockets trio.

It's been a long time since I read my debut lines, but it made Musashi Kojiro breathe a little bit.

But he was secretly happy in his heart, and secretly glanced in the direction of Fu Linduo behind him.

How, they gave Captain Rocket a face this time!

You should give us a good credit and report it in front of Boss Sakagi!

Rich Lindo: "."

In the dark corner, Fulindo frowned into black lines, and his blood pressure began to rise.

I have long heard that this team likes to engage in such fancy things, and today it seems that it is really eye-catching!

Bad review!

Write it down first!

However, compared to Fu Linduo's negative comments, Akromar's eyes on the other side were shining, and he even clapped his palms "papapapa", obviously appreciating such a debut performance very much.

"It's wonderful! It's wonderful! This is what I want~!"

Akromar immediately turned his head to look at the three plasma team soldiers, and said with high interest:

"Pass it on, when our new plasma team comes out next time, everyone must also prepare a set of exclusive lines to show the spirit of our new plasma team~!"

Three Team Plasma minions: "."

Boss, is now the time to pay attention to this? !

The enemy is coming!

And what kind of vision do you have, what's so exciting about this kind of awkward and awkward movement! ?

"You are a man of vision!"

"But, this is already the territory of our Rockets!"

"Hurry up, meow~!"

Team Rocket's trio showed vicious expressions, preparing to drive away the Plasma team.

Although I don't know what this pothole is for, could it be a passage for buried treasure?

No matter what, grab it first!

"Although I appreciate you all too much, I can't give you this place~"

Akromar laughed lightly, and slowly took out a poke ball.

It's just the friendly smile in the oxygen tank, but it looks more dangerous and permeable.


A poke ball was opened, and an extra Pokémon appeared in front of Akromar.

This time it wasn't the gear, but a very strange Pokémon.

The shape looks like a technologically modified insect, standing on two feet and making creepy sounds in its mouth.

The whole body is covered with dark purple armor, the binocular shield exudes a red light of technology, and there is a bunch of scary cannon barrels behind it.

Akromar even changed his face instantly, raised his hand and pointed:

"Kill them, Genesect, use high-tech light cannons!!"

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