He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1989 Fighting duel, vs Master Itachi!

Unexpectedly, it suddenly turned into a battle of heavenly kings, and the crowd that had dispersed around the training ground gathered again.

As for Lian Wu's opposite.

Although the boy had never heard of it, almost everyone in the park had seen this weird monkey moving around all afternoon. It was indeed an extremely powerful Pokémon.

"Can you still fight, Abandoned Monkey?"

Hearing Xiaozhi's question, Abandoned Monkey immediately jumped onto the training ground, raised two big fists and kept waving, his eyes were red, and the long hair on his head fluttered up.

It's been an afternoon of working out, but it's at its peak right now!

"In that case, let's go all out!"

So Xiaozhi stretched out his fingers and said in a low voice.

It just so happens that he hasn't fully cooperated with the current Abandoned Monkey yet, just to see the latter's current strength.

Using an alliance king as a trial sandbag, just right!

On the other side, Lian Wu also threw a poke ball.


When the red light fell, it turned out to be a Weasel Pokémon more than one meter tall.

It walks upright, with a sly face, and a slender and flexible body. Most of its body is covered with white fur and some purple ring patterns.

There are two tufts of long hair on the back of the hand, which looks like it is dragging two long sleeves.

Although it is obviously a fighting Pokémon, it doesn't look as tough as ordinary fighting Pokémon, but looks like a soft character.

Rotom understood, and naturally flew over Xiaozhi's head, and introduced:

"Beep! Master Itachi, fighting attribute, swinging the slender body hair on his arm to fight. Beep! The power is less than 1%, and it has automatically shut down."

It's just that before he finished speaking, Rotom's screen suddenly went out, and he fell to the ground very simply.

Xiaozhi: "."

Wasn't it fully charged last night? It was all exhausted after spending a lot of time playing in the afternoon! ?

Now, its aura on this side was completely destroyed by Rotom!

Xiaozhi could only forcibly ignore Rotom's tricky performance, and in the middle of the arena, a passer-by who acted spontaneously as the referee had already raised his palm and shouted that the battle began.

"Master Itachi, use See Through!"

"Abandoned Monkey, use Shadow Fist!"

As soon as the battle started, Master Itachi's eyes flashed, ready to lock the Abandoned Monkey.

Since Forsaken Monkey is a ghost-type Pokémon, normal fighting moves are totally ineffective against it.

But most fighting Pokémon also master the trick of "seeing through", which can penetrate the ghost Pokémon's body and make the move hit smoothly.

However, the Abandoned Monkey punched the ground through the air, and a shadow fist instantly popped out from the ground in front of Master Itachi.


The Shadow Fist hit Master Itachi's face, the attack was extremely fierce, and he was thrown flying.

"Weasel drink.!"

However, as the partner of the Heavenly King, this Master Itachi's level is naturally not low, and it can adjust and stabilize its body shape when flying upside down in the air.

The Abandoned Monkey has been spotted!

"It doesn't matter, Abandoned Monkey, cross chop!!"

Xiao Zhi directly attacked strongly.

The Abandoned Monkey understood, and rushed out immediately, making a cross-cut movement with both arms in front of him, and slammed straight into the target!

"Well done, Master Itachi, use your strength to fall!"

Master Itachi did not dodge, but adjusted the center of gravity of his body, and at the moment when the cross strike came, he tilted his head back.

The extremely flexible body seemed to be boneless, and the entire upper body fell over.

The palm hidden in the long sleeves held the arm of the Abandoned Monkey, and threw it backwards, throwing the Abandoned Monkey directly on its back.

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, and he immediately shouted:

"Abandoned Monkey, use Bounce on its Bounce!!"

Although the command sounded a little nonsensical, the Abandoned Monkey understood, and at the same time his body was thrown into the air, the cross split instantly turned into an open palm, grabbing Master Itachi's long sleeve.

Then, by virtue of the inertia of being thrown out, after turning upside down in the air, the Abandoned Monkey stomped on the ground with both feet, forcibly destroying the opponent's attack.

After the second stage of strength, Master Itachi was thrown from the back.

Whoop! !

Master Itachi was hit hard on the ground, making a loud noise!

Unexpectedly, it was Xiaozhi who won the first place in front of the king of the alliance, causing the passers-by around to make a surprised sound.

Even Lian Wu's complexion changed.

How can it be so simple to use force to fall?


Seeing this, Xiaozhi just touched his nose proudly.

The Abandoned Monkey has been boxing in the ring all these years. In terms of body control and fighting skills, it is definitely at the league champion level!

But Lian Wu is not a vegetarian, he suddenly said:

"Master Itachi, use flying kick!!"

Master Itachi on the ground stepped on the ground quickly and recoiled out, his movements were like thunder and lightning.

The bent knee hit the face of the Abandoned Monkey, kicking it back several meters in succession.

"Flying kick?"

Xiaozhi quickly put away his complacency and focused on the arena.

Flying Kick and Flying Knee Kick are similar moves, they are powerful moves, but once they miss the target, they will suffer huge damage instead.

However, the flying knee kick requires a high jump to accumulate energy, which is a big move of the fighting attribute.

However, the power of the flying kick is smaller, so it is possible to launch a lightning quick attack.

"In this way, it is a good thing."

But Xiaozhi suddenly raised the corner of his mouth, and then said in a low voice:

"Use Fist of Wrath!!"

Abandoned Monkey's Fist of Wrath is a move that will increase in power as the number of times it is attacked increases!

"Give up drinking!"

The Abandoned Monkey shook his head, let out a low cry, and punched his fist forward!


There was only a loud explosion, and a dark purple ghost fist flew out of the void, attacking Master Itachi directly.

The strange move that has never been seen before, but Lian Wu and Master Itachi were startled, and they hurriedly dodged.

"Come again, continue with Fist of Wrath!!"

Xiaozhi won't forgive anyone when he is in power, and continues to attack.

The long hair of the Abandoned Monkey's body was raised, its eyes were red, and its two big fists were swung out one after another. Amidst bursts of explosions, it shot out a series of dark purple ghost fists, attacking the audience!

Regardless of the huge movement, Fist of Wrath is actually just a small move that doesn't consume too much stamina.

It can even be launched continuously!


This also made Master Itachi can only jump and dodge continuously. Although it is a small move, this power seems not small at all!

Fortunately, Master Itachi's movements were extremely light and nimble, so he dodged them all one by one.

"Now, Master Itachi, use Bounce!!"

At this moment, Lian Wu shouted suddenly.

Master Itachi naturally had a perfect understanding with him, and he leaped up in an instant, soaring into the sky ten meters high.

Then it flew down to the direction of the Abandoned Monkey, stepping on the soles of its feet, it was about to trample heavily on the Abandoned Monkey's face!

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